Centre for Computational Social Science Student Resources
Stats Help Desk and P2P
If you are having any difficulties with the statistics and programming elements of your studies, then there are a number of ways in which we can support you.
In the first instance, students are advised to attend a Peer2Peer session. If you are still experiencing issues after that, then the C2S2 Stats Helpdesk is on hand to support you.
**Peer2Peer sessions will restart the week commencing 30th September 2024
- Student-led “drop-in clinic”
- Sessions are likely to take place on Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs from 16.30 - 18.30, in the Clayden lab. However days and times will be confirmed in the first week of term.
No booking required.
Stats helpdesk:
**Stats Helpdesk will reopen from the week commencing 7th October 2024.
- Dates and times TBC, sessions will take place in the Clayden Meeting Room (G.02)
- 20 minute appointment with a dedicated C2S2 TA
- Tutors expertise are in R and Python.
- Please note slots will be allocated to HASS students as a priority, however we will accommodate students from other departments if availability allows.
If you are unsure if the Stats Helpdesk is suitable for you/your query please get in touch at: c2s2@exeter.ac.uk.
ELE page
Our students have access to our C2S2 ELE page which has useful materials such as: Video registrations, slides, R/SPSS workbooks and more. ELE also includes more general resources to aid you in your studies.
Dissertation tools
Resources to support students in writing an original dissertation with elements of quantitative data analysis. Such a dissertation is a compulsory part of each of the C2S2 BSc degrees (in Politics & IR, in Sociology, in Criminology, in Social Data Science, or in Crime and Data Science). These resources can be accessed by visiting the C2S2 ELE Page.
National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) materials
National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) provides training activities that ensure wide geographic and subject expertise diversity. University of Exeter is undertaking the development and production of new online training content in order to contribute to NCRM’s target to expand its portfolio of Online Learning Resources.