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Exeter China Alumni Association (ECAA)

The Exeter China Alumni Association (ECAA) is committing to build up an alumni network, create sense of belonging for Chinses alumni, and strengthen life-long relationship between Chinese alumni and the University of Exeter. All events based in mainland China should be organised and leading by ECAA, which is the ONLY official alumni organisation of the University of Exeter. We are also carrying the mission to offer post-graduation service, including providing information exchanging platform, networking, and career development support. Read more about us via the welcome messagea letter from President of the ECAA and a letter from the Secretary General of the ECAA.

The ECAA comprises a board of directors, staff, volunteers, and alumni members. It operates three principal departments that manage nationwide operations in tandem: the Media Department, the External Relations Department, and the Activities Department. Beneath these departments are volunteer teams located in various regions, which report to them.

ECAA's goals are to:

  • encourage a lifelong relationship between alumni and the University of Exeter
  • engage alumni’s involvement with the university both online and offline (through social activities, events, volunteering, and interacting on social media)
  • support alumni in professional development regarding to employability
  • develop and promote the University of Exeter 'brand' in China
  • provide advice, support, and guidance to current and prospective students

Over the past ten years, the ECAA organised over 200 events to answer freshers’ questions about studying abroad, help graduates with job hunting. We invite senior alumni to share their experience and advice about how to settle down as an oversea student and their career development. We also share recruitment information and job fairs on our official accounts to help alumni in their job searching and career development.

With the outbreak of the pandemic, the ECAA always served as a bridge connecting with alumni from all over the word. When our motherland needed help, the alumni overseas actively looked for resources and ways to transport materials back to the country as much as possible. In turn, when the Chinese students in the UK were short of epidemic prevention materials, the alumni tried their best to seek and donate the materials. We delivered batches of material to the students and the alumni in the UK through all possible channels. 

Meanwhile, the ECAA remains dedicated to the growth of both current students consistently working to offer assistance and support to those in need. Acting as a global nexus for alumni, the ECAA promptly facilitates support by leveraging its worldwide network whenever assistance is required. In 2024, the ECAA notably launched a legal services network, rallying an extensive cohort of alumni lawyers to provide legal aid and advocacy, thus ensuring robust support for the community. Looking ahead, the ECAA will continue to forge and nurture connections with alumni across various sectors to broaden the spectrum of services available.

How to join

In the premise of abiding by the membership and volunteer regulations, all graduates are the member of the ECAA. All the senior alumni are waiting to welcome and support you after your graduation. In addition to face-to-face offline events, we do work to keep our alumni abreast of news and information of the alumni community on various social media. We are looking forward to forming a strong network that everyone helps and supports each other, just like a family.

It is crucial and appreciated if you can join us to make the University of Exeter and the ECAA to be better.

❶ Register by clicking here or scan QR Code on the right side.

Join us as a volunteer by clicking here! The success of the ECAA is attributed to volunteers. Please get involved as part of the ECAA instead of being an attendee! You can expect to gain different abilities and experience from helping the ECAA to run the events and activities. Your accumulated service time will be counted and awarded. Each volunteer will receive a volunteer certificate and the outstanding volunteers are presented with special gifts to show our appreciation.

All the alumni are welcome to share your professional experience or resource that may benefit other members in the alumni community or the current students. You may either register your interest by clicking here or check out the Career Mentor Scheme and eXepert Scheme. The support of every alumnus is essential for the development of the University of Exeter and the ECAA.

❸ The Alumni Mutual Support Model is designed to provide a management-driven impetus for the development of the alumni association. It involves an effective division of labor based on the diverse interests and inclinations of alumni for long-term participation in the daily operations of the alumni association. Outstanding members will have the opportunity to assume middle management positions, thereby driving the development of the alumni association in specific directions. Click here or scan the QR code on the right to register and join as a clerk.

❹ The official account of ECAA can be found on various mainstream social media. Search 埃克塞特大学校友会 on Weibo, Red, Bilibili, Tik Tok, Tencent Video, Twitter and YouTube; search ExeterAlumni on Wechat and Zhihu and follow us for upcoming events and latest information about the alumni community! Click here or scan the QR code on the right side for more details about the official accounts.

Join our Wechat groups to form a strong connection with the alumni worldwide. All the official alumni groups are established and jointly managed by the ECAA committee and the university officials with an attempt to break resource barriers and establish a national professional online communication platform. The purpose is to answer questions, sharing business and resource intervention opportunities, and help all the alumni with different expertise across the country. We provide a reliable and information-protected platform for alumni. Click here or scan the QR code on the right side for more information about the Wechat groups.

❻ Search for ExeterAlumni to follow the WeChat official account of the University of Exeter Elite Alumni Association (old account), and search for ExeterChinaAlumni to follow the WeChat official account of the University of Exeter Alumni Association (new account) to learn about upcoming ECAA events. If you are interested in co-organizing an event or have any business cooperation with the ECAA, please click here to contact us.

❼ The ECAA has established a resource matchmaking platform for alumni with entrepreneurial projects in need of financial or resource support. Please click here or scan the QR code on the right to express your interest. At the same time, we also welcome senior alumni to support the projects of other alumni. Click here to view the currently running programs, and if you are interested in any program, please contact the ECAA.

Can’t see what you were looking for here? Contact the ECAA committee by


Country Contacts

Country Contact volunteers are available to support and answer questions from alumni, current and prospective students. Feel free to contact the volunteer in your region via WeChat:



Subject (graduate year)

Wechat ID

National contactor


Wenjie Li


MSC Accounting and Finance



Yingwei Liu


Finance and investment



North region


Yue Zhang


Economics and Finance



East region


Yang Le


Finance and Management



South region


Lingwei Qing


Human resource management



Yuanjuan Yu


Behavioral Economics and Finance



Junyuan Zhou


Financial Analysis and Fund Management (2020)



Southwest region


Ziji Gao


Financial Economics   (2021)


Past and upcoming events

Events photo gallery

