10 years of the Environment and Sustainability Institute
Sign up here for the ESI newsletter that comes out once every term.
(Existing ESI staff, students and academics will continue receiving the weekly ESI briefings so need not sign up).
View our ESI Tree Infographic which capures the impact of the ESI over the last 10 years
We are proud to be celebrating the ESI’s first decade of successful operation and are holding a series of events to mark #esi10 throughout this academic year. All the new events – including think tanks, lectures, workshops and social events - will be advertised here and through our usual channels.
Our strap line is ‘working with natural systems for sustainable futures’ and our events will highlight the research, scholarship and new thinking being done on campus past and present, looking ahead to the next 10 years.
The ESI's first cohort of students and researchers (who started in 2013)
We have been catching up with our very first PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers to see what has happened since they joined us a decade ago. Here you can read about their reflections of working at the ESI, information about what they are doing now and we look ahead to their future plans.
More conversations to be added soon!
Press Releases
As we celebrate our first 10 years of successful operation, read some press releases written about the Environment and Sustainability Institute.