Recruiting a redeployee
At the University of Exeter we are committed to attracting and retaining quality staff who will help us achieve our future goals and ambitions. Our commitment to redeployment enables us to retain essential knowledge and skills and build a resilient workforce.
Redeployment can also help a Recruiting Manager to fill their vacancy quickly.
These webpages explain everything you, as a Recruiting Manager, need to know about managing redeployees through recruitment process and beyond.
All of the information provided must be read in conjunction with the University's Redeployment Procedure and the University of Exeter Recruitment and Selection web pages.
What is a redeployee?
An employee will become a redeployee when they are issued formal notice of redundancy or because they are unable to continue working in their substantive position as a result of a disability. In both circumstances, redeployees are keen to secure alternative employment with the University before their cessation date, and managers will need to be sensitive to the circumstances and timescales. A redeployee is afforded priority consideration during the selection process if they meet the essential requirements set out in the job description and person specification.
This means that if a redeployee demonstrates that they meet the essential criteria within their application then they will be offered an interview. If, at interview, they meet the essential criteria for the role (or would do so with reasonable training) then they will be offered the position in priority over other candidates that are not redeployees.
A redeployee has applied for my vacancy - what do I need to do?
The guidance below explains everything you need to know about managing redeployees through your recruitment process.
Employees at the University may acquire redeployment status because their role is redundant and they have been issued with notice of redundancy, or they are unable to continue working in their existing role due to a disability. The University’s commitment to redeployment enables us to retain essential knowledge and skills and fulfil our legal obligation to members of staff. Further details can be found at
When the advertisement period is closed, the Recruitment Team will initially send the Recruiting Manager applications of any redeployees who are eligible for redeployment for the vacancy in the following criteria order:
- Redeployees on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave, those for a period on returning from this leave and pregnant employees (who have informed the University of the fact of their pregnancy) and redeployees due to those who cannot work in their current role due to a disability.
- Any other redeployees.
- All other applicants.
Redeployees on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave and pregnant employees who have informed the University of the fact of their pregnancy
Redeployees on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave and for a period following their return and pregnant employees who have informed the University of the fact of their pregnancy have priority over other redeployees. They have an automatic right under statute to be offered any suitable vacancies without going through a competitive selection process. Consideration must be given to whether the vacancy is a suitable alternative role (i.e., whether it is suitable and appropriate considering skills and experience, and that the capacity, place in which they are employed, and other terms are no less favourable).
The Recruitment Team will provide the recruiting manager with details of redeployees on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave and those who meet the criteria for a period after returning or who are pregnant (and have informed the University of the fact of their pregnancy) ahead of any other employee including other redeployment candidates (except other redeployees with the same circumstances and redeployees as a ‘reasonable adjustment’).
Redeployment as a ‘reasonable adjustment’
Recruiting managers should also be aware of the duty under the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments. Reasonable adjustments could include redeploying a member of staff (whether on a temporary or permanent basis) where they are unable to continue working in their existing role and/or carry out their duties due to a disability.
The employer's duty to make reasonable adjustments may require the employer to transfer them to an existing vacancy without going through a competitive selection process. An exception to this requirement could be if there are genuine concerns that the candidate is not appointable as they fail to meet the essential requirements of the role.
The Recruitment Team will provide the recruiting manager with details of these redeployees at the same time as those redeployees on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave and those who meet the criteria for a period after returning or who are pregnant (and have informed the University of the fact of their pregnancy).
If there is more than one priority redeployee applicant for the role then further consideration will be given based on each redeployee’s skills, job knowledge and experience.
Hiring managers should contact their HR Advisor or Partner to discuss this further or if they have any questions.
Other Redeployees who meet the essential criteria
If there are no suitable redeployees who meet the priority criteria then the recruiting manager should shortlist all other redeployee applicants who demonstrate in their application (and supporting documents) that they meet the essential criteria for the role or could do with reasonable retraining (up to 12 weeks training).
Wherever possible, the recruiting manager should interview redeployee applicants prior to considering/interviewing other candidates who may have applied.
It is recognised that it can be difficult to convene recruitment panels and therefore there may be occasions where it is agreed that redeployee applicants are interviewed alongside other candidates.
Where the redeployee demonstrates at interview that they meet the essential criteria or could do with reasonable retraining then they should be offered the role.
If there is more than one redeployee applicant, a competitive selection process can take place between these candidates.
Redundancy redeployees have a statutory four-week trial period in the role (or up to twelve weeks for training).
Hiring managers should contact their relevant Recruitment Lead or Coordinator to clarify how to manage the candidates.
If the redeployee does not meet the essential criteria
If the redeployee does not meet the essential criteria at the shortlisting or interview stage, the recruiting manager will need to document the selection process as normal and reject the candidate. The recruitment team will then send over any outstanding applications to the recruiting manager for review.
Where redeployee applicants are interviewed alongside other candidates, the recruiting manager should assess these before consideration is given to the other candidates.
Please be aware that redeployees might seek feedback throughout selection processes and may contact you directly to do this. The recruiting manager should be prepared to offer constructive feedback that explains how the candidate did not meet the essential criteria required for the position or could not meet the essential criteria with reasonable retraining. if you would like to discuss this further, please contact the Recruitment Team by emailing in the first instance.
Before interviewing the other candidates that have been shortlisted for the position Recruiting Managers need to interview all of the redeployees that have met the essential criteria, or could do so with reasonable training. Redeployees that demonstrate the essential criteria for the position at interview, or could do so with reasonable training, must be offered the position subject to a trial period. Where there is more than one redeployee applying for a vacancy the candidates are competitively assessed against each other, unless there is a legal requirement for the University to prioritise one of the redeployees for the role.
Redeployee meets the essential criteria
The redeployee will be offered the position subject to a trial period (see next tab about trial periods)
Redeployee does not meet the essential criteria
If the redeployee does not meet the essential criteria you will need to document the selection process as normal and reject the candidate. Please be aware that redeployees are likely to seek feedback throughout the selection processes and may contact you directly to do this. The Recruiting Manager should be prepared to offer constructive feedback that explains how they did not meet the essential criteria required for the position, if you would like to discuss this further please contact the recruitment team by emailing in the first instance.
If no redeployees are appointed to the position you can continue with the selection process for other candidates.
Redeployees will be offered a trial period for any vacancy that is offered under the terms of the procedure. If the employee is a redeployee as a result of being issued formal notice of redundancy then the trial period must include a statutory 4 week trial period (described as a formal trial period below) which commences immediately after their former role has ceased. In some cases you may also be able to organise an informal trial before the end of their notice period if their current line manager is able to release the employee.
Informal Trial Period (if applicable)
During an informal trial period, the Recruiting Manager and the redeployee will have the opportunity to assess the suitability of the offered position. If, during the informal trial period, either the Recruiting Manager or the redeployee decides that the position is not suitable then the trial will be stopped and the redeployee will return to their substantive position.
If at the end of the informal trial period the role is agreed to be a suitable offer of redeployment then a formal trial period may commence.
Formal Trial Period (also known as a Statutory Trial Period for employees who have been issued notice of redundancy)
A formal trial period will be for 4 weeks. An extended trial period can be agreed with the Recruiting Manager in advance of the trial commencing if reasonable training needs are required for the position or identified during the recruitment process.
During a formal trial period, both the Recruiting Manager and the redeployee will have the opportunity to assess the redeployees suitability for the position through regular reviews. If, during the trial period, either the Recruiting Manager or the redeployee decides that this post is not suitable then the trial will stop and the redeployees employment may be terminated.
Subject to performance, and with the agreement of both parties, the appointment will be confirmed at the end of the formal trial period.
For support and guidance on organising the detail(s) of a trial period contact your HR Advisor or HR Partner in the first instance.
During an informal or formal trial period the Recruiting Manager (or assigned line manager for the position) needs to set out clear objectives for the trial period with the employee and hold regular reviews to monitor progress and support the employee.
It is advised that all meetings during the trial period are documented by the Recruiting Manager and that the expectations for the role are clearly explained to the redeployee.
If a trial period is 4 weeks long it is recommended that weekly reviews are organised.
If the trial period is longer than 4 weeks it is recommended that at least bi-weekly reviews are organised.
What does a successful trial look like?
A trial is succeeding if the redeployee is able to perform as you would expect a new employee to perform against the requirements of the role. Please remember that they may not be able to hit the ground running but they should show the necessary potential to fulfil all aspects of the job with a reasonable amount of training and within a reasonable period of time.
Recruiting Managers are advised to contact their HR Advisor or HR Partner if they need support assessing a redeployee during a trial period.
What happens when the Trial Period ends?
Before the trial period ends the line manager for the position will receive an email to remind them that the trial period is coming to a close. If at any stage the trial is deemed to be failing or have failed then the line manager is advised to discuss this with their HR Partner to ensure that the redeployee is appropriately supported, communicated with and contractual arrangements are followed.
At the end of the trial the line manager must return the Trial Outcome Form to the HR Administration to confirm the outcome.
If a trial is successful then the employee will be confirmed in post.