This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 724544
Average-Transaction Costs and Risk Management during the First Globalization (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries)
Please note that this page is a work in progress, and that more material will be added as it becomes available.
Guido Rossi, 'The liability of the shipmaster in early modern law: comparative (and practice-oriented) remarks', Historia et ius, 12 (2017). More information.
Guido Rossi, ‘The Barratry of the Shipmaster in Early Modern Law: polysemy and mos italicus’, 87(1) (2019) Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 65-85. .
Guido Rossi, ‘The Barratry of the Shipmaster in Early Modern Law: The Approach of Italian and English Law Courts’, 87(4) (2019) Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 504-574. .
Gijs Dreijer & Otto Vervaart, ‘Een tractaet van avarien – 1617’, Pro Memorie, 21, 2 (2019), 37-41. .
Maria Fusaro, ‘The Burden of Risk: Early Modern Maritime Enterprise and Varieties of Capitalism’, Business History Review, 94 (2020): 179-200. More information.
Gijs Dreijer, ‘Maritime averages and the complexity of risk management in sixteenth-century Antwerp’, TSEG/ Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History, 17/2 (2020): 31–54. More information.
Dave De ruysscher, ‘Maxims, Principles and Legal Change: Maritime Law in Merchant and Legal Culture (Low Countries, 16th Century)’, in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtgeschichte, Ger.Abt. 138 (2021). .
Andrea Addobbati, ‘War, Risks, and Speculation: The Accounts of a Small Livorno Insurer (1743–1748)’, in Phillip Hellwege and Guido Rossi eds., Maritime Risk Management: Essays on the History of Marine Insurance, General Average and Sea Loan, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2021, 161-187. .
Sabine Go, ‘Governance of General Average in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century: A Backward Development?’, in Phillip Hellwege and Guido Rossi eds., Maritime Risk Management: Essays on the History of Marine Insurance, General Average and Sea Loan, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2021, 247-263. .
Luisa Piccinno & Antonio Iodice, ‘Managing Shipping Risk: General Average and Marine Insurance in Early Modern Genoa’, in Phillip Hellwege and Guido Rossi eds., Maritime Risk Management: Essays on the History of Marine Insurance, General Average and Sea Loan, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2021, 83-109. .
Ana María Rivera Medina, ‘Maritime Risk Management Instruments in Medieval Castile (Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries)’, in Phillip Hellwege and Guido Rossi eds., Maritime Risk Management: Essays on the History of Marine Insurance, General Average and Sea Loan, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2021, 61-81. .
Antonio Iodice & Luisa Piccinno, ‘Whatever the cost: Grain trade and the Genoese dominating minority in Sicily and Tabarka (16th-18th centuries), Business History, DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2021.1924686. More information.
Sabine Go, ‘Shared burdens: The General Average adjustment of the Jan Maria’, The International Journal of Maritime History, 33/2 (2021): 322–343. .
Gijs Dreijer, ‘Identity, Conflict and Commercial Law: Legal Strategies of Castilian Merchants in the Low Countries (Fifteenth-Sixteenth Centuries’, in: De ruysscher, D., Cordes, A., Dauchy, S., Gialdroni & Pihlajamäki, H. (eds.), Commerce, Citizenship and Identity in Legal History (Brill: Leiden & Boston 2021), 118-138, For the full article see the following link:
Jake Dyble, 'General Average, Human Jettison, and the Status of Slaves in Early Modern Europe', The Historical Journal (2022), 1–24.
Giada Pizzoni, 'British Power in the Mediterranean: Sea Protests and Notarial Practice in Nineteenth-century Malta', The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, .
Luisa Piccinno and Andrea Zanini, ‘Reti e strategie dei mercanti stranieri operanti a Genova in età moderna: primi risultati di un nuovo percorso di ricerca’, in D. Dell’Osa, R. Ghezzi and N. Ridolfi eds., Reti marittime, traffici commerciali e flussi turistici nel Mediterraneo tra età moderna e contemporanea, Pisa, 2022, 35-47.
Lewis Wade, ‘Underwriting Empire: Marine Insurance and Female Agency in the French Atlantic World’, Enterprise & Society (2022), 1-29. doi:10.1017/eso.2022.33.
A. Iodice, L. Oddo, ‘Northern is better? A quantitative transaction costs analysis of the Northern Invasion phenomenon, Genoa 1590-1616’, in Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Volume LVI, June 2022: 191-214. ISSN: 2532-4969; doi: 10.26331/1177. More information.
M. Fusaro, A. Addobbati and L. Piccinno eds., General Average and Risk Management in Medieval and Early Modern Maritime Business, co-edited with A. Addobbati and L. Piccinno, (London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2023) available in OA at:
Antonio Iodice - Luisa Piccinno, ‘Incertezza e rischio nel commercio marittimo. Le pratiche di avaria genovesi dagli studi di Giuseppe Felloni al database europeo AveTransRisk’, in Quaderni della Società Ligure di Storia Patria 13 (2023) 75-104
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7530116.
A. Iodice, ‘Marine Insurance in Early Modern Genoa (1564–1571): A Risk-Shifting or Risk-Sharing Tool?’, Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2023.
G. Dreijer, The Power and Pains of Polysemy: Maritime Trade, Averages, and Institutional Development in the Low Countries (15th–16th Centuries), Leiden, 2023.
L. Wade, G. Dreijer and b, ‘Introduction: Risk and Uncertainty in the Early Modern World’, International Journal of Maritime History, Special Issue on Risk and Uncertainty in the Early Modern World, 1–8, DOI: 10.1177/08438714231161960
M. Hope, L. Wade and G. Dreijer, ‘Coda: Risk and Uncertainty in the Early Modern World’, International Journal of Maritime History, Special Issue on Risk and Uncertainty in the Early Modern World, 1–4, DOI: 10.1177/08438714231161960
Lewis Wade, Privilege, Economy and State in Old Regime France: Marine Insurance, War and the Atlantic Empire under Louis XIV, Boydell & Brewer, 2023. You can access it at:
Lewis Wade, ‘Royal Companies, Risk Management and Sovereignty in Old Regime France’, English Historical Review,
Maria Fusaro, ‘Introduction. Risk Management and Jurisdictional Boundaries in Pre-Modern Europe’, Quaderni Storici, 171/3 (2022): 587-594.
Giovanni Ceccarelli, ‘I teologi e l’avaria generale. Linguaggi del rischio tra XIII e XVIII secolo’, Quaderni Storici, 171/3 (2022): 595-623.
Dave De ruysscher, ‘Shipping, Commerce and the Risk of Jurisdiction. The Scheldt Trade (Sixteenth Century)’, Quaderni Storici, 171/3 (2022): 625-648.
Maria Fusaro, ‘Venetian «Averages» between East and West. Risk Management and Transaction Costs in the Early Modern Mediterranean’, Quaderni Storici, 171/3 (2022): 649-672.
Jake Dyble, ‘Lex Mercatoria. Private «Order», and Commercial «Confusion». A View from Seventeenth-Century Livorno’, Quaderni Storici, 171/3 (2022): 673-700.
Andrea Addobbati, ‘The Barrator’s Tale: Legal Proof at Sea and the Weakening of the Seaman’s Position at the Turn of the 18th Century’, Quaderni Storici, 171/3 (2022): 701-734.
Maria Fusaro, Marta Garcìa Garralòn and Lewis Wade, ‘Measuring Maritime Trade: an Introduction to the AveTransRisk Database’, in S. Marzagalli, W. Scheltjens and J. Land eds., L’histoire maritime à l’épreuve des humanités numériques : les bases de données sur la navigation à l’époque moderne, monographic issue of Histoire & Mesure, XXXVIII/2 (2023) : 107-134.
Jake Dyble, Antonio Iodice et Ian Wellaway, ‘The Technical Challenges of Measuring Maritime Trade in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Livorno and Genoa’, in S. Marzagalli, W. Scheltjens and J. Land eds., L’histoire maritime à l’épreuve des humanités numériques : les bases de données sur la navigation à l’époque moderne, monographic issue of Histoire & Mesure, XXXVIII/2 (2023) : 135-162.
NB. The whole issue of Histoire & Mesure, XXXVIII/2 (2023) can be seen at
A. Iodice, Through the Water and the Storm. Maritime Averages and Seaborne Trade in Early Modern Genoa, 1590–1700. Berghahn: New York/Oxford, 2025. More information
Guide to the Genoese documentation
Luisa Piccinno and Antonio Iodice have produced a to the Genoese documentation on General Average for the early modern period. This explains the wealth of material present in Genoa, and how the original paper card created by Giuseppe Felloni were used as the basis for the Database design. We would like to acknowledge the financial support of Guido Laura in producing this guide.
IMPACT brochure
is a short description of the AveTransRisk project which has been designed to for the general public and to showcase its relevance and connection with contemporary economic issue related to maritime trade.
Press Statements
VRIJE Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) released a press statement on 16 January 2018. 'School of Business and Economics researcher Sabine Go has, as part of a team led by Professor Maria Fusaro from the University of Exeter, received an ERC Consolidator Grant to investigate the development of General Average laws and procedures during the Early Modern period.' More information is available on this page.