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Business opportunities in a 'waste not, want not' Circular Economy

Discuss and debate the new business practices associated with a Circular Economy

Event details


Rising resource prices and waste costs are a challenge for business. However, by moving away from the take-make-waste linear pattern of our current economy towards one in which goods are designed and marketed with reuse in mind, a more circular economy offers new business potential. 

Large companies, such as Ikea, Unilever, Philips already are developing strategies in this direction, but also there are many opportunities for small businesses particularly since a move towards a circular economy encourages a more regional economic focus, because of the need for greater dependence on renewables, biomass and waste streams. 

Over breakfast, a Business School expert will highlight the potential of a circular economy, followed by a talk from one of the Directors of F-Board, a company that has developed both a new product and a business model based on circular economy principles.

There will be time for questions, and a chance to discuss the possibilities for your own business.

More about the hosts:

Julie Whittaker is a Senior Lecturer in the Organsation of Markets at the University of Exeter Business School. 


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The ESRC Festival of Social Sciences takes place between 1 and 8 November 2014.