Disability Operations Group

Report an accessibility issue

Report an incident via Speak Out

The Disability Operations is made up of

  • representatives from University and Students’ Guild teams who get reports about access issues
  • disability advocacy groups within the University
  • representatives from key teams that can act on these recommendations

Disability Operations is a working group of the Disability Equality Group. We recommend that you use the following services to report and get support:


EDI – Beau Bell

EDI – Lena Worwood

AccessAbility – Ian Goodchild

AccessAbility – Jessica Rourke

Estates - Jake Fisher

Senior IT Professional Services Partner - Sarah Menhennett

Deputy Director of Commercial, Residential & Campus Services - Sarah Snow

Infrastrucure Lead, HASS - Andrea Schoefbeck 

Infrastructure Lead, ESE - Laura Baxter 

Occupational Health - Anna Julian

Digital - Jasmine Barton

Horticulture and Operations Manager - Anthony Cockell

Technical Officer - Tamsin Love

Transformative Education Assistant - Rosie Cornelius-Light


Chloe Whitworth – Atheletics Union

Thomas Tran – Students’ Guild

Dante Munday – Student’s Guild Advice

User Groups

Trade Union Representative – Alison Black

Neuro Divergent and Disabled Students Society

Disabled and Chronically Ill Network – Kara Reilly, Leanne Heath, Jack Ryan-Phillips

Completed Actions 2024

  • Sanitary bins have been added to the accessible toilet with hoist in the Forum
  • Stickers have been added to priority seating for wheelchair users in lecture rooms
  • Rolls of carpet were removed from the walkways in the Sports Hall
  • A door in St Luke's library has been made eaier to open for disabled users
  • A ramp has been fitted at Harrison Building along with an automated lift
  • Berks Grange accessible bathroom has a glass pane, a screen has been fitted to improve privacy

Ongoing actions

  • Signage about food and drink is being standardised
  • Animals on campus policy is being updated following dignity and respect issues for assistance animal users
  • Access resources are being added to the new campus map
  • Refit of the Giraffe House study space in St Lukes
  • The University is scoping options for an Changing Places Toilet space on St Lukes
  • The Changing Places toilet in the Mulifaith Chaplaincy has a mirror that is poorly fitted
  • There is a pathway that leads from the car park at the rear of the innovation centre to the Harrison Car Park, but this route leads to a curb that is not dropped, making this an inaccessible route.
  • On North Park Road, at the road entrance to the rear of the Laver building the road is quite uneven and the droped curb is a little bit too raised causing difficulties. This path leads to a sensory paving but there is no level bit of pavement a student can wait for traffic to pass whilst crossing the road. This causes a risk of being propelled into traffic.
  • Automation of doors in Devonshire House
  • Sustainable transport review is starting, EDI - In order for the University to realise the actions set out in its 2024-30 Sustainable Transport Strategy, a detailed review of the transport infrastructure at both Exeter campuses will be soon undertaken, with the involvement of stakeholders.