Timetabling and Room Booking Office

Welcome to the Timetabling and Room Booking Office. We manage the development and maintenance of the University's teaching schedules and provide an internal ad-hoc room booking service.


Personal timetables are accessible through the MyExeter App and the MyTimetable web service.

Personalised timetables are also synced to the O365 calendar associated with your student account. Visit our help pages for useful information, including how to export your timetable to other calendar platforms.

Room Bookings

To make a booking, select the “Room Bookings” link below for the appropriate academic year. If your booking is for a conference or if you are not a University staff member, please contact Event Exeter for assistance.

To learn more about the online booking system, we recommend watching our instructional video and reviewing our written guides, also available below.


Date Availability

Staff can currently book teaching spaces until Sunday 24th August 2025. Please note that meeting spaces are available for booking until the end of the academic year. After this, the ability to reserve teaching rooms is restricted, as timetablers will continue to make adjustments to the timetables during that period.

Student guild committee members can make bookings up to 28 days in advance of today, provided it falls within the specified booking window outlined above.

Room Booking Services