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Rebecca Young

BA English

What has been the highlight of your time at Exeter?

I have enjoyed so much of my time here that it is difficult to pick one thing – but I would probably say that writing my dissertation was one of the most notable highlights of my time studying here. Having the opportunity to pursue a line of inquiry that developed from my research interests, spending long afternoons working alongside friends in the old library discussing our projects, and working one-to-one with a supervisor has been a hugely rewarding experience.

What will you miss the most about University?

Well, since I am going on to postgraduate study I will still be at University for a while yet! But I will be moving on from Exeter, and I will definitely miss the amazing academic staff that I have worked with here over the past three years.

What did you enjoy about your particular programme?

The programme offered by Exeter’s English department is particularly wonderful for the wide-ranging modules that are on offer, which reach across both period and disciplinary boundaries. The variety of assessments also gave plenty of opportunities to engage with the material we studied in interesting ways (for one of my modules we had to create a research scrapbook, which was particularly fun!).

However, it is really the people – students and staff - that make the programme what it is. The combination of lectures, seminars, study groups, and office hours with tutors offers abundant opportunity to learn about and discuss the texts on the modules, and the warmth and enthusiasm of the people in the department make it an exciting and engaging place to study.

What advice would you give to current and future students?

On the academic side of things, I would say make the most of the library resources that are available to you, and do look at some of the secondary reading (beyond just what you need for your essays!) as that really helps to broaden your understanding of texts and develop interesting, informed arguments for your own writing – and is honestly quite a lot of fun too.

And, more generally – being at university is not without challenges so do not be afraid to ask for guidance or support if you need it, whether that is from people in the department (like your personal tutor), or from the university’s support services.

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

Next year I am going to Oxford for a Master’s in English (1900 – present), and following that I hope to pursue further postgraduate study with a PhD.