Universities against Gender Based Violence (UAGBV)

Universities Against Gender Based Violence (UAGBV) is a UK-based network of academics, policy makers, activists and journalists working on and researching gender-based violence in Higher Education settings.

Since the National Union of Students 2010 ‘Hidden Marks’ survey of violence against university women, there has been an upsurge in academic, policy and media interest in the issue, to the extent that the government set up a taskforce on violence against women, harassment and hate crime in 2015. There is now a significant body of work developing about gender-based violence and its prevention in HEIs.

Originally the Safe Studies Network founded by Alison Phipps, Renate Klein, Ruth Lewis, and Trishima Mitra-Kahn, UAGBV acts as a meeting place to link with other interested parties in order to share information about research, conferences, policy developments, funding opportunities and to develop collaborations. It is convened by Ruth Lewis, Renate Klein and Rachel Fenton. We welcome new members so please get in touch via the site if you wish to join.
We are UK-focused but very interested in working with colleagues in other countries, and have links with the US-based group Faculty Against Rape which performs a similar function.

Looking to join our network? Please email UAGBV-request@jiscmail.ac.uk to be added to our list or visit our JISCMail site to subscribe.

For more information visit the UAGBV website.