Videos / Podcasts

Understanding the perspectives and lived experiences of other people can help us to be more empathetic and inclusive and to consider things from new perspectives.

On this page, we have a selection of inclusive videos, celebrating and educating about diversity within the University and around the world

Linda Peka, Tina Verhaeghe and Rachel Winzer discuss with the BME Network about the importance of allyship

Ayla Holdom shares her experience as the military's first openly trans pilot, breaking gender barriers and inspiring others

Professor Janice Kay accepted the Universities of Sanctuary award for Exeter Uni, recognising refugee and asylum seekers support

University of Exeter's Akria Allman shares about studying and life as a minority student at Cornwall's Penryn campus

Stonewall's Mandy McBain advocates for inclusion, working with LGBT charity, Armed Services, and UK Security Services

Tina Verhaeghe spoke to BBC Radio Devon about setting up the BAME staff and student network at the University of Exeter

Dexter Dias, QC exploring the roots of racism, its painful consequences and how we can actively combat it together to work for racial equity

Jak shares coming out as trans, challenges faced, and overcoming them with support in personal experience

A firefighter, surgeon, and fighter pilot challenge gender roles when visiting a classroom, changing children's assumptions in real life

Fox & Owl Fisher advocate for non-binary identities, affirming their validity and the need for dignity and authenticity in living

Cherish Oteka directs videos with Stonewall, showcasing the experiences of LGBT people of color in a series

UCL hosts discussion on the curricula's Euro and white-centricity, exploring the need for greater diversity and representation