Referred/Deferred Assessment
The Referred/deferred assessments are scheduled to commence on Saturday 9th August 2025 and will run until Monday 18th August 2025. During the Referred/Deferred exam period there will both on-campus and online exams. All Referred/Deferred examinations will appear on your Timetable from the third week of July 2025 and the exam locations will also be displayed on the Timetable. All online exams will be accessed via Exams ELE.
Students who need to retake specific assessments will receive a email with full instructions in late June. Additionally, students must pay the required fee as for any referred Assessments/Coursework as instructed. Please be aware that any referral fees are still payable even if you are absent for your assessment(s).
The submission deadline for referred/deferred coursework assessments will be the 28th July 2025.
Please ensure you check your mailbox frequently!
Student personal timetables will be made available via MyTimetable, as well as through the iExeter app, as soon as the timetable has been finalised. This will be released mid to late July.
Please ensure that your devices time zone settings are set to BST - British Summer Time.
Students can contact the Streatham Examinations office via the SID Online portal.
Fees for any Referred/Deferred assessments
The University charges per in-person referral assessment and/or Referred Coursework submission. Referral fees are as follows:
Per Referred Assessment/Exam - £100
Per Referred Coursework - £50
This is upto a maximum of £250 (Any referred fees will be capped at this level and you will not be expected to may more per ref/def period).
Definitions of referred / deferred assessment:
Referred Assessments
Referral is a further attempt (‘re-assessment’, ‘resit’, ‘repeat’) at a module assessment without the requirement to repeat any attendance. Students who do not pass a module may be granted a referred assessment. Please contact your Info Point if you require any further advice.
Deferred Assessments
Deferred assessment allows a student to postpone an exam or extend the submission date of coursework if a student believes that his/her performance in an assessment has been affected by personal circumstances (e.g. medical condition, family crisis, bereavement). To apply for deferral, a student is entitled to submit an application for mitigation. If mitigation is approved, a student may be granted a deferral. Please contact your Info Point if you require any further advice.
Accommodation at Exeter/Penryn Campus
Accommodation will be available in Exeter and Penryn for those students who are required to return to the UK to sit their exams. There will be special rates for both resitting Students and accompanying guests throughout the Referred/Deferred period.
Accommodation on the University Streatham Campus in Exeter will be available at Holland Hall. Booking can be made online at: and all enquiries can be sent to:
Accommodation on the University Penryn Campus in Falmouth will be available throughout the referred/deferred exam period also and bookings can be made online at: Home - Cornwall Plus (
Full booking details for this accommodation with discount codes will be advised in the official email which will be sent in July.