Inclusion and Belonging

Inclusion and Belonging

The current priorities for 2023/24 are:

Building on the progress so far, we will further embed and build on success of both the FWICCs & PSWICC. Appointments to the new Departmental WIC roles in faculties are currently underway.

Building sustained support through to the WICC.

In the 2022/23 Academic year, the University and Students’ Guild launched a new EDI Student Advisory Board to act as a mirror board to the Wellbeing, Inclusion and Culture committee and bring in a diverse set of student voices. The board, consisting of 16 students, brings together a representative sub-section of our student community to bring up key WIC challenges and provide feedback on new developments. The board will continue to meet twice a term throughout 23/24 and beyond.

Continued implementation.

The University of Exeter secured a RECM bronze award in 2022 and is moving forwards with delivery of the comprehensive action plan that was created as part of our application. The Self-Assessment team have been monitoring progress on actions around development of anti-racism training, improving our data on ethnicity and shaping projects for Inclusive recruitment and progression.

A review of current practice across the institution is underway, lead by our EDI team and working closely with our Success For All strategy team.

The University’s Athena SWAN institutional silver award is up for renewal in January 2024. An application is in development, with oversight from the Gender Equality group and input from Advance HE and will be submitted in January 2024.

In partnership with the Education Incubator, WIC is supporting The Student-led-anti racism, inclusivity and gender safety project fund, supporting delivery of projects that focus on either anti-racism and inclusivity or gender safety within the student journey.