Citizenship development

Our academic community of outstanding individuals from around the globe brings brilliant minds together to advocate for and support each other, ensuring our success as we uncover the unknown, with world-class innovation and disruptive thinking, unified by our shared valuesWe invite you to take the opportunity to have a lasting positive impact at the University and play an active role in these communities, as a valued integral academic citizen.

Choose something you're passionate about and positively impact our community

Being a good academic citizen is as much about how you work as what you do. There is an expectation that everyone will uphold our University’s core values, commitment to equality and diversity, as well as all relevant professional standards. Being an active academic citizen could involve you in any of the following activities:

  • Taking on leadership and management roles;
  • Volunteering to sit on working groups (for instance advising on improvement projects);
  • Mentoring and coaching less experienced colleagues;
  • Contributing to a supporting working environment, attending and making a positive contribution to relevant management meetings;
  • Attendance at: Staff Meetings, College Fora, Professorial and Inaugural Lectures, Departmental Seminars;
  • Collaborating with staff across the university as well as students and external partners;
  • Taking part in widening participation and outreach projects;
  • Engaging with peers in your discipline both nationally and internationally;
  • Contributing to the development and achievement of the University’s strategies and college plans;
  • Actively supporting the recruitment of students;
  • Supporting the School and its students. For example, open days and other recruitment activity, graduations, careers and alumni events, employer / corporate engagement, and staff recruitment activity.

For information about the level of Academic Citizenship expected of you at each stage of your career, see the progression criteria of the Education and Research, Education and Scholarship, or Research job families.

Everyone benefits from a strong community. We feel connected, important, significant, appreciated and safe. The better we connect, the more we thrive. You will belong to several communities, including your department, your college, the University as a whole, peers in your discipline across national and international institutions, as well as our own cities and regions. Developing the skills in team working can help accelerate your achievement and build strong collaborations and partnerships.

Developing teams:

There are a variety of resources on LearnSmart, including:

Part time appointments

For part-time appointments, consideration will be given to varying the performance expectations to account for the part-time nature of the employment. Any variation which is agreed will modify the quantity of the target outcomes, but not the quality.

Family friendly leave and other extended absence

If you are absent for a period of time on account of maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental leave, long term sickness or other leave of absence approved by the University for caring responsibilities, the University will take this into account in considering whether you have met the requirements for promotion. The University will give consideration to applying a pro-rata reduction in the quantity of objectives to be achieved in the period under review, having given consideration to the length of absence. The quality of outcomes will not be varied. There will always be a minimum output expectation to provide evidence of competence and achievement (i.e. no target will be eliminated or reduced to zero). This decision will be made by the College Pro-Vice-Chancellor following consultation with the Head of Discipline and the HR Business Partner.

Career options

Whilst the majority of our careers will be spend furthering our academic areas of expertise, there will be life events that we need to plan for. Here are links to relevant guidance: