Ordinance 16

16 Aegrotat Awards
16.1 On the recommendation of the Faculty Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee or Board of Examiners concerned, the Senate may deem a candidate who has received a diagnosis of a terminal or debilitating illness or has been otherwise medically incapacitated and therefore been prevented from attending the whole or part of a deferred assessment for a degree, diploma, certificate or other award to have been successful in that assessment and grant an Aegrotat pass, provided that:
16.1.1 For Taught Students: the Faculty Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee concerned has submitted a written report to the Education Board certifying: 
  (a) that it is satisfied that the candidate's absence from the deferred assessment was justified by reason of terminal or debiliating illness or medical incapacitation, and that the evidence received had included a medical certificate or other appropriate documentation attesting to the candidate's absence submitted to the Registrar and Secretary.
  (b) that it had subsequently considered the candidate's academic record including coursework and performance in previous assessments in the University, and was satisfied that the programme of study leading to the deferred assessment had been completed, and that the assessment would have been passed had the candidate not been prevented from taking it; and
16.1.2 For Postgraduate Resarch Students: The Board of Examiners has written a report to the Postgraduate Research Board certifying:
  (a) that it is satisfied that the candidate's inability to proceed with their research degree was justified by reason of terminal or debilitating illness or medical incapacitation and that the evidence received had included a medical certificate or other appropriate documentation attesting to the candidate's adsence submitted to the Registrar and Secretary.
  (b) that it has followed the "Award of Posthumous and Aegrotat Postgraduate Research Degrees: Statement of Procedures" and is satisfied that the candidate's work meets the standards of the Postgraduate research degree award being recommended.
16.1.3 The Education Board or Postgraduate Research Board has endorsed the recommendation of the Faculty Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee or Board of Examiners. 
16.2 Students registered on programmes covered by the 'Policy and Procedures for Fitness to Practise' (as specified in annex 1 of the procedure) may not be considered for an Aegrotat award.
16.3 A candidate registered on a Taught Programme recommended for an Aegrotat pass may choose alternatively to sit the deferred examination within one further year, without attendance at the University. Such an election shall not preclude the Aegrotat pass being awarded should the candidate again be prevented by illness from attending the examination.
16.4 An Aegrotat pass will be permitted on one occasion only during the course of a student's programme of study.