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Postgraduate Research Board Outcomes

These pages are designed to act as a summary of recent changes to Procedures and Regulations which have been implemented following the meetings of the Postgraduate Research Board. Reading the information on these pages should not be taken as a substitute for having read the minutes and papers.

If there are any queries about this page, please contact the Quality Development Team by telephone by email to

The Outcomes from the PGR Board are available to view on the 2023-24 PGRB Outcomes Spreadsheet:

PGR Board Outcomes: October 2023, February 2024

Outcomes are listed according to the date of the meeting and correspond to the meeting minutes. The Outcomes are provisional until they are confirmed at the following meeting, along with the minutes. 

if you have difficulty accessing the link above, please contact the Doctoral College Quality Development team ( to view the above.

February & June PGR Boards 2023

The Outcomes from the February and June PGR Board are available to view on the 2022-23 Outcomes Spreadsheet: PGR Board Outcomes, February & June 2023

October Board 2022

Academic Partnerships Handbook

The academic partnerships handbook has been updated to reflect new Faculty structures and to ensure the Partnership Proposal Forms (PPFs) reflect current sign-off/approval processes - these are all minor amends. The MOU PPF was also updated regarding due diligence, which was agreed between Global Partnerships and Research Services earlier in the year. The whole of the TQA Handbook and every PPF (11 in total) were updated, along with an updated schematic of governance. The Research Only MoU PPF was tweaked slightly following the meeting, to ensure the approval section accurately reflected current processes.

Academic Partnerships Handbook Track Changes  (PGRB/22-23/08A)

Academic Partnerships Handbook - Teaching Quality Assurance Manual - University of Exeter


Learning and Teaching Support Handbook

Chapter 15. Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement

Annex 6: the Student Report Form has been updated with some minor additions to the documentation that can be shared with the Deans along with the Student Report Form related to cases of USPE. The amendments are designed to ensure that the Dean of Taught Students & Dean of PGR are in receipt of supporting information (e.g. relating to wellbeing support and student funding) which will be used to inform their decision-making when cases are referred to them.

Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement Track Changes   (PGRB_22-23_08D)

15 - Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement - Teaching Quality Assurance Manual - University of Exeter


Chapter 16. Accreditation of Prior Learning

Updated to ensure this clearly reflected the process for Dean's Exceptions - particularly section 5.5. The APCL and APEL forms were also updated.

Accreditation of Prior Learning Track Changes  (PGRB/22-23/08B)

16 - Accreditation of Prior Learning - Teaching Quality Assurance Manual - University of Exeter


Postgraduate Research Handbook

Chapter 5. Periods of registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students

Updated to Chapter 5 to:
• add in a new paragraph in relevant sections to remind the student to check the terms and conditions of their funding, student loan or other sponsorship ahead of requesting to change status.
• add a new section (9.6.1) to confirm that should the Upgrade Committee share the proposed outcome at the end of the viva, it should be made clear to the student & supervisor that it is a recommendation & is subject to approval. The wording will mimic the wording used in Chapter 12 - Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes for parity across the policies.
• Amend the wording under section 8.3.3 to change the timeline for USPE to start if there is non-submission after 6 months, not by the student’s proposed submission timeline, as experience has demonstrated that students do not always accurately predict the time that it will take to submission and should be given the maximum time allowed in the policy. Students will still be expected to submit a timeline to ensure that they have considered the amount of work to complete and that they are applying for the correct period of continuation status.

Amendments to TQA Manual following Summer Update (PGRB_22-23_08C)

5 - Periods of registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students - Teaching Quality Assurance Manual - University of Exeter


Chapter 18. PGR Student Absence Policy

Updated to clarify under the introduction in “Annex A Postgraduate Research Sickness Stipend Payments - Policy for University-funded postgraduate research students” and section 3 of “Annex B Maternity leave, paternity/maternity support leave, shared parental leave and adoption leave stipend payments - Policy for funded postgraduate research students” that all sickness and maternity/parental leave payments are considered a stipend payment and are subject to the same tax conditions as stipulated in the financial offer letter.

Amendments to TQA Manual following Summer Update (PGRB_22-23_08C)

18 - Postgraduate Student Absence Policy - Teaching Quality Assurance Manual - University of Exeter

5 October 2021


Learning and Teaching Support Handbook 

Chapter 15. Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement 

It has been noted that one section of wording in the Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement procedure can be interpreted to mean that the policy should not be run in conjunction with the Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study, Guidance on Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties, and Fitness to Practise procedures. An amendment to one word from ‘will’ to ‘may’ of the USPE procedure is proposed to confirm that the procedures can be run in conjunction with each other so long as students are clearly advised of the support available and the policies and process that will be followed to best enable them to engage with their studies

USPE tracked changes  (FGR/21/49D)

Learning and Support Handbook - Chapter 15. Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement 


Postgraduate Research Handbook

Chapter 5. Return from Medical Interruption

The main policy change recommendation is to amend the policy for return for medical interruption, categorising students into two distinct groups, those who can solely self-certificate to return to study and those who must follow an enhanced process with the opportunity for the University to ensure that medically they are fit to return. This change is in response to student feedback that the current policy is unnecessarily complicated, particularly as medical certification may not be easily obtained. It also ensures that the decision making in more severe welfare case can be made with Medical Practitioner guidance, thus ensuring that the Welfare Team are not compelled to make decisions regarding return to study on the basis of a generic medical certificate or in some cases no medical evidence.

Return from Medical Interruption tracked changes (FGR/21/44A)

PGR Handbook - Chapter 5. Periods of Registration - Section 4. Interruption of Studies 


Chapter 6. PGR Liaison Forums - Code of Good Practice

The proposed revisions to the ‘PGR Liaison Forums - Code of Good Practice’ have been made in order to: bring the SU and Guild codes together in a more aligned way; ensure that any secretary for PGR LFs are not PGR representatives; having two different levels of representation has become a focus and the removal of specific references to the “PGR Executive” meeting (the purpose of this change is to allow flexibility between the Guild and the SU to hold a more effective PGR student representative meeting that better suits the different student bodies).

PGR Liaison Forums tracked changes  (FGR/21/47A)

PGR Handbook - Chapter 6. PGR Liaison Forums - Code of Good Practice


Quality Review Framework 

Contents page, Chapters 1&2 

The QRF is to be renamed as the 'Quality Review and Enhancement Framework' (QREF), to better align with and to reflect the activities involved in quality review, and that other complementary edits be added. Additional information has been added to section 1 of the QRF to better illustrate quality review and enhancement activities, and how they complement each other. These additional amendments ensure that the QRF focuses on the enhancement of programmes and quality provision, in keeping with the proposed Periodic Programme Quality Enhancement Review Policy.

Quality Review Framework tracked changes  (FGR/21/49C)

Quality Review Framework


Chapter 3. PGR Quality Review Timeline and Process

The proposed revisions amend the Light-touch and Deep-dive cycle timelines to a consistent annual February to April window for both cycles. For Light-touch cycles, the Discipline Director of PGR (DPGR), or equivalent, will compile a Department/Discipline level Thematic Report. For Deep-dive cycles, the College DPGR will compile a College Action Plan, following discussion at Department/Discipline and College level. The Quality Review Working Party (QRWP) will act as a mechanism to continually review the suitability of the timeline and the supporting guidance/report templates.

PGR Quality Review Timeline and Process tracked changes  (FGR/21/46E)

Quality Review Framework - Chpater 3. Quality Review for Postgraduate Research Programmes


Calendar 2021/22

Part 1 Regulations

Reg E. University of Exeter Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise, Annex 1

The Doctor of Clinical Practice (Research) and the Doctor of Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice programmes have been added to Annex 1 of the FtP Procedures.

Fitness to Practise tracked changes (FGR/21/49B)

Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise 


Reg F. Health, Wellbeing and Support to Study Procedure

HWSSP has been reviewed to identify improvements. The review identified a number of areas where changes to the Procedure will provide clarity and improve the HWSS process for staff and students.

Health, Wellbeing and Support to Study tracked changes (FGR/21/49A)

Health, Wellbeing and Support to Study Procedures 

3 February 2022


Postgraduate Research Handbook

Chapter 12. Examination Handbook

Updating 4.4 of Appendix A to Chapter 12 to clearly define that, in normal circumstances, research degrees should be examined by an internal and external examiner.

Examination Handbook tracked changes  (FGR22/09D)

Postgraduate Handbook, Chapter 12 Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes


Quality Review and Enhancement Framework 

Chapter 4. External Examining

Updating the Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA) Manual, to enable clearer signposting of information pertaining to the appointment, responsibilities, and reporting of the University’s External Examiners for Taught and Research Programmes, as well as for External Assessors and Advisors, and the new role of Principal External Examiner for taught programmes. The External Examining Chapter will become a standalone chapter in the TQA Manual.

QREF Chapter 4 tracked changes (FGR/22/09A)

External Examining Handbook


Calendar 2021/22

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes

Faculty of Graduate Research 

Updating the Regulations to ensure alignment with the Teaching Quality Assurance Manual, Chapter 11 - Presentation of theses/dissertations for degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research: statement of procedures regarding the reference to the prescribed word count for research degrees and stated exclusions to word maxima.

Faculty of Graduate Research tracked changes  (FGR/22/09C)

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes 2. Faculty of Graduate Research


Regulations, Disciplinary and other Procedures for Students 

Reg E. University of Exeter Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise

The regulation has been reviewed and updated in order to ensure its ongoing effectiveness and currency. Updates include an updated list of regulations, details of how Regulation E will interact with the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure and an alternate Fitness to Practise pathway for PGCE programmes.

Fitness to Practise tracked changes (FGR/22/09B)

Regulations, Disciplinary and other Procedures for Students, Fitness to Practice Procedures


Reg F. Health Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures (HWSS)

The process and format of Level 3 meetings has been updated after review. Updates include Future Level 3 meetings will be chaired by a senior member of staff outside of HWSS, students will be invited to submit written evidence/statements and face to face meetings with students to explain outcomes and put in place ongoing support.

HWSS tracked changes (FGR/22/13)

Regulations, Disciplinary and other Procedures for Students, Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures (HWSSP)

9 June 2022


Learning and Teaching Support Handbook

Chapter 13. Procedures for the interruption and voluntary withdrawal of taught students

Updating for the delegation of approval for retrospective applications for interruption and withdrawal in excess of four weeks from the point of application from Faculty Dean to DoE and ADR or, DPGR or DDPGR. Exceptional approvals will remain with the Faculty Dean.

Interruptions and Withdrawals (FGR/22/23H)

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook, Chapter 13 - Procedures for the interruption and voluntary withdrawal of taught students


Postgraduate Research Handbook

Chapter 5. Periods of registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students

Updating to Section 12 to include withdrawal for non-submission of the thesis and non-submission of amendments following the thesis examination.

Students deemed withdrawn (FGR/22/23I)


Chapter 12. Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes

Updating to Section 8.13 to refer to the inclusion of non-submission of amendments as a reason for students to be deemed withdrawn.

Students deemed withdrawn (FGR/22/23I)


Chapter 16. Visiting Postgraduate Research Students Policy and Procedures

Updating the policy to clarify the English Language expectation for visiting research students and additional information on the definition of a Visiting Research Student. Updating of Annex A- Summary of Student Visitor Schemes for name changes.

Visiting Postgraduate Research Students Policy and Procedures (FGR/22/26)

Postgraduate Handbook, Chapter 12 - Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes


Chapter 18. PGR Student Absence Policy

The introduction of a PGR focussed student absence policy to cover:
• Greater clarity about options for students with a disability or chronic/fluctuating health condition regarding managing deadlines and milestones and a reduction in the burden of proof of their conditions.
• Reference to HR policy for students who are also members of staff.
• Greater detail about routes for Professional Doctorates on placements/in employment.
• Differentiation between different periods of absence and actions required for these.
• Reference to the student sickness stipend payment policy and clarification regarding entitlement.
• Reference to the return from medical interruption policy.
• Reference to the maternity funding policy.
• Clarification of entitlement regarding phased return to study.
• Further detail regarding absence from PGR milestones and examination
• Detail about eligibility for cumulative short-term absences and reference in the sickness stipend payment policy about eligibility for funding over cumulative absences throughout a period of study

In addition, supporting policies (Sickness Stipend Payments Policy and the Maternity & Parental Leave Funding Policy) have been updated following the creation of the new PGR Student Absence Policy.

PGR Student Absence Policy (FGR/22/17 & FGR/22/17A-C)


Calendar 2021/22

Regulations, Disciplinary and other Procedures for Students 

Reg A.  General Regulations for Students

Clarity has been added in relation to elements of the procedure and their application on the Cornwall campuses and for PGR students.

Revisions to General Regulations (FGR/22/23D)


Reg D.  Disciplinary Procedure – Non -academic Misconduct

Updating to add clarity to the procedure around the impact of complexity in completing cases in the normal timeframes. Explanations of the remit of a Disciplinary Board and the running order of an Appeal Board have been added.

Revisions to the Student Disciplinary Procedure (FGR/22/23B)


Reg F.  Health Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures (HWSS)

Updating of sections iii) How and when should the Procedure be used? and section to (iv) Who can instigate the procedure? to reflect that students can request that their situation is considered under the HWSS procedure.

Health Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures (FGR/22/23F)


Reg G.  Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals

The procedures have been updated to better reflect the process for PGR students.

Revisions to the Appeals Procedure (FGR/22/23C)


Reg H.  Student Complaints Procedure

Updating to add clarity to the procedure around the impact of complexity in completing cases in the normal timeframes.

Revisions to the Student Complaints Procedure (FGR/22/23A)


Sexual Misconduct Policy

Clarity has been given on support and other procedures referred to within the document and links provided.

Sexual Misconduct Procedure (FGR/22/23E)


Articles of Governance

Nomenclature changes to the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances to reflect the restructure of Colleges to Faculties.

Changes to the University’s Articles of Governance (FGR/22/23G)

6 October 2020

Changes to TQA Manual/ Calendar Regulations

Student Absence

Student attendance, engagement and absence have been reviewed by the University as a result of COVID-19, taking account changes in the way that students are studying.  This has resulted in changes to the relevant regulations and policies. Following consultation, chair's action was taken to make additional minor changes to ensure the revisions were appropriate for PGR students.

Student Absence PolicyGeneral Regulations (FGR/20/52)


Signing and delegation changes. 

The TQA Manual has been reviewed with a view to considering the delegation of authority. As a result some minor changes have been made to approval processes. These include clarification of when and to whom authority should be given below the level of College DPGR or where the role of the discipline DPGR in supporting the College DPGR could be emphasised.

'Arrangements for the supervision of research degree students- Code of Good Practice' (FGR/20/45)


'Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students- Code of Good Practice' (FGR/20/45)


'Statement of Proceedures: Periods of Registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students' (FGR/20/45)

4 February 2021

Changes to TQA Manual/ Calendar Regulations


'Learning and teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 15- Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement' (FGR/21/10)

The code has been updated to point readers directly to the new 'Engagement Monitoring for Tier 4 & student Visa Holders' as a result of the introduction of the new Student Route to replace Tier 4 and updated UKRI guidance. In addition, the handbook has been reviewed and other minor updates made for clarity of wording, including with regard to the expiry period of warnings and who may issue the final warning.

'Learning and teaching Support Handbook: Chapter 16- Accreditation of Prior Learning' (FTP/21/13D)

Updated to show new delegated approval process for Accredited Prior Learning (APL) applications for both UG/ PGT and Professional Doctorate programmes.

'Credit and Qualifications Framework, Chapter 9: Academic Credit Requirements for Award'* 

*Updates to section 4, Credit-Rated Research Awards tables 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 to include new CLES programme Doctor of Psychodynamic/ Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice (DPPClinPrac)

'Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook'- Chapter 9. Classification of Awards*

*Section 9.11 updated to include new CLES programme Doctor of Psychodynamic/ Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice (DPPClinPrac)


TQA Updates to the following sections of the PGR Handbook:

'Supervision of postgraduate research students: code of good practice' (FGR/21/11)

Section 3.2 has been updated to keep in line with the new Open Access Research and Research Data Management Policy introduced by the University in January 2021 and to add reference to publisher agreements.  

'Statement of Procedures- Periods of registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students' (FGR/21/11)

Section 4.7 updated to further clarify that delegated authority applies to approval of all non-exceptional interruption requests. This follows on from discussions at the October DCMG meeting, see minute 20.45 (FGR/21/01A)

Section 7.2 updated access to part-time study at variable ftes for students who entered prior to 2019/20, which had been by exception previously.

*Section 3.1 updated to include new CLES programme Doctor of Psychodynamic/ Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice (DPPClinPrac)

 'Annual monitoring review: code of good practice' (FGR/21/11)

Section 5.2 updated to reflect how periods of study are measured for entrants from 2019-20.

'Presentation of theses/ dissertations for degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research: statement of procedures'

*Sections 1 and 5.8 updated with references to the new Doctor of Psychodynamic/ Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice (DPPClinPrac) programme



Calendar Updates

Section 2.2 of the following Regulations Governing Academic Programmes were updated to ensure consistency and explicitly show that students have the option to transfer from Doctoral Studies to a Masters by Research, or from one type of Doctoral programme to another:

'2.5 Regulations Governing the Degrees of Master of Arts by Research and Master of Science by Research' (FGR/21/11)

'2.9 Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Engineering (EngD)' (FGR/21/11)

'2.10 Regulations Governing the Degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery' (FGR/21/11)


*'1.18 Master- Arts, Bus Admin, Education, Eng, Eng.(European), Fine Arts, Laws, Public Admin, Public Health, Research, Clinical Research, Practice & Science'* - updated to include new and amended qualifications and credit-rating in section 3.1

*'2.3 Regulations Governing Professional Doctorate Degrees' - updated to include new and amended qualifications and credit-rating and assessment arrangements in section 6.3.



*Ordinance 7 updated to include new CLES programme Doctor of Psychodynamic/ Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice (DPPClinPrac) and significant amendments to SSIS programme Doctor Of Education (EdD)


* These items were approved via Chair's Action after the DCMG meeting and not included in the Agenda and Papers for 04 February 2021.

10 June 2021

Changes to TQA Manual/ Calendar Regulations

TQA Manual:

*Handbook for Examination (FGR/21/27)

  • The Doctoral College has been operating a 'Viva Voce Examinations by Video-link – Temporary Policy in Response to Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak', in response to which the handbook has now been updated with regard to holding vivas by video-link. 
  • Revisions have also made to align the ‘Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes: Chapter 3 Assessing Candidates with Disabilities’ with changes to the ‘Inclusive Practice within Teaching and Learning’ Policy (see alternative assessment, below)
  • The opportunity had also been taken to make other minor changes in response to recent examinations. These are primarily for clarity and include updates on Criteria for Nomination of Examiners and NEIC; Declarations of Interest; Preliminary Reports;Attendance at the Viva & Viva Agenda; Completing the report of the Board of Examiners (annotating copies of the thesis). 

Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes

*Presentation of Theses (FGR/21/27)

The Doctoral College has been operating a 'Electronic Thesis Submission - Temporary Policy in Response to Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak'. Electronic thesis submission has now been integrated into the procedure.

Presentation of Theses/Dissertations for Degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research: Statement of Procedures

 *Periods of Registration (FGR/21/27)

The Doctoral College has been operating temporary guidance 'Arrangements for Upgrade Vivas by Electronic Means – Temporary Guidance in Response to Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak'. This has been used to create an additional annex on holding upgrade vivas by video-link in the procedure. The Doctoral College has been operating a  ‘University of Exeter Doctoral College Applications for Deferral of Internal Programme Deadlines – Temporary Policy in Response to Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak’. The temporary policy has been used for upgrade for both students entering prior to and from the 2019-20 academic year, and also for students in EMPS who do not upgrade, but who have to complete end of year reports. As it has provided consistency of expectations for students in these settings 'Annex 1- Applications for deferral' has been extended to cover all upgrade deferral applications, and for EMPS students applying to defer their end of year reports.

Statement of Procedures - Periods of registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students

 Temporary Policies - The  temporary policies referenced above:

'Viva Voce Examinations by Video-link – Temporary Policy in Response to Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak'

'Electronic Thesis Submission - Temporary Policy in Response to Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak'

'Arrangements for Upgrade Vivas by Electronic Means – Temporary Guidance in Response to Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak'

‘University of Exeter Doctoral College Applications for Deferral of Internal Programme Deadlines – Temporary Policy in Response to Impact of Coronavirus Outbreak’

  will be stood down once these changes are live.


Quality Review Framework (FGR/21/26)

 The PGR Quality Review process now incorporates a light-touch (thematic) and deep-dive alternating process, based on the light-touch process utilised in the 2019/2020 cycle. The Management Group are continuing to give consideration to the timing of the Quality Review cycle, however, it is not anticipated that ongoing discussions with regard to timing will impact on the principles set out in the Quality Review Framework.

Quality Review Framework 

Alternative Assessments (FGR/21/23)

Students who experience barriers to learning are legally entitled to alternative provision in order to remove those barriers, even if this means advantaging them over others; this is our legal obligation. However, alternative assessment provision is not just a legal issue, it is integral to our ‘success for all’ agenda and intention to continuously deliver more inclusive student experiences.

Revisions to the Inclusive Practice within Teaching and Learning Policy and additional guidance and information to staff and students on the provision of alternative assessments will help guide staff when considering applications for alternative assessments, as well as streamlining the application process itself and delivering more consistent and appropriate outcomes for students.

Alternative Assessments tracked changes

Learning and Teaching Support Handbook, Chapter 26: Inclusive Practice within Academic Study

Credit and Qualifications Framework Chapter 9 (FGR/21/29E)

Changes to the layout and content of Chapter 9 of the CQF have not worked well with difficulties in making changes to the tables and table numbers. This has been particularly difficult in T4, the Content Management System, which generates the web version of the CQF. CQF reverted to a short explanatory outline of the content of Chapter 9 and the awards data moved into an Annex; with links in Chapter 9 to the Annex. The Annex will sit as a stand-alone document in PDF format. The awards data document can then be revised more easily, without Faculty Boards approval being required, and the revised Annex uploaded to the media library in T4 when updates are carried out.

CQF tracked changes

Credit and Qualifications Framework, Chapter 9 - Academic Credit Requirements for Award and Annex A

Credit and Qualifications Framework – Professional Doctorates 

CQF updated to align with the framework from the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for the new Doctor of Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Clinical Practice (DPPClinPrac) and to facilitate the APL of students onto this new Doctorate Programme, encouraging flexibility in the interest of the student. (FGR/21/29F)

Credit and Qualifications Framework Prof Docs tracked changes

CQF updated to include new Professional Doctorate programmes already approved under Chair's Action (FGR/21/37).

Credit and Qualifications PD tracked changes

The General Regulations have been reviewed and updated in line with revisions to the Student Disciplinary Procedures, Residency Regulations, Chapter 13 of the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook, as well as to assure ourselves that the University is compliant with the requirements of the CMA.

PGR Liaison Forums (FGR/21/31)

The Doctoral College, the Guild and the SU had been looking to identify ways to improve both the running of PGR LFs and awareness of them. As a result, changes to the Code have been made to move from a requirement to produce minutes to an action plan and highlighting the use of Sharepoint for communications, as this holds the minutes/action plans of PGR LFs. The list of PGR LF potential agenda items has also been updated.

Code of Good Practice – PGR Liaison Forums




*General Regulations for Students (FGR/21/29A)

The General Regulations have been reviewed and updated in line with revisions to the Student Disciplinary Procedures, Residency Regulations, Chapter 13 of the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook, as well as to assure ourselves that the University is compliant with the requirements of the CMA.


*Student Academic Appeals (FGR/21/29C)

The Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals have been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the OIA’s Good Practice Framework.

Academic Appeals tracked changes

*Student Complaints Procedure (FGR/21/29D)

The Student Complaints Procedure has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the OIA’s Good Practice Framework

Complaints tracked changes

*Student Contract FGR/21/30)

The Student Contract has been reviewed review to ensure that the information remains current, and in line with the University overarching Legal duty to ensure it has a clear contract with Students.

Student Contract tracked changes

*Student Disciplinary Procedure - Non Academic Misconduct (FGR/21/29B)

The Disciplinary Procedure – Non Academic Misconduct has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code and the OIA’s Good Practice Frameworks.

D‌isciplinary Procedure tracked changes


*These procedures are in the process of being updated over the summer period. 

8 October 2019

Changes to TQA Manual:

Periods of Study

Changes were made to the 'Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ (FGR/19/51A) following recommendations made by the Periods of Study Review Working Party (FGR/19/51). 

The primary change is the inclusion of a detailed process to support the consistent management of applications for deferral, operating as an annex to the 'Statement of Procedure: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’.

Applications for Deferral

A new Annex 1 – ‘Applications for Deferral’ (FGR/19/51B) sets out the detail in this regard and it is supported by a Postgraduate Research Students Deferral Form (FGR/19/51C) initially for upgrades for 19-20 entrants only. This aims to support parity of consideration of applications for deferral, and provide clarity with regard to the exceptional circumstances where an application might be appropriate. The principle was built into the procedure in the 2018-19 academic year.

Interruption of Studies

Section 4.7 on interruptions has been updated to specify that the start date of a period of interruption may be backdated to a maximum of four weeks prior to the date of an application to interrupt, although only in exceptional circumstances. No exceptions beyond this time-frame may be made without the explicit permission of the Dean of Faculty.

Continuation Status

Section 8 has been updated to list college-specific monitoring requirements for by publication students looking to transfer to continuation status. The regulations for the various By Publication Programmes have therefore, also been updated to match other regulations. See also Changes to Calendar Regulations below.

Clarification in the ‘Code of Good Practice - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students’ (FGR/19/51D) that College Codes of Supervision should contain information on College specific monitoring requirements, such as those related to the requirements for readiness to transfer to continuation status.

College Upgrade Committee Membership

Clarification that NHS staff who have an honorary appointment at the University could be appointed to College Upgrade Committees.

Upgrade Outcomes

Section 9.7 has been updated to clarify pro-rata timescales for revisions after Upgrade Committee meetings, for part- time students entering from 2019-20. 

The Periods of Study Review Working Party is at present an ongoing Working Party of the Management Group, which is now primarily at the stage of implementation of changes to procedure previously approved. The revisions now proposed are supplementary to and consistent with those broader changes, and arise in the main as a result of discussions focused on ensuring that the right detail is in place to support the implementation of these changes.

Employment of Students

Minor changes were made to the ‘Code of Good Practice: Employment of Postgraduate Students’ (FGR/19/55) to ensure that the Code was reflective of current practice adopted by People Services, for managing PTA employment contracts.

Changes to Calendar Regulations

‘Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Publication’, ‘Regulations Governing the Degree of Master of Philosophy by Publication’ and ‘Regulations Governing the Degree of Master of Arts by Research and Master of Science by Research by Publication’ (FGR/19/51-4.3) have been updated to align with changes made to ‘Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ as part of the Periods of Study review.

For clarity and consistency, paragraph 4 of each regulation has been edited to show that candidates can be registered on Continuation Status provided they have fully completed their research and with approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean of College.

Terms of Reference and Ordinances

The annual review of the Terms of Reference for the Management Group of the Doctoral College (FGR/19/46A) was completed and updates made to reflect the rebranding of the Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union and the Doctoral College governance changes, such as reporting into RIEG (Research and Impact Executive Group) following the removal of the Doctoral College Strategic Board.
The membership list was updated (FGR/19/46E) to reflect changes to the structure of the Doctoral College and roles within it and external to it. This was approved by Senate on 6th November 2019.

Ordinance 23.4 (FGR/19/46B) was updated to reflect the rebranding of the Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union, the Doctoral College governance changes and to provide flexibility regarding the role of the Associate Dean, as there is currently no intention to reappoint an Associate Dean for the Doctoral College and Postgraduate Research when the current term of office ends. This was approved by Senate on 6th November 2019 and Council on 12th December 2019.

6 February 2020

Changes to TQA Manual

Changes were made to The Statement of Procedures 'Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research students' (FGR/20/15)



Students who interrupt on medical grounds are currently required to provide a medical certificate to confirm that they are fit to return to their studies, however, students are not always able to obtain such a note. As such, section 4.9 has been updated to include an alternative route has now been specified where this is not possible, and students without a certificate, will now be referred to Wellbeing Services (PGR Welfare Support Advisor initially) for further discussion and confirmation that it was appropriate for the student to re-register. 



The wording with regard to the upgrade outcomes available to the College Upgrade Committee has been updated (paragraph 9.7) to ensure it is clear, that unless the outcome at the first attempt is a pass, all other outcomes will require the student to make a second attempt, which requires the College Upgrade Committee to consider the work submitted.


Mode of attendance

'Changes to Mode of Attendance: Full-time and Part-time Status section' (section 7.5) have been approved to allow for management of change of programme, including change of mode of attendance, within MyPGR for 2019-20 entrants onwards. This change would take effect only once the MyPGR system changes are made live.


Visiting Students

Changes were made to The 'Visiting Postgraduate Research Students Policy and Procedures' (FGR/20/15A) to include the removal of 'Annex B- OAS App Form' (FGR/20/15B), which has been replaced by an online application form and to renumber the other appendices accordingly. Changes also include clarifying wording around timings and fees, as it was unclear which fee should be used at 3, 6 and 12 months. Hence up to and including 3 months would be free of charge, 3 months and 1 day fall into the first of the chargeable brackets.


Credit and Qualifications Framework

The 'Credit and Qualifications Framework' (FGR/20/16) was revised to remove out of date references to the National Qualifications Framework ('NQF Level').


Changes to Ordinances

Ordinance 23.4 (FGR/20/02) governing membership of the Doctoral College Management Group, was updated to take account of the removal of the Associate Dean role.


Temporary policy changes

Virtual Viva's & Electronic Thesis submission- our new policies are in place to enable vivas to go ahead using video conferencing (E.g. Microsoft Teams) and electronic submission of a students Thesis. These are available from the new temporary COVID-19 policies webpage here

4 June 2020

Changes to TQA Manual/ Calendar Regulations

Calendar Regulations

Doctor of Clinical Practice (Research)(FGR/20/33B)

The CQF and University Regulations were updated to note the renaming of the Doctor of Clinical Practice (DClinPrac) to Doctor of Clinical Practice (Research) together with establishment of an exit award.

Sexual Misconduct Procedure(FGR/20/33C)

The sexual misconduct procedure has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code, the OIA’s Good Practice Frameworks, the Universities UK Changing the Culture report and the Office for Students’ consultation on harassment and sexual misconduct in HE.

Student Disciplinary Procedure(FGR/20/33D)

The Student Disciplinary Procedure has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code and the OIA’s Good Practice Frameworks

Student Complaints Procedure(FGR/20/33E

The Student Complaints Procedure has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the OIA’s Good Practice Framework.

Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals(FGR/20/33F)

The Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals has been reviewed to consider its alignment with the QAA Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the OIA’s Good Practice Framework

Fitness to Practise (FGR/20/33G)

The Fitness to Practise procedures have been updated to ensure ongoing effectiveness and currency.


TQA Manual

Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQF) (FGR/20/33A)

Changes to the Credit and Qualifications Framework are necessary to match the awards shown in the CQF and those detailed in SITS. The layout of the awards has been changed to be grouped under ‘parent’ awards.

PGR Quality Review (formerly “ASER”) (FGR/20/27)

Chapter 3 of the Quality Review Framework is to be amended to reflect the revised process for PGR quality review to take into consideration revision to the timeline to facilitate greater alignment with the PRES cycle and discipline DPGR appointment periods, and the quality review data requirements. The Management Group recommended the proposed changes subject to review at the end of the 2020/21 cycle to see whether there were opportunities to learn from the light-touch approach used for the 2019-20 cycle in response to Covid-19 and consider using a lighter-touch approach in alternating years.

Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes Handbook (FGR/20/33H)

Programme amendment set out in section 5 and Programme Approval and Amendment form (PAAF) updated to reflect the need for the module and programme amendment process to better align with the University’s Student Protection Plan (SPP), ensuring colleges making amendments are aligning their mitigating actions with the expectations of the OfS articulated through the University’s approved SPP.

Postgraduate Research Handbook – Chapter 12 (FGR/20/29) 

The Postgraduate Research Handbook, Chapter 12 - Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes (section 4.5.2) will be updated to encouragement completion of the online module ‘Navigating the PGR Examination Process’ by clarifying that internal examiners with relevant examining experience but without experience of examining at the University of Exeter at the relevant level may make a case for their appointment without the appointment of a Non-Examining Independent Chair if they have completed the module.

 Temporary Policies introduced following the COVID-19  (FGR/20/24)

Temporary revision of the TQA Manual has been necessary to take into account changes due to the impact of Covid-19 on education delivery. These changes have been approved by the Dean or Deans of Faculty as relevant, communicated to staff and students and will be reviewed every 3 months.

The areas that have been amended are as follows and the relevant areas of the TQA now include links to refer people to the exceptional policies page, which is located on the Doctoral College website. More information is also available via the FAQ pages.

1.    Employment of postgraduate students: code of good practice

  •  Temporary PTA Policy

2.    Periods of registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students

 Temporary Upgrade deferral policy This temporarily replaces the ‘Applications for deferral annex'

  • Temporary general deferral policy
  • Temporary remote upgrade viva policy
  • Temporary funded extensions policy
  • COVID-19 Policy on Extension to the Period of Study- awaiting approval

3.    Presentation of theses/dissertations for degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research: statement of procedure

 Temporary Thesis policy- awaiting approval

4.    Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes

  •  Temporary Viva Voce Examinations by Virtual Means policy.

5.   Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement: Code of Good Practice’

  •  Temporary Unsatisfactory Progress policy

6.    Professional Doctorates FTP/20/19A-D There have been some temporary exceptions to policies managed by the Faculty of Taught Programmes that impact the professional doctorate programmes. For example, arrangements with regard to external examiner (for the non-thesis elements of the programmes) absence and appointments. More information is available within the papers for the June meeting of the Board of the Faculty of Taught Programmes.

9 October 2018

Employment of Postgraduate students (FGR/18/43)

'Code of Good Practice: Employment of Postgraduate Students’ 

Changes to the ‘Code of Good Practice: Employment of Postgraduate Students’ have been made, which include the following:

  • Where postgraduate students are undertaking regular/pre-scheduled work, they should be engaged on contracts of employment within the Education and Scholarship job family.
  • PG students employed as Postgraduate Teaching Assistants in 2018/19 will be given a fractional (annualised hours) contract from September 2018 to September 2019.
  • Updating maximum hours of employment to take account of upcoming changes bringing greater flexibility of part-time study.

To support these new arrangements, People Services have developed revised PTA webpages. Part of the Code has been amended to refer to this website.

Visiting Students (FGR/18/45A)

Visiting Postgraduate Research Students Policy and Procedures 

The Management Group considered a paper on the establishment of a policy for visiting research students at its February 2018 meeting where the Management Group recommended approval of the policy subject to agreement of the fee structure by the pricing sub-group. The final version of this policy has now been approved. 

Minor Changes to the TQA Manual/Calendar Regulations (FGR/18/45)

Periods of study: Upgrade

Further to revisions to the ‘Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ considered by the Group in June (see FGR/18/21) the opportunity has also been taken to remove reference to ‘nominee’ which was a change proposed by the Working Party who stated that ‘It was a reasonable minor revision to recommend revision of ownership of final upgrade decisions to remove reference to a nominee (minutes of the 10th May 2018 meeting - FGR/18/35C).

Annual Monitoring Review

‘Annual Monitoring Review: Code of Good Practice’

Paragraph 7.3.2 ‘Discipline Director of Research ‘has been updated to ‘Discipline Director of
Post Graduate Studies’.

Presentation of Thesis

The Presentation of Thesis/dissertations for degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research’ has been updated to add in a deadline for candidates to deposit the final version of their thesis/dissertation into ORE (Open Research Exeter).

7 February 2019

Handbook for Academic Partnerships; Strategy, Guidance and Procedures 2018/19 (FGR/19/05A) 

'Handbook for Academic Partnerships; Strategy, Guidance and Procedures'

Revisions made to the 'Handbook for Academic Partnership's', which are intended should also be shared widely, including with staff in research clusters to inform bid/grant planning. Changes include:

  • Types of academic partnerships and specific PGR descriptions in chapter 2.
  • Notes highlighting split site and co-supervision was preferable for new PGR collaborative partnerships and joint rather than double degrees.
  • Guidance also updated to include a minimum compliance checklist, to ensure partnerships assessed before being advertised to students.
  • Partnerships noted to be key but contain inherent risks, which should be managed properly.

 Minor Changes to the TQA Manual/Calendar Regulations (FGR/19/12)

Annual Monitoring Review

  • A minor revision to the ‘Annual Monitoring Review: code of good practice’ as the result of a review of where the responsibility for PGR related monitoring lies in Colleges.
  • Procedure revised to remove the Associate Dean for Research and Knowledge Transfer as a normal chair of College Reviews of Progression and replace with "A panel of academic staff, normally chaired by the College Director of PGR" in the Annual Monitoring Review process:


'Periods of registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students Upgrade from MPhil to Doctoral Study'

Minor changes to the indicative upgrade submission requirements, upon which College Handbooks should provide clear local guidance, were made, which update paragraph 9.5.4. of the procedure.


Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes

Revision made to table under 7.1 to clarify the circumstances when a viva is required, in particular for MbyRes/MPhil with major amendments.

6 June 2019

Minor Changes to the TQA Manual/Calendar Regulations (FGR/19/36)

TQA Manual

'Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes' (FGR/19/36)

Paragraph 8.6.1 updated following examiner feedback to clarify when recommendation of a lower award is an outcome, as it may not be available in all cases.

Paragraph 7.5.3 updated to reflect current practice, where College facing PGR Support Teams, rather than Postgraduate Administration Office assist internal examiners with facilitating organisation of vivas by video-conference.

Statement of Procedures: 'Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students(FGR/19/36)

The section of the procedure on the ‘Upgrade of Students from MPhil to Doctoral Study’ has been updated (see 9.4.2) to provide clarity that it would only be in exceptional circumstances beyond the student’s control that applications for extension to the deadline for transfer of registration may be made, and that the authority to consider such applications would sit with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of College. This was as a result of discussions by the Periods of Study Review Working Party, to ensure timely submission for upgrade was handled fairly and consistently across Colleges. More information will follow in due course.   

For more general information on the Periods of Study Review changes please see its information page

'Procedure for Graduate Research Students suspected of Research Misconduct' (FGR/19/33A)

Updates include: updating out of date references to directorates, departments and procedures, clarification of process for straightforward cases, reduction in the notice period given to Students before the meeting from 10 days to 5 working days, following concerns about student welfare and stress and broadening the membership of misconduct panels to include Discipline Directors of PGR to increase flexibility in scheduling.

'Visiting Postgraduate Research Students Policy and Procedure' (FGR/19/34A)

Policy updated to reduce confusion around the numerous visitor programmes and provide clear signposting to contacts for Visiting PGRS. 

The main changes include:

  • Update on Visa options and requirements for various durations of visit. 
  • Update on the maximum period a visiting PGR can attend UoE, which is a change from 12 to 24 months.  This change has occurred following an update from the HR Immigration team who advised we currently have over 27 international visiting students on Tier 5 visas who are not registered as a Visiting PGRs.
  • UKVI compliance monitoring requirements for Visiting PGRs.
  • Update on the fees applied to Visiting PGRs who are not on a joint programme visiting for between 12 and 24 months.

'Quality review framework' (FGR/19/38A)

Within the context of a wider review of the framework, where more extensive changes have been to sections impacting taught programmes, minor changes have been made to the section on the Quality Review of Postgraduate Research Programmes

  • Removal of term ‘ASER’ and replaced with ‘Quality Review’
  • Removal of data list to future proof against changes to the data being considered, instead referring to ‘relevant data’ to keep this more flexible (a separate list can then be provided if necessary)
  • As we will be implementing a new online system ‘TQAE Connect’ this year to support Quality Review, references to how submission occurs have been removed (separate guidance can then be provided if necessary)

Further review of the PGR quality review policy and procedures to take place during 2019/20 to take into account changes in process, datasets reviewed and timing.

'PGR Liaison Forum- Code of Good Practice(FGR/19/11A)

Main changes made to ‘Code of Good Practice –PGR Liaison Forum’ include : 

  • The Students’ Guild and FXU wil now be responsible for facilitating the appointment of Graduate Research Student Representatives.
  • The Students’ Guild and FXU will each submit a termly report to Doctoral College Management Group, summarising issues raised in consultation with Graduate Research Student Representatives at their respective PGR Executives.
  • Further  information on changes to the management of the representation system will be provided to committee members from the Guild/FXU for onwards circulation within Colleges.


Calendar Regulations

'Regulations governing Faculty of Graduate Research academic programmes' updated to align with changes made to ‘Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ as part of the Periods of Study review.

For clarity and consistency, each regulation updated to remove specific reference to programme lengths and instead refer directly to procedure.

'Regulations, Disciplinary and other Procedures for Students':FGR/19/37A-D)

Changes as follows:

(i.)   ‘General Regulations for Students’ (FGR/19/37A) Updated to assure University compliance with the requirements of the Competition and Marks Authority.

(ii.)  ‘Student Disciplinary Procedure’ (FGR/19/37B) Revised to ensure alignment with the University's Drugs Policy and to update the disciplinary definitions.

(iii.) ‘Student Complaints Procedure’ (FGR/19/37C) Reviewed to ensure alignment with the Quality Assurance Agency, Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the Office of the Independent Adjudicator's Good Practice Framework. Changes include: enhancement of the procedure for students raising a complaint about the conduct of other students, clarity over when outcomes may be disclosed to the complainant and to align with the Sexual Misconduct Policy and procedure, including the student's right to request the University review complaints considered under the Students' Guild/ FXU complaints procedure.

(iv.)        ‘Procedures relating to Student Academic Appeals’ (FGR/19/37D) The Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals have been reviewed to ensure alignment with the Quality Assurance Agency, Quality Code (Complaints and Appeals) and the Office of the Independent Adjudicator's Good Practice Framework. Changes include making appeal forms easier for students to find, clarifying when an appeal will be heard and clarifying arrangements for confirming a settlement offer at the Review Stage.

(v.) ‘Regulations regarding Fitness to Practise Procedures’ (FGR/19/37E) Updated in order to ensure its ongoing effectiveness and currency, to give effect to the recommendations and requirements of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies and legal advice received.

12 October 2017

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme (DClinPsy) - Minor Changes to the TQA Manual/Calendar Regulations 

Paragraph 1.1 of the 'Presentation of Theses/Dissertations for Degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research: Statement of Procedures' and section 6.3 of the 'Regulations Governing Professional Doctorate Degrees' have been amended to include a change to length of thesis, increasing the maximum permitted thesis length from 12,000 to 14,000 words, for the DClinPsy programme. 

Chapter 11 - Presentation of theses/dissertations for degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research: statement of procedures


Reference to Professional Services Staff - Minor Changes to the TQA Manual

The 'Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students' has also been amended to include a change to reference to Professional Services Staff. This reflects new staffing structures and titles following the transformation process.  

Chapter 5 - Periods of registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students 

08 February 2018

Periods of Study changes 

This sets out changes to the ‘Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ in line with the principles that

• Expectations should be strengthened to ensure that students plan to submit in a timely manner, and work with their supervisory team to ensure that effective planning takes place so that students build in contingency planning into their project plans, and as such would normally expect to submit ahead of their final deadline for submission.
• Supporting student wellbeing during their studies means that students should be encouraged to plan to submit within their funding period or shortly thereafter. Extending the period of study beyond the funding period increases risks of financial pressures impacting on student wellbeing and on timely submission.
• Define the maximum period of study to submission rather than completion. This would mean, for example, that a full-time PhD student would be expected to submit within no more than four years, to bring the University into line with the time period the Research Councils monitor.

Expectations of annual leave were also clarified. For more information see paper FGR/18/04, with track changes on FGR/18/04B.

Presentation of Theses changes

Updated the ‘Presentation of Theses/Dissertations for Degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research: Statement of Procedures to provide clarity over the production of work that might be created jointly and submitted towards the theses of two students, or where a student, under a partnership arrangement might be submitting a thesis for two awards. Changes to the Regulations have been made accordingly. See paper FGR/18/07 for more information.

Handbook for Examination changes

‘Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes’

1. Nomination of Examiners: Updated to provide clarity with regard to appointment of examiners who were not lead supervisors (see table in 4.5.2 of the Handbook and see paper FGR/18/07);
2. Declarations of Interest: Update to provide clarity for professional doctorate programmes that have a taught section. There are many instances of academics having had some contact with most of the students on the programme, which, whilst could seem to look like a conflict as per the list, actually presents no conflict (see 4.7.2. of the Handbook and see paper FGR/18/07).

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)

3. ILPs: The ‘Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research programmes’ has been updated in line with the introduction of a policy ‘Inclusive Practice within Teaching and Learning', which sets out information on Individual Learning Plans for students (see sections 3, 4.4 & 6.2.3 of the Handbook and paper FGR/18/14).

07 June 2018

Periods of Study Changes

Recommendations from the Periods of Study Review Working Party (paper FGR/18/21) have led to changes to the following Codes

The ‘Code of Good Practice - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students’ has been updated to provide greater clarity over the support provided to students on continuation status, and with regard to progress review meetings.

Code of Good Practice - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students’ (FGR/18/21A);

Changes to the ‘Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ have been made, which include:

For students who enter prior to 2018-19:

  • Greater clarity with regard to information on extensions and continuation status

For students entering from 2019-20:

  • Offering greater flexibility of study for part-time students between 0.5-1.0 fte;
  • Greater clarity over decisions made at upgrade, and completion of upgrade within the first year of study (fte);
  • Greater clarity and rigour with regard to requests for extensions and transfer to continuation status

Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ (FGR/18/21B).

The Working Party had broad representation, a membership list is included within the papers as FGR/18/21D, should you be interested in discussing these changes further with a relevant member of the Working Party.

Part-time Study for International Students:
Changes to UKVI’s Tier 4 Sponsor Guidance in January 2018 mean that is now possible to apply for a Tier 4 visa to undertake part-time study at Masters level and above. Section 7 of the ‘Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ has been updated accordingly. (paper FGR/18/28)

Withdrawal of Students:
The Regulations (General and Programme) and the ‘Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ have been updated to provide greater clarity over the process taken to de-register and withdraw a student who does not register for their studies when required to do so. (paper FGR/18/25)

PGR Liaison Forums:

These changes primarily reflect that there is no longer a combined “Students’ Guild and FXU PGR Forum”, replaced by a PGR Executive run by each union individually, while some other sections have been reworded for clarity. An additional point (6.10) has been added to Section 6 that requires the Guild and FXU to attend PGRLF meetings periodically, which brings that provision in-line with the existing Code of Good Practice for taught SSLCs.

'PGR Liaison Forums - Code of Good Practice' (paper FGR/18/27)

Submission of Theses in Cornwall:
Updated the ‘Presentation of Theses/Dissertations for Degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research: Statement of Procedures Submission in Cornwall: Changes to support services on the Cornwall campuses mean that students based in Cornwall will need to submit their theses for examination to Doctoral College staff based in Cornwall, section 8.2 has been updated accordingly. (paper FGR/18/28).

Unsatisfactory Progress:
The ‘Code of Good Practice - Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement’ has been updated to provide greater clarity about some of the progress monitoring points for students that might lead to referral to this Code if progress concerns are identified. A minor update for clarity to the responsibilities of supervisory set out in 1.9 of the ‘Code of Good Practice - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students’ has been made to clarify supervisor responsibilities with regard to initiating procedures such as that covered by the ‘Code of Good Practice - Unsatisfactory Student Progress and Engagement’. (paper FGR/18/28).

Open Access:

The ‘Code of Good Practice - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students’ sets out responsibilities with regard to Research Data Management and Open Access for students and supervisors. Minor changes have been made to update the terminology in the Code (see paragraphs 3.19 and 3.20) in this regard (paper FGR/18/28). 

Arrangements for Supervision:
The ‘Code of Good Practice - Arrangements for the Supervision of Research Degree Students’ has been updated with regard to supervisory appointments, to allow Colleges to seek approval from the Dean of Faculty for delegates of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of College to consider ‘standard’ supervisory appointments, see paragraph 14 of the Code. Programme Regulations have also been updated accordingly (paper FGR/18/28).

Academic Appeals:

Clarification of wording on the grounds of appeal in order to make the language more accessible to students. Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals (FGR/18/29B).

Student Complaints Procedure:

The main changes are:
• Enhancement of the procedure for students who wish to complain about the conduct of other student members of the University.
• Section 6.2.6, in relation to investigative meetings, has been slightly amended to allow more flexibility around how investigative meetings are recorded and provided to students.

Student Complaints Procedure (FGR/18/29D).

Disciplinary Procedure:

The main changes are:

• The procedure has been restructured to make it easy to navigate for students
• Alignment with the Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study procedures for those students whose health may affect their conduct
• Clarification that disciplinary hearings may be conducted with or without an investigation stage.
• Revision of the appeal process following major disciplinary hearings

Disciplinary Procedure – Non-academic Misconduct (FGR/18/29F)

General Regulations for Students:

The main changes are:

• An alignment of the general regulations with the practices of campuses in Exeter and Cornwall
• Revised Terms and Conditions for those students living in University owned residences.

General Regulations for Students (FGR/18/29H)

Health Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures:
Minor changes to the ‘Health Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures (HWSSP) – Exeter and Penryn Campuses’ were made with regard to who could instigate action under this procedure.

Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedures (FGR/18/30)

13 October 2016

There were were no changes to Procedures and Regulations following the meeting of the Management Group on 13 October 2016.

02 February 2017

Temporary Visa Interruptions

An interim appeals procedure will be in operation for the remainder of the 2016/17 academic year to accompany the procedures for temporary visa interruptions and withdrawals. The interim appeals procedure will sit within the 'Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Taught Students' but cross-referenced from the 'Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students'.

Temporary Visa Interruptions tracked changes

Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students

Procedures for the Interruption and Voluntary Withdrawal of Taught Students

Appointment of PGR Pastoral Tutor to a Board of Examiners

Minor changes to the 'Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research Programmes' and the 'Code of Good Practice - Arrangements for the Supervision of Research Degree Students' to ensure clarity of wording between the two documents with regard to the arrangements for the consideration of appointment of a PGR Pastoral Tutor to a Board of Examiners.

Handbook for Examination of Postgraduate Research Programmes

Code of Good Practice - Arrangements for the Supervision of Research Degree Students

Research Conduct

The Code of Good Practice - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students has been amended to reflect the understanding that good practice in research is about more than the specific issues listed in the existing version of the Code.

CoGP - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students tracked changes

Code of Good Practice - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students

08 June 2017

Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption

The policy has been updated to incorporate reference to the Maternity leave, ordinary paternity/maternity support leave, shared parental leave and adoption leave stipend payments (in annex C).

Chapter 15 Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption tracked changes

Annex C Proposed Maternity Funding Policy

Chapter 25 Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Postgraduate Research Handbook

Annex C - Maternity leave, ordinary paternity/maternity support leave, shared parental leave and adoption leave stipend payments
- Policy for funded postgraduate research students

Periods of Study Review: Upgrades

The ‘Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ has been revised to provide more clarity on the upgrade processes.

Periods Study Review: Upgrades tracked changes

Chapter 5 Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students Postgraduate Research Handbook

Interrupted Students

The ‘Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students’ has been amended to address specific changes to Council Tax exemption, access permissions to the Library and IT, support from Wellbeing Services, approval of assisted interruption, guidance for students on what to expect when interrupted, accommodation and return to study.

Chapter 5 Periods of registration tracked changes

Chapter 5 Periods of registration and changes to registration status for graduate research students Postgraduate Research Handbook

Research Misconduct

Chapter 13 of Postgraduate Research Handbook – Research Misconduct – procedure for Graduate Research Students suspected of Research Misconduct has been revised to comply with the current requirements of the Research Councils UK regarding research misconduct and to clarify the role of the supporter.

Chapter 13 Research Misconduct tracked changes

Chapter 13 Research Misconduct Postgraduate Research Handbook 

Quality Review Framework

The Quality Review Framework has been reviewed with general updates including the sections for ASER and External Examiners, and to ensure consistency with the Handbook for Assessment, Progression and Awarding of Taught Programmes.

Quality Review Framework tracked changes

Quality Review & Enhancement Framework

College Codes of Supervision

The Code of Good Practice - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students of the Postgraduate Research Handbook has been revised to vest responsibilities appropriately and make it more efficient to maintain an up-to-date code. Responsibility for approval of the College Codes is now transferred to the Pro-Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean of College, and that substantive changes to College Codes is now an agenda item for the College’s senior committee responsible for graduate research provision.

Chapter 1 Provision of information by Colleges to students tracked changes

Code of Good Practice - Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students


Changes most relevant to Professional Doctorates:

Programme Approval

 The Handbook for the Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes has been reviewed with general updates including the addition of information related to the Competitions and Markets Authority and the 'College AccessAbility Representative Report Form’ changed name to ‘AccessAbility Report Form’ to reflect the change that this form is now completed by the Programme Developer with support from AccessAbility and Wellbeing, rather than the College AccessAbility Representative.

 Programme Approval tracked changes

 Handbook for the Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes

 External Examiners

 The Assessment Handbook and Quality Review Framework guidance have been aligned regarding the role of External Examiners in the setting/ submission of assessments.

 External Examiners tracked changes

 Chapter 2 Setting and Submission of Assessments Handbook for Assessment, Progression and Awarding of Taught Programmes

 Chapter 3 External Examining Quality Review Framework

 Accreditation of Prior Learning

 Chapters 15 and 16 of the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook have been combined to provide one central reference point for APL and streamlined to provide clarity on the process, changes to authority of approval and inclusion of a flowchart.

 Accreditation of Prior Learning tracked changes

 Chapter 16 Accreditation of Prior Learning Learning and Teaching Support Handbook

Changes to the Calendar:

Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise

Minor amendments have been made to the Fitness to Practise procedures in order to enhance procedural fairness; however, the core principles and approach to Fitness to Practise remains unchanged.

Fitness to Practise tracked changes

Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise

Student Disciplinary Procedure

The Student Disciplinary Procedure has been reviewed and updated; the main changes are:

  • The procedure has been restructured to make it easy to navigate for students
  • Expands on the University’s position in relation to anti-social behaviour on campus and off campus.
  • Clarifies the role of a student’s supporter in meetings (in accordance with all procedures in Student Cases)
  • Explains the University’s position in relation to cases involving criminal investigation/conviction
  • Clarifies the options available to the University in cases where precautionary action is taken.
  • Clarifies the role holders who decide: classification for the hearing of a major offence; right of appeal for minor and major offences; Chair for major disciplinary hearings.

Disciplinary Procedure tracked changes

Student Disciplinary Procedure

Students Complaints Procedure

The Students Complaints Procedure has been reviewed to clarify complainant's confidentiality throughout the process and the role of supporter has been reviewed to clarify the actions permitted to a supporter and the options available to a Chair in the event that a supporter exceeds the parameters of the role.

Complaints Procedure tracked changes

Students Complaints Procedure

Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals

The Procedures relating to Student Academic Appeals have been amended to rename the stages of appeal, the addition of an option at Appeal Review stage to refer a case back to the College in cases where prima facie grounds for appeal have been met, the role of supporter has been reviewed to clarify the actions permitted and the addition of the appeals process for temporary interruption and withdrawal for Tier 4 visa reasons.

Academic Appeals tracked changes

Procedures Relating to Student Academic Appeals

General Regulations for Students

The General Regulations for Students have been updated to clarify that students who are in a period of interruption are still bound by the General Regulations, the General Conduct of students has been expanded to clarify the University's expectations of behaviour for students and clarification of the impact of student debt on progression/ awarding of a degree.

General Regulations tracked changes

General Regulations for Students