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The University as Patron of the Arts - Public Lecture by Paul Muldoon

A lecture by Paul Muldoon about his experience in providing a program in the creative and performing arts at Princeton University

Paul Muldoon will be giving a lecture about his experience as a high visibility artist and arts administrator charged with providing a program in the creative and performing arts at Princeton University

Event details

Public Event - Free Entry - Advance Booking Essential. Book your ticket  here.

Paul Muldoon has been described as “the most significant English-language poet born since the Second World War”. Acclaimed for his many poetry collections, from New Weather to Maggot , and winner of numerous awards including the Pulitzer and T.S. Eliot Prizes, he is Howard G.B. Clark Professor and Founding Chair of the Lewis Center for the Arts, Princeton University, USA. He also writes lyrics for the music collective, Wayside Shrines.

On a special visit to the University of Exeter, Paul Muldoon will be giving a lecture about his experience as a high visibility artist and arts administrator charged with providing a program in the creative and performing arts at Princeton University. As the founding Chair of the Lewis Center for the Arts, he describes how he has attempted to allow Princeton to see itself as a university at the service not only of the nation, of all nations, but also of the imagination. He discusses the challenges of giving students, and a wider community, the opportunity to understand art by having first-hand experience of making it. The experience has often been frustrating, more often wildly funny. In addition to setting forth a philosophical position on the role of the modern university, Professor Muldoon offers some practical suggestions about how UK universities might proceed in the present economic climate.

Following the lecture there will be an opportunity to ask the speaker questions.
The event will be followed by a glass of wine at the Exeter Venue.

Paul Muldoon by Peter Cook

Paul Muldoon by Peter Cook


Newman E