
This page contains a list of all the members and related members of staff in the Doctoral College. 

Leadership Team
Professor Stacey Hynd Dean of Postgraduate Research and of the Doctoral College           01392 (72) 4258
Drs Astrid Wissenburg Director of Research      
Fiona Pac-Soo Assistant Director - Research Environment and Doctoral College   01392 (72) 2729 
Dr Rachel Hogden Head of Postgraduate Research Support  
Dr Chris Wood Head of Researcher Development and Research Culture   01392 (72) 3720
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 
Morwenna Hussey PGR Manager (HASS) Old Library 01392 (72) 5305
Anna Dolman PGR Manager (School of Education) Old Library 01392 (72) 3258
Elizabeth Noon

PGR Support Officer

I am based at Streatham and have the day to day operational responsibility for aspects of the PGR student lifecycle.

Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Amy Turner

PGR Support Officer 

I am based at Streatham and have the day to day operational responsibility for aspects of the PGR student lifecycle.

Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Kim Mugford

PGR Support Officer (St Lukes)

I am based at St Lukes and have the day to day operational responsibility for aspects of the PGR student lifecycle for the School of Education.

South Cloisters 01392 (72) 6295

Heather Platt PGR Support Officer (HASS Penryn - Cornwall) Peter Lanyon 01392 (72) 6295
Monique Clark PGR Administrator (HASS Penryn - Cornwall) Peter Lanyon 01392 (72) 6295
Issac Maswade

PGR Administrator (PGR Support)

I am based at Streatham and look after day-to-day administration for current PGR students.

Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Jenny Andrews

PGR Administrator (PGR Support)

I am based at Streatham and look after day-to-day administration for current PGR students.

Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Iris Lou

PGR Administrator (PGR Support)

I am based at both St Luke’s and Streatham and look after day-to-day administration for current PGR students and act as the main administrative contact for the EdD students.

South Cloisters and Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Melissa Mitcheson

PGR Administrator (PGR Support)

I am based at St Luke’s and look after day-to-day administration for current PGR Education students and act as the main administrative contact for MPhil/PhD Education students.

South Cloisters 01392 (72) 6295
Charlotte Nicolls

PGR Administrator (0.4FTE SWDTP/ESRC Admin Support)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Academic Staff and Business Partners
Professor Susan Molyneux-Hodgson Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Impact  

Dr Jonathan Doney

Faculty Director of PGR 

Suzie Masterman Research Services, IIB and Doctoral College Partner
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Helen Pisarska PGR Manager Old Library 01392 (72) 4395
Emily Hough PGR Support Officer (Public Health and Sport Sciences/Clinical and Biomedical Sciences/Health and Care Professions/Health and Community Sciences) Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Rosie Logiudice PGR Support Officer (Biosciences/Psychology) Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Heather Platt PGR Support Officer (Public Health and Sport Sciences – Cornwall) Peter Lanyon 01392 (72) 6295

Magdalena Katomeri PGR Support Officer (Clinical Doctorates in Psychology) Washington Singer 01392 (72) 5762 
Steph Powell PGR Administrator Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295

Natalia Lopes De Araujo PGR Administrator Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295

Tala Bridge PGR Administrator Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295

Louise Simpson PGR Administrator Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295

Monique Clark PGR Administrator (Cornwall) Peter Lanyon 01392 (72) 6295

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Academic Staff and Business Partners
Professor Anni Vanhatalo Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Impact
Professor Kate Ellacott Faculty Director of PGR
Adrian Bailey Research and Doctoral College Business Partner 
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy
Sarmi Ghosh PGR Manager Old Library 01392 (72) 2311
Anna Dolman PGR Manager (Business School) Old Library 01392 (72) 3258
Helen Pisarska PGR Manager (Ecology and Conservation) Old Library 01392 (72) 4395
Andrew Cook PGR Support Officer Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Amber Crook PGR Support Officer (Business School and Geography) – secondment and Administrator (HLS) Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Heather Platt PGR Support Officer (Ecology and Conservation) Peter Lanyon 01392 (72) 6295
Rosie Logiudice PGR Support Officer (Earth and Environmental Science) Peter Lanyon 01392 (72) 6295
Monique Clark PGR Administrator (Cornwall) Peter Lanyon 01392 (72) 6295

Steph Powell

PGR Administrator  Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295

Natalia Lopes De Araujo

PGR Administrator  Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295

Tala Bridge

PGR Administrator  Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295

Louise Simpson

PGR Administrator  Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Maggie Smith

PGR Administrator (PGR Support)

I am based at Streatham and look after day-to-day administration for current PGR students, primarily facing the Business School.

Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 6295
Isabel Hallam Centre Manager
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Environmental Intelligence: Data Science & AI for Sustainable Futures
Hope Hall 01392 (72) 7584
Samantha Young Centre Administrator Hope Hall 01392 (72) 7585
Debbie Ford CDT Administrative Officer (STREAM and WISE) 

Co-ordinates WISE CDT operations across the four partner universities and primary contact for students, academics and industrial partners

Harrison 01392 (72) 4744
Nia Owen PGR Administrator (SMM, WISE and STREAM)

Supports academics, researchers and students within EMPS Centre for Water Systems and CDTs

Harrison 01392 (72) 3732
Karen Pearson CMRI Centre Manager Physics 01392 (72) 4718
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy Academic Staff and Business Partners
Professor Angus Buckling Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Impact  
Professor Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Impact  
Professor Jon Blount Faculty Director of PGR
Catherine Davies Research and Doctoral College Business Partners
PGR Recruitment Team
Vic Wilson

PGR Recruitment Manager     

Leads on the planning and delivery of recruitment for postgraduate researchers with specific focus on national and International partnerships cohort recruitment, including promotional information, communications and events  

Innovation Centre 01392 (72) 3067

Researcher Development and Research Culture Team

Dr Chris Wood

Head of Researcher Development and Research Culture 

Strategic lead for the Researcher Development and Research Culture team in the Doctoral College responsible for planning, budgeting and day to day management. Research culture, PGR and ECR wellbeing, Training Needs, VITAE, GW4, Communications and feedback on our work

Old Library 01392 (72) 3720

Dr Peter O'Rourke

Researcher Development Manager (ECR)

Leads on the provision of professional and career development for research staff at the University, across all subject disciplines and campuses, ECR development & representation, Researcher-led Initiatives, Images of Research, GW4 collaboration, mentoring and specific funding opportunities.

Old Library 01392 (72) 7047

Dr Gabby Davies

Researcher Development Manager (0.4fte)

Leads on the provision of professional development for PGRs at the University, across all subject disciplines and campuses. Training and development ideas for PGRs as well as the PGR showcase, writing support and webinars

Old Library

Kathryn Coombes

Researcher Development Manager (0.6fte)

Leads on the provision of professional development for PGRs at the University, across all subject disciplines and campuses. Training and development ideas for PGRs as well as the PGR showcase, writing support and webinars

 Old Library 

Kenneth Howgill

PGR & Researcher Development Careers Coach

Works two days a week in the PGR team, leading on the careers support for PGRs. Career planning and development for PGRs, as well as 1-2-1 careers appointments for PGRs. Works one day a week in the ECR team, leading on careers support for Early Career Researchers. Career planning and development for researchers and 1-to-1 careers appointments for ECRs.

Old Library

Alice Forty

PGR and ECR Culture and Experience Support Officer

Developing the PGR and ECR experience, including communications for the Doctoral College, PGR Induction, research culture, managing feedback into the Doctoral College which involves the institutional surveys, PRES and CEDARS.

Old Library
Kelyn Luther

Researcher Development and Research Culture Administrator

Supports all aspects of the Researcher Development team, with a particular focus on communications, PGR events and PGR training and development. First point of contact for general enquiries for our team

Old Library 01392 (72) 5337

Juliet White

Researcher Development and Research Culture Administrator

Supports all aspects of administration of the ECR training and development programme and Researcher-led Initiatives, 1-2-1 career appointments and Researcher-led Initiatives

Old Library 01392 (72) 2372
Regine Tin

Researcher Development and Research Culture Administrator

Old Library 01392 (72) 5337
Becky Euesden

Engaged Research and Communications Officer (Responsible Metrics) 

Supports the Head of Researcher Development and Research Culture to foster an understanding of ‘responsible metrics’ to the research community. Seeks to promote a greater understanding and awareness of this agenda, which encourages expert judgement and a more pluralistic approach to research assessment, through communications activities, thus supporting the University’s commitment to DORA

Old Library

PGR Admin Team

Laura Yeves Gonzalez

PGR Officer (PGR Admin)

Advice to PGR Support teams regarding individual student matters and TQA policy and procedures relating to PGR students and programmes. Developing best working practices for PGR programmes

Old Library 01392 (72) 3258

Vicky Colton

PGR Administrator

PGR examinations from submission to award and PGR data quality in SITS

Old Library 01392 (72) 3097
Julie Gay

PGR Administrator 

Supplies data to Research Councils via Je-S and all other Je-S related work as well as ORE submissions & helps with the awards process 

Old Library 01392 (72) 2207
Jo Millar 

PGR Administrator

PGR Interruptions, change of Programme and Withdrawals.  Payment of External Examiner Fees.  Help with receipt of submissions from students and dispatch to examiners

Old Library 01392 (72) 3713

Health and Wellbeing

PGR Education Welfare Team

PGR Education Welfare Team

Old Library

Committee Secretariat

Natalie Bartram

Quality Development Manager

Responsibility for governance, quality assurance and policy development within the Doctoral College

Old Library 01392 (72) 6255
Louise Garrity

Governance and Dean’s Support Administrator

Diary support for Professor Stacey Hynd & administrative support within the Committee Secretariat

Old Library 01392 (72) 2193

Quality and Standards - PGR

Education Policy, Quality and Standards



PGR Academic Partnerships


PGR Programme Approval


PGR Quality Review


Old Library n/a

For PGR Academic Partnerships, please email:


For PGR Programme Approval and Quality Review, please email: