Occupational Health

Occupational Health

Occupational Health is a specialist branch of medicine focussing on the health of employees in the workplace. The aim of Occupational Health is to improve physical and mental health at work, supporting of the aims of the Wellbeing, Inclusion and Culture Committee (WICC) and Strategy 2030 with our colleagues in the Colleague Wellbeing team.

We work closely with our colleagues around the University, including Health and Safety and HR to ensure the University remains compliant with health and safety law and employment law.

Our team is made up of qualified Occupational Health Advisers, trained Health Surveillance Practitioners and is supported by a dedicated administrative team. The Occupational Health Team supports managers and colleagues with practical, evidence-based advice and guidance to maintain and improve the quality of colleague health at work.

The Managing Mental Health and Stress Standard sets out processes for managing stress at the University and links to relevant resources and support (staff). Managers can get further information from the online training module - Supporting the Mental Wellbeing of Your Team and the Leaders' and Managers' Mental Health and Stress Toolkit. All colleagues will find invaluable guidance in the Colleague Mental Health and Stress Toolkit.

The University has Mindful Employer status. The Mindful Employer Charter is about recognising employers working towards better mental health in the workplace. By signing the Charter, employers are making a public declaration of their ambition to support the mental wellbeing of their staff by agreeing to set of commitments.

We are working within the framework of the University Mental Health Charter, in line with the Our People part of Strategy 2030. The Charter provides a set of evidence-informed principles to support universities across the UK in making mental health a university-wide priority.

Our team members work across the Streatham and Penryn Campuses.