

Senate is the senior forum for academic staff to shape academic strategy, as well as scrutinise plans and raise issues of major strategic importance to the University. It meets formally three times a year, in November, March and June, with a joint meeting taking place with the University Council in May. Senate's powers and constitution can be found in the University’s Ordinances.

Typically, agendas include a report from the Vice-Chancellor, reports from the Dean of Postgraduate Research and the Academic Dean for Students and discussion on key items of university business and strategy. Senate receives reports from the two Faculty Boards and updates from Senate Committees.

Senate is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and membership is comprised of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Registrar, Faculty Deans, Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Associate Deans, Heads of Department, the Director of Education & Student Experience and elected members of the academic community. Students are represented by members of the Students' Guild and Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union.

Dates of Meetings in 2024/25

  • 13 November 2024
  • 12 March 2025
  • 28 May 2025 - Joint Senate and Council meeting
  • 18 June 2025

About Senate

Who we are

Sub Committees of Senate

External Review of Senate