How to run the Intervention Initiative at your institution

This programme was developed from an intensive research phase and is based on the strongest evidence and best practice for public health interventions to prevent violence.

Key implementation points for universities

Please implement the programme in the following way:

The intervention is complex. Individual sessions should not be extracted or condensed; they do not stand alone but work together as a whole.

The intervention is a community-level intervention, designed to tackle a community-level problem. This means it should be delivered to all members of your community, e.g. entire cohorts of students in a year group. It is suitable for delivery to mixed-sex groups. It should be timetabled, not offered on a voluntary ad-hoc basis (otherwise those who most need it will not attend).

Within these parameters, there is no reason why Peer Opinion Leaders (e.g. student union post holders; sports society captains or teams; student reps; peer mentors) should not be invited or mandated to attend sessions.

The intervention should only be delivered by trained facilitators and is not suitable for peer facilitation.

Facilitators may or not be academic staff. They may include staff from counselling; wellbeing; student services who may be particularly well equipped to deliver the material. They should be trained in how to respond to disclosures

Universities should evaluate the intervention in order to analyse its effectiveness. Please refer to our contact, feedback, evaluation pagefor further details.

Download a copy of the Student Feedback report following implementation in 2014-2015.

Please refer to our violence prevention strategy page for a summary of the essential elements of an effective strategic approach to the prevention of violence against women in universities.