
All events take place through Teams. If you are not yet on the AMR Network mailing list, please contact us via

The events calendar is continuing to be developed. If you have any suggestions, we would love to hear from you - as above, please contact us via

You can find out about past events by expanding the heading below.

Event Date Title/Speakers
Expert Lecture 9 February 2022 Professor John Dupré, Professor in Philosophy of Science and Director of Egenis, spoke on the subject of the ecology of human/microbe relations and implications for broad spectrum antimicrobials and directions of research.
Collaboration  15 December 2021  AMR Speed collaborating Take 2

Following the popularity of last year's AMR Speed Collaborating event, we ran the event again with two new topics. The premise of this event is that members will be split into small interdisciplinary breakout groups and tasked with developing a seed corn AMR project in response to a specific challenge  - in just 10 minutes.

This year, setting the two challenges, we were delighted to welcome Dr Jonathan Tyrrell from the University of Bristol and Dr Chris Jones, a microbiology registrar in the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital and a clinical researcher with the University of Exeter.

 Art exhibition  15-26 November 2021  Researching Resistance

Coinciding with World Antimicrobial Awareness Week is Researching Resistance, a commission to celebrate AMR research and researchers at the University of Exeter. Featuring fifteen researchers at different career stages and from across a range of subject disciplines, including mathematics, theology/philosophy, geography, mycology and microbiology, this commission by artist Simon Ryder uses the technique of point clouds to present portraits of the research and researchers.

 Discussion  20 July 2021

 The challenges of interdisciplinary research grant applications

Interdisciplinary research grant applications are notoriously challenging. For all that UKRI is a single organisation, it comprises a range of funding bodies (eg AHRC, ESRC, BBSRC), all with their own perspective. On some international calls, there can be as many as thirty funding bodies involved. 

In this event, we explored some of the challenges and frustrations, and heard from those who have navigated these calls successfully:

 GW4 Crucible ECRs  17 June 2021

GW4 Crucible Seed Funding Projects 2020: Interdisciplinary Approaches to AMR

GW4 comprises the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter and Cardiff, and antimicrobial resistance is a major research strand on which the four universities are collaborating. Each year, GW4 Crucible brings together 30 competitively-selected future research leaders and, through a seed funding opportunity, supports a small number of projects. In 2020, the theme was "Interdisciplinary Approaches to AMR" and, of the five projects selected, four were led by a member of the University of Exeter with several other Exeter ECRs collaborating within those research groups. 

Through short presentations, we heard from some of those involved:

Chaired by Dr Andrew Jones, another of the Exeter ECRs involved in the GW4 Crucible 2020.

The full list of the GW4 Crucible cohort for 2020 is available here. Information on all five seed projects that were funded in 2020, and the researchers involved in each one, can be found here.

 External Guest: "in conversation"  21 April 2021  External guest: Professor Clare Chandler, LSHTM

Clare Chandler, Professor of Medical Anthropology at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, was in conversation with Rich Smith, Professor of Health Economics and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor of the College of Medicine and Health. 

Biography of guest speaker: Clare is a professor in Medical Anthropology and also director of the Antimicrobial Resistance Centre at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. This Centre works to inspire innovation through interdisciplinary engagement and Clare’s own work is characterised by her strong commitment to strengthening the quality, diversity and community of social research in global health. You can read more about Clare, the Anthropology of Antimicrobial Resistance Research Group which she leads and the LSHTM Antimicrobial Resistance Centre.


 Expert Panel  18 March 2021  Fungal Fusion

Members of the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology presented their work and facilitated interdisciplinary discussions with colleagues on opportunities for collaboration

 "Jargon-free"  9 February 2021  Two more researchers from across the University presented their work in an accessible format for all discipline backgrounds. This was followed by the opportunity for Q&A.
 Collaboration  9 December 2020  AMR Speed collaborating

Members were split into small interdisciplinary breakout groups and tasked with developing a seed corn AMR research project in response to a specific call announcement - in just 10 minutes!  Afterwards each group presented a very brief (30sec) summary of their idea, followed by a discussion amongst the whole audience. 

The two topics were:

  1. Understanding environmental AMR risk, introduced by Professor Steve Hinchliffe (Human Geography)
  2. Addressing the problem of drug-resistant fungi, introduced by Professor Elaine Bignell (MRC Centre for Medical Mycology)

These challenges of AMR will require teams of collaborators to solve them. We took the approach that, whatever your interest in antimicrobial resistance or your level of expertise, you would have something to contribute and all were extremely welcome to join this event.

 External speakers  12 November 2020  External panel: government organisations 

Short panel presentations will be followed by Q&A

  • Elizabeth Beech MBE – Regional Antimicrobial Stewardship Lead, South-West Region, NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • Dr David Verner-Jeffreys – Bacteriology Team Lead, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas)
  • Dr Alwyn Hart – Air, Land and Water Research, Environment Agency
 "Jargon-free"  14 October 2020  Three more researchers from across the University presented their work in an accessible format for all discipline backgrounds. This was followed by Q&A.
 Expert panel  15 September 2020

A panel discussion considering research - and research gaps - in AMR in food systems

 "Jargon-free"  3 June 2020  Three researchers from across the University presented their work in an accessible format for all discipline backgrounds in this inaugural event for the Exeter AMR Network. This was followed by Q&A.