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iTE Playful Research Talk 'The Science behind a playful approach'

Adam Lusby and Maarten Koeners, co-founders of INNOPLAY will introduce ‘The science behind a playful approach in the Creative Quadrant on March 5th at 8.30 am as part of the ITE Playful Research talks

Event details


Abstract: We will be presenting the latest thinking from Playposium, LA 2024. With play we can enter a space that allows us to think and create. We can push an idea, combine it, contradict it, relocate it, stretch it, and see where all that leads. On top of that, play is increasingly recognised as both a fundamental part of the human experience and basic biological need at every stage in life. The contemporary speed of change across society – and hence higher education – increasingly requires a shift in approach where you can develop and try something in a very short space of time. Play creates this space. However, play is not yet consistently applied within educational practices. This Playful Research Seminar will playfully explore the science on the interconnections between play, learning, and wellbeing and what the available evidence could mean for the future of education.

Short Bios:

Adam Lusby. Adam has spent the past decade dedicated to exploring the intersections of innovation, technology, and the idea of a regenerative circular economy. He enjoys creating engaging workshops that challenge participants to acquire and apply new knowledge through hands-on experiences. As a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at the University of Exeter Business School, Adam serves as academic lead on two cutting-edge innovation spaces, the Skydeck and the CQ, where students can experience the power of innovation and entrepreneurship first-hand. Adam co-founded InnoPlay, which leverages the power of play, story, and design to drive innovation in education and beyond, and Regenovate, a new type of agency that helps organisations build their capacity for regenerative growth.

Dr. Maarten Koeners. Maarten has a PhD in medical biology and over the last 5 years has become passionate about strengthening the link between learning and joy through play. As a senior lecturer at the Medical School at the University of Exeter, Maarten integrated insights in the neuroscience of play and design thinking with his academic practice – which has been celebrated by receiving and Educational Incubator Fellowship, the Personal Tutor of the Year Award (2023) and The Areus Award for Most Inspirational Teacher (2024). Furthermore, Maarten has co-lead the Kinder Exeter Festival and lead the Festival of Compassion to co-create prosocial spaces promoting compassion and playfulness - thereby enabling creative and innovative thinking. Together with Adam Lusby, Maarten has co-founded InnoPlay to enable individual and institutional innovation through design, play, story – and joy! 

Adam Lusby and Maarten Koeners, co-founders of INNOPLAY, the people who have contributed significantly towards more playful and interactive teaching in the Business School and beyond, will introduce us to the science behind a playful approach.

Do you already use a playful approach? After the talk, when people ask you why you do so, whether it works and what it entails in theory and practice, you will be better able to argue for its relevance!

Are you still wondering whether you should adopt a playful approach? You will not find more skilled and experienced people than Adam and Maarten in the UK and beyond to get you started, trust me!

Other Information 

About the ITE Playful Research Talk series: This initiative, supported by the ITE sub-department and the Center for Entrepreneurship, aims to create a safe space for the members of the University of Exeter Business School to present their research, provide feedback to others’ work and collectively create a research community of societal impact, academic publications…and playfulness. Why playfulness? The short answer is that this allows us to view research through a different lens, challenge our own findings and engage more experientially with each other’s work. The long answer is…why don’t you join us to find out 😉 ? And if, at some point, you would benefit from presenting your own work, please send an e-mail to:

Where is CQ located? Streatham Campus, Rennes Drive, “surrounded” by the Streatham Court ( We would encourage participants to join in-person, in order to participate in the playful activities and engage with each other! One can also join online through the Microsoft Teams link below, but with less opportunities for active participation and engagement.


The Creative Quadrant