International Law Internships and Work Experience Opportunities

Written by Dylan Karssens

26 March 2024

The University of Exeter’s international law modules provide an extensive and engaging insight into the theoretical elements of the area’s respective branches. From international criminal law to international commercial litigation, our students are offered the opportunity to immerse themselves in a vast array of different international legal fields of both a public and private character. Nevertheless, for students aiming to pursue a career in the field, practical experience working at the institutions and organisations that shape international law represents an invaluable supplement to the theoretical knowledge gained inside the classroom.

In contrast to the relative proliferation and visibility of domestic legal internship opportunities, finding comparable experiences in international law can be especially challenging. This is not necessarily because such opportunities are scarce. Instead, this is due in significant part to a general lack of awareness of where to find the many opportunities that do exist in the field, beyond those provided by the most well-known institutions and courts. In this regard, knowing who provides relevant opportunities and where to look is particularly important.

Accordingly, the purpose of this page is to provide a concise and easily accessible list of links to the internship recruitment pages of a broad range of different bodies and institutions whose work either directly or indirectly relates to international law. Given that the eligibility requirements and precise details of each opportunity are potentially subject to change upon each recruitment cycle, this page does not outline specific details about the opportunities as these will be more regularly updated on the organisations’ respective websites. Instead, this page provides students with a centralised bank of potential internship providers that can serve as a useful starting point in their search for practical experience.

It must be noted that not all of the opportunities listed below are remunerated. Furthermore, the list is not exhaustive. We will continue to add relevant opportunities to the list over time. If you are aware of additional opportunities not mentioned below and would like to support students aspiring to work in international law, feel free to contact the Exeter Centre for International Law and we will endeavour to add your suggestion to the list. Please note that we are not able to provide specific guidance on internship applications and that this page is offered for information only.

We hope that, through this page, we can help students realise their career ambitions in the fascinating – and increasingly important – field of international law.


International Courts, Tribunals, and Related Bodies 


Regional Courts and Related Bodies 


International Organisations and Related Bodies 

Regional Organisations and Related Bodies 

Non-Governmental Organisations 


Other (Academic, Research, Associations, etc):