Sailing into Modernity: Comparative Perspectives on the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century European Economic Transition

Please note that this page is a work in progress, and that more material will be added as it becomes available. 


Several datasets can be downloaded below as part of the project outputs.

High Court of Admiralty (HCA) – England’s wage dataset and accompanying document

The HCA wage dataset is the largest dataset of the project, and is accompanied by a descriptive report. The data was compiled as part of the research undertaken by the project 'Sailing into Modernity' in 2012-2014. 

The main objective of this project was to deliver a comparative analysis of the social, political, legal, and economic position of seafarers in four European countries (England, France, Italy, and the Netherlands) from the late sixteenth to the early eighteenth century.

HCA wage dataset - descriptive report

HCA wage dataset

Dutch wage dataset

Introduction to Dutch Wages dataset

Wage Database

Marseille wage data

Marseille wage data

Northerners in the Notarial Archives in Marseille

Allaire Amiraut?

Allaire Cumul Notaires