

Key facts

  • 344 engaged businesses
    • Small & Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) across the county.
  • 1,215 attendees joined our focussed workshops & events addressing Cornwall's major environmental challenges, including:
    • Food Waste
    • Electric Vehicles
    • Advanced Moorings
    • Canopy Cover
    • Wildflower Seed
    • Geo-resources
  • 4,128 business assist hours
    • Bespoke consultancy provided to individual businesses.
  • Environmental intelligence
    • Developing an online hub (Lagas) of environmental intelligence across the county using the latest technology sensor network and mapping software.


Tevi is a unique EU-funded collaboration bringing together expertise from across the University of Exeter (circular economy, engineering, ecology, mathematics, business innovation and product design) alongside that of Cornwall Council (environmental growth, policy and strategy, rewards and recognition), Cornwall Wildlife Trust (habitat management, biodiversity conservation) and Cornwall Development Company (grant funding expertise, programme delivery). The aim of Tevi is to help businesses thrive by contributing to Cornwall's environmental growth and transitioning to a circular economy.

Tevi has worked closely with stakeholders to help shape the emerging Local Industrial Strategy, to ensure better integration of environmental growth and economic investment.

»Explore our case studies of some of the businesses that we have worked with.