Charles Causley Festival of Arts & Literature goes digital

This year, the arts and cultural sector has felt the full weight of the global Coronavirus pandemic, with festivals and community events being cancelled up and down the country. As we start to slowly find our way back into a ‘new normal’, the Causley Festival of Arts and Literature – 24-26 July – has taken on an exciting challenge: to go digital.

Taking the Festival online means the Charles Causley Trust will be able to open up the workshops, talks and readings to a wider audience. Keeping Charles Causley’s name alive and ‘out there’ is at the heart of the Festival, so it’s a great opportunity to spread the word even further and can take this event beyond Causley’s birth place of Launceston.

Charles Causley is a poet of place, with Launceston at the heart of his life and work. This year, the digital Causley Festival of Arts and Literature can reinforce one of the Trust’s key objectives – to keep his legacy alive by spreading the word about him and his writing even more widely than ever before.

So, how will the Festival work? First, there will be an online, digital ‘flip-book’ brochure. From that, you’ll be able to view, select, and book tickets for the events you want to be involved in. Some will be payable, with a restricted number, but many will be free (booking essential). You’ll also be able to return to your events afterwards – to watch them again and again, if you like.

For access to the brochure, sign up to the e-mail newsletter and be amongst the first to receive the programme of events and get opportunities to book, or to follow the Trust’s social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), to see when the link for each event will go live, at the end of June. To sign up, visit the website and scroll down to the bottom to enter your email address.