Ordinance 21

21 Powers of the Senate
  Subject to the Statutes and Ordinances the Senate shall have the following powers:

1. To act as the representative academic forum of the whole University, including all of its constituent Faculties and campuses.

2. To review the Education and Research Strategies of the University and make recommendations to Council for approval.

3. To scrutinise academic performance against targets and measures of success set out in the University Education and Research strategies.

4. To evaluate the implementation of policies and regulations for quality assurance of all University programmes.

5. To assure Council of the academic standards and quality of education leading to the University of Exeter degree awards and qualifications.

6. To scrutinise the strategic plans of the constituent Faculties of the University.

7. To oversee policies and procedures for student health, wellbeing and fitness to study, conduct and disciplinary matters, fitness to practise, academic and research misconduct, academic appeals and students' complaints, and delegate associated operational responsibilities to the Education Board and Postgraduate Research Board, Faculties and Professional Services.

8. To raise issues of major and strategic academic importance to the University.

9. To suspend, permanently expel or withdraw any student following action taken under University Regulations, including Disciplinary Procedures, Health, Wellbeing, and Fitness to Study Procedures, Fitness to Practise Procedures, and Academic and Research Misconduct Procedures.

10. To delegate specific responsibilities to the Education Board and Postgraduate Research Board and other bodies or committees of the University, as appropriate.

11. To appoint three members of the Senate to be members of the Council.

12. To make representation to the Council on all Statutes or Ordinances or proposed changes of Statutes or Ordinances and on any academic matter.

13. To formulate, modify, or revise schemes for the organisation of the Education Board and Postgraduate Research Board, Faculties, Institutes, Delegacies, Boards or Departments of the University and to assign to them subjects and also to make recommendations to the Council on the establishment of other Faculties, Institutes, Delegacies, Boards of Departments.