Sequencing Technician
Audrey Farbos has worked at the University of Exeter Sequencing Facility since October 2011. Her work involves preparing RNA and DNA libraries and sequencing them on the Illumina Novaseq 6000 or MiSeq or Oxford Nanopore Minion and Promethion instruments. She is experienced in sequencing protocol optimisation and troubleshooting.
Audrey teaches staff and PhD students to prepare and validate their own libraries, and check DNA and RNA quality, quantity and purity using the Tapestation (Agilent), Qubit (Invitrogen) and Promega plate reader. Audrey also has responsibility for the Covaris focused acoustic ultrasonicator.
Audrey manages and trains sequencing technicians to level 5. She is committed to promoting the work of Technicians in the Health and Life Science Faculty and has encouraged technicians to train and network with each other during monthly “Technical Lunches”. Audrey was a joint recipient of the University of Exeter Technical Services Award for Sustainability in 2022 for initiating and promoting this important programme of events.
In 2023 Audrey was selected to be a Gold level hands-on technical trainer at The Science Museum’s Technicians: The David Sainsbury Gallery. This groundbreaking interactive gallery is sponsored by The Gatsby Charitable Foundation and aims to educate and encourage young people into technical careers.
Previously, she worked as a Biological Engineer at CIRAD (2010-2011) on pre-development of a diagnostic tool for the detection of different gene groups of Ralstonia solanacearum.
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