West Park Student Residences Project
West Park Student Residences Project
The University is seeking to increase student accommodation on Streatham Campus by building new and refurbished, student living facilities that provide an excellent on-campus living experience and reduces pressure on the University seeking third party accommodation providers in the city.
The West Park Student Residences project is looking at creating a new accommodation in the Clydesdale and Nash area and converting accommodation in the Birks Grange Village area from catered to self-catered.
This will include redeveloping the reception, catered dining halls and the Market Place Village Shop (Birks Grange Central Block) into further accommodation and amenity space including study, social and in-house commercial space. The catered Birks Grange blocks A-E will undergo a refurbishment and will provide modern self-catered accommodation once completed.
UPP has been appointed as the development partner to design, build, fund and operate the new accommodation.
Enhancing biodiversity and ecology in the area is an important aspect of the project. We are working with our development partners UPP to retain much of the mature woodland, plant double the amount of hedgerow that is currently in the area and plant over 200 trees. The new planting will include a mix of seasonal species to enhance biodiversity, and wildlife habitats will be greatly improved, including the installation of bat, bird and hedgehog boxes, and wood and stone piles to provide further habitats.
The project is subject to final University Council approval before construction will start on site.
The Reserved Matters Planning Application for the project (ref: 22/1746/RES) was approved by Exeter City Council at a planning committee meeting in June 2023. This follows the scheme being granted Outline Planning consent (ref: 20/1684/OUT) in September 2021. A Minor Material Amendment to the planning application was approved in May 2024 (24/0184/VOC), the details of the amendment are in the tab below.
We have been considering adjustments to the design of Birks Block (A-E) and we have submitted a new planning application for this Block, which proposes less alterations to the exterior of the building than the approved 2023 planning application. You can view and comment on the planning application on Exeter City Council’s website (the application reference number is: 24/1534/FUL), visit: https://publicaccess.exeter.gov.uk/online-applications/
As with all University estate projects, mitigation measures are put in place to minimise dust and noise from a construction site where possible. We work with contractors that are part of the Considerate Constructors scheme, to ensure they have high standards in managing risks, protecting the environment and positive relationships with the local community. This project will be registered with the Considerate Constructors scheme and monitored in accordance with the scheme's code of considerate practice.
West Park Information sessions
The University and UPP hold public information sessions for local residents to find out more the project.
The last information session took place on Thursday 7 March 2024. You can view a copy of the presentation here - West Park - MMA public information event slides.
If you would like to come along to the next session and be kept up-to-date on the project, please sign up to our mailing list via the registration form here.
Project update
Next steps
We are currently working closely with our partners UPP to discuss the programme and timescales for the project going forward.
The project is subject to final University Council approval before construction will start on site. We expect to start construction on site in summer 2025 (subject to change).
We have been considering adjustments to the design of Birks Block (A-E), which is a catered block that we plan to refurbish to be self-catered. In partnership with UPP, we have submitted a new planning application for this Block, which proposes less alterations to the exterior of the building than the approved 2023 planning application. The new application proposes installing solar panels on the roof, adding external staircases (only to be used in emergencies) and smoke shafts and chimneys on the roof to meet University fire safety regulations. As well as, installing windows in the new kitchen living areas of the flats and improving the landscaping in the courtyard to enhance the amenity of the Block. You can view and comment on the planning application on Exeter City Council’s website (the application reference number is: 24/1534/FUL), visit: https://publicaccess.exeter.gov.uk/online-applications/
The relocation of the Grounds Compound to the top of Rennes Drive is currently under review. We will share details when we have a future plan and programme for these sites.
If you have any questions about the project, please get in touch with the project team at WestPark@exeter.ac.uk
Minor Material Amendment Application
Following the Reserved Matters Planning Application approval, the University and UPP considered minor amendments to the plans, which is common before construction can start on site. The minor amendments have been approved by Exeter City Council in May 2024. A summary of the amendments are detailed below.
Block CB
We are proposing minor amendments to the approved design of Block CB, which is planned for location on the site of Birks Grange Central Block. The demolition of the existing building and construction of Block CB have been approved by Exeter City Council.
The minor amendments to Block CB are summarised as follows:
- Lowering of the overall height of the building by 825mm
- Improved main entrance to align with key pedestrian routes
- Improved courtyard, landscaping and cycle storage near the new main entrance and side of the block
- Larger central courtyard in the middle of the block
- Reduced internal ground floor plant rooms
- Repositioning of study/social space and multi-faith areas
- Increase of 21 bedrooms on the ground floor
- Removal of the large service yard and replaced with better landscaping
- Improved location of the shop to make it more visible and reduced shop floor area (93sqm total) The new shop will be approximately twice the size of the existing one and similar in size to the Morrisons Daily at Cowley Bridge Road, to provide students with convenience and choice.
Block LP
The minor amendments to Block LP relate to external changes to improve the accessibility of the site. An accessible platform lift is proposed to allow access from the central pathway to the upper levels of the site. The level access has also been extended across the entire frontage of the building compared to the approved arrangements.
We are proposing to construct the West Park Student Residences project in three phases (subject to Exeter City Council approval and University Council approval).
- Phase 1 – The development of West Park in the Clydesdale and Nash area.
- Phase 2 – The refurbishment of Birks Grange Block A- E and the new Block CB on the site of Birks Grange Central Block.
- Phase 3 – The development of accommodation blocks on the Grounds Compound site and Nash Grove (block E and F). Future development on this site is subject to viability and timing to be confirmed.
Phase 1 is expected to be delivered over three years, and Phase 2 over two years. The dates and programme for the phases are being considered and we will share details in advance of work starting on site.
Contact us
If you have any queries or questions about the project please email WestPark@exeter.ac.uk and we will get back to you.