Profile gallery

Profile galleries (previously gallerific) are an effective and impressive way to display a group of profile photos and associcated descriptive text. This has most commonly been used for small staff departments and a collection of student profiles.

They are a visually impressive asset to display staff profiles, but should not be used to replace standard staff lists where the main purpose is to list a large number of staff with contact details. They should be the main focus of the page and can appear in both full width and 2 column layouts.

Profile galleries should be used in moderation and used for a small collection of staff or students, rather than a whole department. Due to the image sizes they do slow down the loading of a page which needs to be taken into consideration for mobile users. 

Images should be cropped square to no less than 465 x 465 pixels. All images need to be in the same style and ideally the same background. The best galleries are with photographs taken by a professional photographer all in the same day in the same location. Text is restricted to 75-100 words. When previewing the gallery it is essential to check that the text has not created a gap between the bottom of the large photo and the thumbnails. The profile text should be written in a consistent style for all people. 

The gallery is set up with two Content templates as a minimum: 

Profiles container code

This is a simple template that only requires a name, as with all content items, keep the name useful i.e. Include the name of the group of people in the gallery.

Profiles item set

This template stores eight profiles at a time, the first profile is compulsory for obvious reasons, but we recommend that you have a minimum of 5 profiles to start with. Ideally this template should be full. 

  • Profile [x] order number - this needs to be in order and carry on from the previous set if you have more that 8,
  • Profile [x] title - Keep this to the persons name only. Their title and qualifications can appear in the text below if essential,
  • Profile [x] text - As mentioned above, keep this simple and concise,
  • Profile [x] image - This needs to be 465 pixels square,
  • Profile [x] YouTube embed - This is for a youtube video id. It can only be used if there isn't a photo selected, 
  • Profile [x] link URL - This create's a 'Read more' link that allows you to link to a larger profile page. 

This set of content elements is repeated seven times. 

To reorder the profiles you need to copy and paste the text from one set to another. The 'Profile order ID' will not change the order of the images. It's useful to copy one set to notepad so you can copy and paste within the template more easily.