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CYP Wellbeing Network Seminar: David Daley- digital interventions for ADHD

The CYP Wellbeing @Exeter Research Network are pleased to invite you to this seminar with David Daley, Professor of Psychological Intervention & Knowledge Exchange and Head of Applied Psychological Practice at Nottingham Trent University.

Event details


NHS England have ambitious plans for digital transformation, the strategy aims to digitise services, connect them to support integration and, through these foundations, enable service transformation. However, how do we develop digital interventions for mental health services in general and ADHD specifically that fit into these ambitious aims. Using data and examples from two large NIHR Programme grants  i) Optimising Parent Training in the Management of ADHD OPTIMA ( and ii) Digital Sleep Interventions for ADHD DISCA ( this talk aims to explore how to optimise access to digital interventions, how to explore feasibility and acceptability and may even provide a taster of effectiveness.

Event: Monday 24th February 10:30- 11:30 Live at St Luke’s Campus, Baring Court room 112 or online via TEAMS Meeting ID: 348 361 005 70 Passcode: Cu2wC6nG

Title: Going digital in an analogue health system:  Can we make digital interventions for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder accessible, acceptable and effective?

Bio: David Daley received his B.A (Hons). in Applied Psychology with Sociology from the National University of Ireland, University College Cork, Ireland and his Ph.D in Developmental Psychopathology from the University of Southampton, UK.  After time spent as an assistant Professor within the School of Psychology at the University of Southampton, and associate professor on the North Wales Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programme at Bangor University, he was appointed Professor of Psychological Intervention and Behaviour Change in the Division of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham in 2010. Since July 2022 he is Professor of Psychological Intervention & Knowledge Exchange and Head of Applied Psychological Practice at Nottingham Trent University, UK.  David is also a member of NHS England’s Experts in Evidence ADHD taskforce as well as a member of the European Network on Hyperkinetic Disorders ADHD Guidelines Group.

David’s research interests are focused on non-shared environmental influences on pre-school child and adolescent development. In particular, he has devoted much of his career to the study of factors that enhance and interfere with the effective and enjoyable parenting of children with ADHD. He is also internationally recognised as an expert in environmental modification for neurodiversity. He has authored over 180 academic papers and written two books on ADHD. You can find further details about his research outputs at

Please forward to colleagues and networks; these events are open to all students and staff.


Baring Court 112 or via Teams