Stonewall Staff Survey

Some questions you may have about the feedback survey...

No. The survey is designed to get the views of ALL staff, whatever their sexual orientation and gender identity.  It is therefore open to LGBTQ+, non-LGBTQ+ staff and those that do not wish to disclose.

The Stonewall Staff Survey leads to action on increasing LGBTQ+ inclusivity in the University.
As a direct result of previous Stonewall Staff Surveys we have relaunched the Staff LGBTQ+ Network which has given us rainbow lanyards, rainbow flags flying on campus, a visible and accessible source of support and a voice in shaping the University's inclusivity agenda.

There is still lots to do and the more people that complete the survey, the better the insights we will have into how we can make an even more inclusive environment.

Stonewall collates all the responses to the survey. Last year over 92,000 staff from 445 different workplaces across Britain took part in the survey, making it one of the largest national employment surveys. Stonewall publishes their analysis of the survey results as part of their guide to the Top 100 Employers in the Workplace Equality Index.

For the University, our survey responses are used along with the rest of our submission to the Workplace Equality Index to give us a position in the resulting league table. This year the questionnaire accounts for up to 10% of the available marks (up from 5% in previous years). We also receive our survey results benchmarked against averages for the Higher Education sector and the Top 100 in the Index.

Yes. The survey is completely anonymous and confidential. The responses go directly to Stonewall and they then provide the University with average scores. Individuals cannot be identified.