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Teaching Quality Assurance Manual

Teaching Quality Assurance Manual


Important: Changes and Updates for the 2024/25 academic year

Ahead of the 2024/25 academic year, the TQA Manual has been reformatted and migrated to a new web content management system. No amendments have been made to the policies and procedures during this process unless recommended by the Education Board or Poastgraduate Research Board and subsequently approved in June 2024.

For a list of amendments to policies and procedures, as approved by the Education Board and/or the Postgraduate Research Board, please contact: 

About the TQA Manual

The Teaching Quality Assurance Manual (TQA Manual) is a resource for staff and students containing the policies and processes which underpin assurance of the quality and standards of learning, teaching and assessment at the University of Exeter.

The TQA Manual contains links to, and should where necessary be read in conjunction with, the following:

  • The Ordinances of the University, which are made by Council to amplify the meaning of the Statutes which sit above them. 
  • The Regulations of the University, which are made by Senate and direct and regulate the University, its authorities and members. 

The policies and processes in the TQA Manual are designed to govern conduct, or provide direction, at a more detailed level than the Ordinances and the Regulations.

The TQA Manual is made up of different types of documents:

  • Handbooks: Some content is gathered in Handbooks and in some instances the Handbook introductions specify the level of regulatory requirement set out in them, otherwise the content of Handbooks is divided up into Procedures, Frameworks and Codes of Good Practice.
  • Procedures and frameworks require Faculties (or delegated Schools) and Partner Institutions to follow specific processes approved by the University.
  • Codes of Good Practice set a minimum standard, it is expected that they should be observed unless the Faculty (or delegated School) and Partner Institutions concerned can demonstrate processes that exceed the criteria detailed in the Codes.
  • Guidance and advice are commended to users to assist in the enhancement of the student learning experience.

To ensure that the expectations of Faculties, Departments, Professional Services, Academic Partners, students and other stakeholders are clear, the following verbs are adopted and highlighted throughout the TQA Manual:

  • Must: indicates a requirement that will be adhered to in all circumstances. Exceptions to such regulations would only be granted by the Dean for Students or Dean for Postgraduate Research in exceptional circumstances. For example, “The examiners must be agreed that the candidate will be able to complete the amendments necessary for the thesis to meet the assessment criteria for the award in question within no more than 6 months from notification”.
  • Should: indicates a requirement that should be adhered to unless sound pedagogical reasons prevent this. For example, “Examiner(s) should be nominated three months before the expected submission date”.
  • May: indicates a requirement where action is discretionary, but Faculties (or delegated School) and Partner Institutions are expected to demonstrate that taking the action has been considered. For example, “The viva may be conducted in accordance with this agenda.” May is used both as an indication of good practice and also in the permissive sense.

The TQA Manual is maintained by Education Policy, Quality and Standards (EPQS). EPQS, which sits within the Directorate of Learning Experiences and Innovation (LXI) and forms part of Division of Education and Academic Services (EAS). The TQA Manual is maintained with the authority of Council. 

The policies and processes presented in the TQA Manual are those which have been approved for the 2024/25 academic year. Unless Exceptional Circumstances Occur or an Exceptional Year is declared (see the Exceptional Circumstances Handbook of the TQA Manual) these policies and procedures will apply, unchanged, throughout the year.

Instances of exceptions to the requirements set out in the TQA Manual, such as to meet Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) stipulations, must be approved by the Dean of Taught Students or the Dean of Postgraduate Research, as appropriate. Only the Education Board and Postgraduate Research Board have the power to make recommendations to Senate on amendments to the policies and procedures contained within the TQA Manual. Such recommendations are made following detailed review of Sections, Chapters or whole Handbooks.

The date of the last review, and recommendation of amendments by the relevant Board, will be recorded at the end of each Chapter as ‘Reviewed: Month Year’ e.g. ‘Reviewed: June 2024’. If no review date has been given, this indicates that the Chapter has not be reviewed since the TQA Manual was reformatted and migrated in September 2024 (see below).

The TQA Manual is updated between academic years and re-issued and date-stamped for the following academic year to ensure that staff and students can be confident that all information contained in it is current. These are not full chapter reviews and do not involve amendments to policies and processes These updates will be recorded at the end of each chapter as ‘Updated: Month Year’ e.g. ‘Updated: September 2024’.

Day-to day responsibility for the assurance of the quality and standards of learning, teaching and Assessment at the University of Exeter are set out in the relevant Chapters of the TQA Manual.

Where reference is made to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of Faculty throughout the TQA Manual, unless otherwise specified, they may delegate their authority to the following, as appropriate:

Taught Programme delegations:

  • Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor Education (APVC-E)
  • Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Global Engagement (APVC-GE)

In the case of taught programmes, it is normally the responsibility of the Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education (APVC-E) to act in the first instance on behalf of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of Faculty in fulfilling their responsibility for taught programmes as specified in this Manual. Where specified within Chapters/Handbooks, the Director of Education and Student Experience (DESE) may also be a delegate.

Postgraduate Research Programme delegations:

  • Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and Impact (APVC-RI)
  • Faculty Director of PGR (FDPGR)
  • Department Director of DPGR (DDPGR) or PGR Manager (where explicitly stated)

In the case of PGR programmes, it is normally the responsibility of the Faculty DPGR to act in the first instance on behalf of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of Faculty in fulfilling their responsibilities for PGR programmes as specified in this Manual. 

No further delegation of authority may occur unless explicitly specified.

A list of TQA Manual Acronyms for 2024/25 has been drawn up to assist you in interpreting and implementing its policies and processes. Please refer to Annex 1 - List of Acronyms.

Information, Advice and Guidance

If you have any queries with regard to interpreting or implementing any aspect of the TQA Manual, please contact: