
Our Heritage Strategy Group has facilitated the growth of a University of Exeter Heritage Network that includes external organisations and University academics. This Heritage Network represents a community with no geographical boundaries, and comprises members with an interest in and commitment to the sector who can share knowledge, expertise, good practice and opportunities. The University will manage membership to the Network through an email distribution list and will not share contact information with any third parties. If you are interested in finding out more about what we can offer you in terms of access to events and research opportunities, and would like to join the Network, please contact our Heritage Lead.

GW4 Alliance 

The GW4 Alliance brings together four of the most research-intensive and innovative universities in the UK: Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. Combining world-leading scholarship, infrastructure and expertise across heritage-related disciplines, the Alliance anchors the regional economy through income, employment, knowledge exchange and collaborations with business. Together, we have the research and innovation capacity, capability and motivation to deliver cross-sectoral partnerships and solve global challenges. Through the GW4, we develop new knowledge with the capacity to change lives and society; deliver research capability at a globally competitive scale; foster new talent for the world stage; forge new and stronger relationships with commercial, non-profit, academic, healthcare and government organisations; and drive economic growth. Find out more about the GW4 Alliance.

Bridging the Gap: the promise of heritage and higher education partnerships is a current GW4 project that brings together academics and heritage-sector organisations in a series of workshops. If you would like to attend future workshops for this or similar projects that may be funded in the future, please contact the Heritage Lead.