A - General Regulations for Students

1 General Principle
1.1 All students, registered and interrupted, are required to abide by and submit to these General Regulations and to other Regulations and Procedures, which have been amended and approved by the University from time to time, relating to conduct and attendance while they remain students of the University.
2 Attendance
2.1 All students must be in attendance as appropriate to their programme of study by the first day of term and must remain in attendance until the last day of term. Students following online programmes, or otherwise studying remotely with the agreement of the University, must engage with their studies throughout the programme.
2.2 No student may be absent from classes, whether delivered on campus or online, or from other assigned academic activities without prior permission from the relevant Faculty Pro-Vice Chancellor (or nominee), except for episodes of illness as set out in section 2.4 below.
2.3 Students who wish to withdraw from the University during term will normally be required to give one week's notice to the Faculty (or delegated School) concerned.


A student who is prevented by illness, or other reason deemed valid by the University, from attending classes for up to seven calendar days must;

i) if a postgraduate research student, advise their supervisor of the short-term illness and complete the PGR Self Certificate Sickness form.

ii) if an undergraduate or postgraduate taught student, report their absence via the iExeter absence reporting tool, or as otherwise directed by their Faculty (or delegated School).

After seven successive days of illness the student must ensure that a certificate signed by a medical practitioner, or other appropriate supporting evidence, is submitted.[1]

2.5 Students must present themselves punctually for University examinations, whether these are delivered on campus or online, in accordance with instructions given to them. A student who is prevented by illness, or other valid reason deemed valid by the University, from attending any examination or part of any examination must ensure that a certificate signed by a medical practitioner, or other appropriate supporting evidence, in accordance with the University's Learning and Teaching Support Handbook on student illness.
3 Residence


Students may live either in University halls of residence, in University self-catering accommodation, other University owned or managed accommodation, in private accommodation they contract themselves separately, or at home. 

For students on our Exeter campuses, please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Residence for University Halls: https://www.exeter.ac.uk/study/accommodation/contractsandpolicies/contract24-25/ 

For students on our Cornwall campuses, regulations applicable to Falmouth Exeter Plus' accommodation can be found here: http://www.fxplus.ac.uk/accommodation

4 Registration
4.1 Each year, every student, whether registered for full-time or part-time study, and whether following a programme for an award or for any other reason, must complete University registration procedures.
4.2 Students who fail to register without good reason within the designated time period will be required to pay the designated Late Fee charges, as per Section 4.6 of the Student Fee and Bursery Regulations.
4.3 Where students have not registered within the designated time period, and following confirmation from their Faculty (or delegated School), they will be deemed withdrawn.
4.4 Subsequent requests for reinstatement following withdrawal will be considered under the relevant terms of reinstatement of registration for their programme of study, as set out in the Teaching Quality Assurance Manual.
4.5 Students may not change their programme of study or vary the date for sitting examinations without prior permission which should be sought from the Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Faculty concerned and from the appropriate Admissions Office.


Any alteration in the particulars given on the Registration Form, and especially in respect of home and term-time addresses, must be notified without delay 

  • For students on prgrammes based at Exeter campuses, changes must be notified via SID
  • For students on programmes based at the Penryn Campus any relevant changes should be notified to info.penryn@exeter.ac.uk
  • For students based at the Truro Campus to the Registry there.
  • For students following online programmes, changes should be notified to exeterstudentsupport@online.exeter.ac.uk.


Students are expected to comply with their obligations in respect of fee and other charge liabilities, which will be addressed as explained in the Student Fee and Bursary Regulations.

5 General Conduct


Students are expected to conform to a reasonable standard of behaviour and may be subject to disciplinary action by the University where they fail to do so, including where such failure brings the name of the University into disrepute. The University strives towards being a community in which individuals accept their obligations and responsibilities to enable all to live, learn research, and work in a peaceful and supportive environment, which promotes wellbeing, equality and fairness. The community extends beyond the bounds of the University campus and is not necessarily limited to incidents on University related business or events; for example, this may include incidents related to noise, social media and anti-social behaviour where this may impact on individuals within the University community, and/or, the wider community.

Events such as 'initiation ceremonies'2 and 'blank clothing'3 events are banned by the University and the University has zero tolerance for any such related activity whether it occurs on the University campuses or in the wider community.

Students are also reminded of their responsibilities, as community members, to comply with the University's Social Media Guidance, and the University's Dignity and Respect policy. Failing to adhere to these may result in action being taken under the University's disciplinary procedures.

5.2 Where the standard of behaviour threatens the safety of community members or disrupts the learning experience of other students, a student may be required to withdraw from a specific class (or other learning activity, which may or may not be residential) with immediate effect by the member of academic staff responsible for that class. Any such requirement shall be reported without delay to the Pro-Vice Chancellor (or their nominee) of the student's Faculty who, after consultation with the member of staff concerned, shall meet the student (save in exceptional circumstances that prevent this from happening) to discuss, and attempt to resolve, the issue that led to the incident. The student may be accompanied at the meeting by a person who shall normally be a current member of the University. The Faculty Pro-Vice Chancellor (or their nominee) shall arrange for a record of the outcome of the meeting to be kept which will be made available to the student.
5.3 Following the meeting with the student, should the Faculty Pro-Vice chancellor (or nominee) consider that the exclusion of the student from future classes (or other learning activities) be warranted, or that some other penalty should be applied, the case must be referred to the Director of Education Support and Student Experience, who will consider it under the Health Wellbeing and Support for Study procedure on the grounds of health and wellbeing, or consider it under the Disciplinary Procedure - Non-academic Misconduct, as deemed appropriate. Temporary exclusion ahead of any proceedings under either those Procedures may be considered.


The Disciplinary Procedure - Non-academic Misconduct of the University is set out in Section D below.


Email communications with students will be via their University of Exeter email accounts only, therefore students are expected to check their University of Exeter email accounts on a daily basis so that important communications are read. Failing to read emails will not be considered to be an acceptable explanation for failure to respond to communications, unless there is evidence of valid mitigating circumstances e.g. attendance on field trips with no access to emails. 

5.6 Students who are subject to criminal proceedings, i.e. Police investigation and/or court proceedings, during their time of registration must notify the University of this via studentconductmail@exeter.ac.uk. Students may be subject to the University's Disciplinary Procedure - Non-academic Misconduct and failure to disclose criminal proceedings could be deemed a disciplinary offence in itself. 
5.7 The University of Exeter and the Students' Guild/Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union place great importance on their relationship with the local communities in which students live and socialise. The University encourages students to engage and participate in community life, and in doing so to develop an ethos of personal and social responsibility. Whilst resident in the local community the University expects students to behave in a way that is respectful and courteous of their neighbours and of other members of their community, and not to engage in anti-social behaviour that may cause distress or harm to others. This principle also applies to students who are resident in University accommodation, where we would expect a similar level of responsibility and reasonable behaviour. Regulations relating to the expectations of residents' behaviour in University accommodation, and consequences of failings to meet these expectations, are explained in the Terms and Conditions of Residence for University of Exeter accommodation.
5.8 The University encourages students to have an active social life; however, when behaviour falls below the University's expectations, being under the influence of alcohol is no excuse.


Students who are representing the Athletic Union and the University (playing, spectating, or socialising) at a sporting fixture or a social event, whether on campus or in the local community, are expected to behave in accordance with the Athletic Union's Code of Conduct. Where students' behaviour falls below the expectations set out they may be subject to University's Disciplinary procedures - Non-academic Misconduct.

Separate arrangements may apply to University of Exeter students participating in sporting events with Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union.

5.10 While the University has adopted a harm reduction approach to drugs and alcohol, students found in possession of and/or using illegal drugs may be subject to University disciplinary action. The University will co-operate fully in any police investigation into the use, supply or provision of controlled drugs or substance abuse. The University's Student Alcohol and Drugs Policy can be found here.
5.11 Students who are found to have impersonated and/or falsified records for personal gain may be subject to University's disciplinary action.
5.12 The University expects that students will show respect for persons and property, and to behave in a way that does not interfere with normal and/or safe operations of the University, and where conduct has been brought to a Student's attention the University reasonably expects that they will not be cited in multiple or repeated offences. Such cases will be treated with the utmost seriousness under its disciplinary procedures.
5.13 As members of the University, students are expected to treat others with dignity and respect. Students are required to take the Univrsity's module on EDI and Consent training and should familiarise themselves with the University's Dignity and Respect webpages, including those on understanding harassment, the University's guides on online activities including the use of email, social media, and the University's social media guidance. 


Where investigating an alleged breach of University regulations, the Authorised Officer will request any relevant information, which may include CCTV/body worn camera footage from Estate Patrol/Security.  Where the alleged breach of regulations has occurred in premises run by the Students' Guild or Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union, the University will work in partnership with the Students' Guild/Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union and share relevant data, which may include CCTV footage.

6 Identification
6.1 Students are required to identify themselves by showing their University card when requested to do so by an authorised member of University staff, or by Students' Guild/Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union staff. Students who fail to provide appropriate ID when requested may be subject to the University Disciplinary action.
7 Academic and Research Conduct
7.1 Students are not permitted to seek any unfair academic advantage. Contravention of this Regulation will be treated under the procedures for handling cases of suspected misconduct in University assessments; cases of alleged academic or research misconduct are handled under the relevant procedures. For all taught students these procedures can be found in Chapter 12 of the Assessment Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook, Academic Conduct and Practice. For all Research Students this is found in Chapter 13 of the Postgraduate Research Handbook, Research Misconduct.
8 Academic Progress


The University expects all students to make regular and satisfactory progress in their studies. A student whose work is reported by a Faculty Pro-Vice Chancellor (or nominee) as being unsatisfactory, or who fails an examination, may be required to either repeat the year or to be withdrawn from the University.

8.2 Students are required to complete any vacation work which may be assigned to them.
9 Academic Dress
9.1 Students shall wear academic dress of the approved pattern at Congregations for the Conferment of Degrees and at such other times as may be prescribed by the Senate.
9.2 The wearing of academic dress at other times is optional.
10 Fees, Charges, Dues and Fines
10.1 For details, see the University's Student Finance Regulations in Part 1 of the University Calendar: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/staff/policies/calendar/part1/otherregs/finance/
11 Use of Library and of Information Technology Facilities

Students are required to observe all regulations and rules relating to the use of IT facilities as published in Part 1 of the University Calendar: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/staff/policies/calendar/part1/otherregs/its/ 

These are part of the suite of information security policies published by the University: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/ig/policy/

11.2  Students are required to observe all regulations and rules relating to the use of the Library, its facilities and collections as published in Part 1 of the University Calendar: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/staff/policies/calendar/part1/otherregs/library/
11.3 The University reserves the right to withdraw IT and Library facilities from students in debt to the University. The force of this Regulation applies to equivalent services delivered through FXPlus for students based on the Cornwall campuses. 
12 Use of Motor Vehicles
12.1 Students may not park motor vehicles (excluding motor cycles) anywhere within University precincts (including the grounds of halls of residence and self-catering accommodation) in term-time without permission.
12.2 For Exeter campuses all parking applications are to be submitted to: https://www.exeter.ac.uk/staff/car-parking/permits/apply/
12.3 Separate rules and arrangements for the use of motor vehicles apply to students using the Cornwall campuses.  All parking applications should be submitted via the Online Application and Payment Portal; acceptance of a permit implies acceptance of the rules concerning the use of motor vehicles on the campuses.  Students are actively discouraged from bringing vehicles with them to University.  The University's travel pages provide information on public transport options.
13 Arrangements for Social Events
13.1 All social events requiring the reservation of the social areas of public rooms in Devonshire House or Cornwall House, whether organised by private individuals, or by Officers of the Guild and its affiliated societies, must be cleared by the Students' Guild Events Co-ordinator and approved by the Director of Campus Services (or their nominee). Advertising for and material displayed at these events or distributed at the Streatham and St Luke's campuses must be in accordance with the  University's Leaflet and Poster Policy. Separate arrangements may apply to the Cornwall campuses.
13.2 In addition to clearance and approval as above, social events (including those held by Faculty societies) which require the reservation of the Great Hall, the Forum, and/or rooms in teaching buildings must also be cleared through the University's Conference Office.  Advertising for and material displayed at these events or distributed at the Streatham and St Luke's campuses must be in accordance with the  University's Leaflet and Poster Policy. Separate arrangements may apply to the Cornwall campuses.
13.3 In the case of social events for which an extension of bar opening times is requested, permission for the bar operator to apply to the magistrates for any extension will normally be granted automatically when the event is approved. Such extensions will normally be allowed until half an hour before the end of an event. Extensions beyond 11.30pm will be considered only for events terminating later than 12.30 am and in these cases the bar must close one hour before the end of the event. Advertising for and material displayed at these events or distributed at the Streatham and St Luke's campuses must be in accordance with the  University's Leaflet and Poster Policy. Separate arrangements may apply to the Cornwall campuses.
13.4 Permission to hold private parties in Devonshire House or Cornwall House may be given by the Director of Campus Services, who will, prior to giving such permission, consult with the Students' Guild Events Co-ordinator. Advertising for and material displayed at these events or distributed at the Streatham and St Luke's campuses must be in accordance with the  University's Leaflet and Poster Policy. Separate arrangements may apply to the Cornwall campuses.
13.5 Holding social events in University halls of residence and self-catering accommodation is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Residence. Advertising for these events, and material displayed at these events and/or distributed at the Streatham and St Luke's campuses must be in accordance with the  University's Leaflet and Poster Policy. Separate arrangements may apply to the Cornwall campuses.
13.6 All Social events at Cornwall campuses should be organised in accordance with Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union policies and procedures in the case of the event being organised by a club or society affiliated with the Students' Union.  All other social events on campus should involve consultation with the FXPlus Conference and Events team.  Separate arrangements and procedures apply for external events, filming etc at the Cornwall campuses. 
13.7 Students planning on hosting social events in privately rented accommodation off campus are reminded of the University's information on Community Issues. Students should be mindful that any conduct, such as noise disturbance or other anti-social behaviour, that brings the University into conflict with the wider community will be addressed under the University disciplinary procedures.

1 For Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students, see the Student Absence procedure at: Chapter 12 - Student absence. Postgraduate Research students should refer to the PGR Student Absence Policy at: Chapter 18 - Postgraduate Student Absence Policy

2An 'initiation ceremony' is an event in which a student or group of students (often new members) of a recognised group or club are expected by existing members of that group or club to participate in or perform any activity as a means of gaining credibility, status or entry within that group or club. This peer pressure is normally, though not explicitly, exerted on first year students and may involve conduct that may include, for example, wearing of fancy dress costumes, consumption of alcohol, eating concoctions of various food stuffs, nudity and/or other behaviour that may be deemed hierarchical or humiliating.

3(A 'blank clothing' event is an event at which those attending are required to wear blank clothing, for example plain t-shirts, with the expectation that comments/slogans will be written on the clothing by others.