Funded by the ERC

EU Funded Project

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 724544

Average-Transaction Costs and Risk Management during the First Globalization (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries)

Other Conferences and Events involving AveTransRisk Team Members

  • XIX World Economic History Congress (Paris, 25-30 July 2022). We presented a double session on: Risk Management, Mutual Protection and Transaction Costs in Maritime Trade (16th-18th Centuries).
  • International Maritime History Association 8th International Congress of Maritime History  (Porto, 30 June - 3 July 2022). We presented two sessions:
    • General Average and the governance of maritime conflict in northern Europe (16th-18th centuries)
    • General Average and jettison in Southern Europe (16th-18th centuries)
    • See:

  • Lewis Wade discussed Moral Hazard, Reputation and the Colbertian State in the Parisian Insurance Market at the International Conference
    Donner at tenir sa parole/Giving and Keeping One’s Word. Engagements et réputations dans les sociétés françaises et européennes à l'époque moderne (XVIe -XVIIIe siècles, colonies incluses) Commitments and reputations in French and European societies in the Early Modern Times (16th-18th centuries, including the colonies) in Rennes (France), 25-26 novembre 2021‌

  • Economic History Society Annual Conference (Warwick/Online, 6-9 April 2021). PhD student Gijs Dreijer presented a paper on GA and risk management in one of the New Researcher Sessions. See

  • European Social Sciences History Conference 2021 (Leiden, March 2021) we presented a panel on: Representing Risk in Seventeenth-Century Europe: Maritime Averages, GIS and the Digital Humanities
    Postponed to March 2021 due to Covid-19

  • At the conference on Reti marittime, traffici commerciali e flussi turistici nel Mediterraneo tra età moderna e contemporanea (Catanzaro, 12-13 November 2020), Luisa Piccinno and Antonio Iodice presented a paper on “Reti e strategie dei mercanti stranieri operanti a Genova in età moderna’.

  • 2020 Vlootschouw
    On the 18th of January 2020, the Dutch Maritime Museum hosted the so-called Vlootschouw (“Fleet inspection”) of the maritime history of the Low Countries, offering a wide range of presentations on all aspects of maritime history. AveTransRisk members Sabine Go and Gijs Dreijer presented a short pitch on the (comparative) history of General Average in Antwerp and Amsterdam in the early modern period, offering the wider public a glimpse of the preliminary results of the project. Sabine Go also presented a poster of her project on insurance premiums. The full program (in Dutch) can be consulted here.

  • Risk and the Insurance Business in History, Seville 11-14 June 2019, see the Sevilla Final Programme.

  • Central Governments and the Resolution of Maritime Confl­icts, 1200–1600 – Lisbon (Portugal) November 2018: CGMC 2018

  • European Business History Association 22nd Annual Congress – Ancona (Italy) in September 2018: Ancona conference

  • 43rd Annual Economic and Business History Society Conference  - Jyväskylä (Finland) conference in May 2018: Jyvaskyla conference

  • “Risk, Honor & Innovation: Imagining New Markets”, 3rd Biennial Richard Robinson Workshop on Business History, Portland State University, Portland, May 24-26, 2018. Programme information