Ordinance 20

20 The Senate
  The Senate shall consist of the following:

(a) The President and Vice-Chancellor who if present shall preside at the meetings of Senate.
(b) The Senior Vice-President and Provost who shall preside in the absence of the President and Vice-Chancellor.
(c) The Vice President and Deputy Vice-Chancellors.
(d) The Dean for Taught Students and the Dean of Postgraduate Research and the Doctoral College
(e) The Pro-Vice-Chancellors of the Faculties .
(f)  A Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor of each Faculty and one other member of the Faculty Executive Board elected by the Faculty Executive Board.
(g) The Director of Education and Academic Services
(h) Six Heads of Department from each Faculty elected by the Faculty Executive Board.
(i) Eight representatives of the academic staff elected from each Faculty by such Staff in such manner and upon such terms and conditions to tenure of office as may be prescribed by Ordinance.
(j) The Senior Vice-President and Registrar and Secretary shall be a member ex-officio of the Senate but shall not be entitled to vote, and will act as Secretary to the Senate.
(k) A representative of INTO Exeter shall be a member of the Senate but shall not be entitled to vote.
(l) Four full-time registered members of the Students' Guild, of whom two shall be the President of the Guild and the Education Officer of the Guild, and two shall be elected officers of the Guild.
(m) At least one and no more than three full-time registered members of the Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union (SU), of whom one shall be the President Exeter and two shall be elected officers, who, in any given year, are University of Exeter Students.