Template overview

Template Function Can appear:
Acc: www page Set page layout, hide breadcrumb and right nav, insert rich text Main column
Accordions Break up content into vertically stacked boxes Main column
Tabs Break up content into tabbed interface Main column
Profile gallery Display a group of profile photos and associcated text Main column
Highlight content panel Highlight: text, quotes, YouTube videos and images Main column
Right column
Feature boxes Highlight key site features on home and landing pages Main column
Carousels Display multiple scrolling images or single images Main column
Video embed Embed YouTube videos Main column
Right column
Call to action Draw attention to up to three important links on a page Right column
Generic highlight button Draw attention to one important link on a page Right column
Flickr gallery Displays multiple thumbnail images which can be clicked to enlarge. Main column
Quotes (scrolling) Displays a single quote or multiple scrolling quotes Main column
Right column