Voting Handsets

There are two Turning Point solutions to capturing audience responses to questions and polls you insert into your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

  • TurningPoint allows your audience to use their personal devices via an app.
  • Voting Handsets uses in-room hardware to allow your audience members to respond.

This PowerPoint template includes a selection of slides with default polling questions you may like to use when using the Voting Handsets system.

Voting Handsets presentation

When booking a room via Web Room Bookings, simply select Voting Handsets from the list of attributes and you will be offered suitable rooms to match your capacity requirements.

The frequency channels are set per receiver in each room and so you will need to ask your audience to set this channel on their handsets before you begin.

Room Channel Room Channel
Amory A128


Newman Purple LT (B) 02
Amory B143 34 Newman Collaborative LT (C/D) 03
Amory B315 55 Newman Green LT (E) 05
Amory C417 09 Newman Red LT (F) 06
Amory C501 10 North Cloisters 12 66
Amory Parker Moot 11 Peter Chalk Centre 1.1 35
Baring Court 114 67 Peter Chalk Centre 1.2 36
Building:One Bateman LT 19 Peter Chalk Centre 1.3 37
Building:One Matrix LT 20 Peter Chalk Centre 1.4 38
Building:One Pearson Teaching Room 21 Peter Chalk Centre 1.5 39
Building:One Kolade Teaching Room 22 Peter Chalk Centre 1.6 40
Building:One Constantine Leventis Teaching Room 23 Peter Chalk Centre 2.1 41
Building:One Marchant Syndicate Room 24 Peter Chalk Centre 2.2 42
Building:One Syndicate Room B 25 Peter Chalk Centre 2.3 43
Building:One Syndicate Room C 26 Peter Chalk Centre 2.4 44
Forum Alumni Auditorium LT 52 Peter Chalk Centre 2.5 45
Forum Exploration Lab 01 53 Peter Chalk Centre 2.6 46
Forum Exploration Lab 02 54 Physics 124 65
Hatherly B10 30 Queens LT1 17
Harrison LT004 08 Queens LT2 18
Harrison Room 101 57 Streatham Court 0.28 32
Harrison Room 102 58 Streatham Court 0.93 31
Harrison Room 103 59 Streatham Court LTA 12
Harrison Room 106 60 Streatham Court LTB 13
Harrison Room 107 61 Streatham Court LTC 14
Harrison Room 171 62 Streatham Court LTD 15
Harrison Room 203 63 Washington Singer 219 56
Harrison Room 209 04 XFI Seminar Room A 47
Harrison Room 215 64 XFI Seminar Room B 48
Laver 320 29 XFI Seminar Room C 49
Laver LT3 28 XFI Conference Room 1 50
Laver LT6 27 XFI Conference Room 2 51
Newman Blue LT (A) 01 XFI Henderson Lecture Theatre 16