Overview of employability schemes

Ask An Alum

The Ask An Alum is a fuss-free way to connect with University of Exeter alumni to ask careers questions. You can be introduced to alumni working in your field of interest…whatever that may be at the time of applying!

Aspiring Teachers

Aspiring Teachers pulls together a range of opportunities on campus for those interested in a career in teaching or education.

Career Development for Sustainability

Career Development for Sustainability enables students from any discipline and any year of study to develop their skills and gain experiences in the sustainability sector.

Career Mentor Scheme

Two students are seated at a table, engaged with a laptop in front of them, focused on their work.

The Career Mentor Scheme matches a student or graduate with an experienced professional, for sector insight and one-to-one careers advice and guidance, over a 6 month period.

Create Your Future

Unique to Exeter,  Create Your Future is for 1st year students providing the opportunity to think about what you want from your future, and the practical steps to get there.

Gateway to Careers

The Gateway to Careers programmes offer students insights and experience in typically hidden career pathways.

Get Ready to Graduate

Get Ready to Graduate has information if you are about to complete studies and graduate from Exeter. 

Global Employability

Global employment

Information about support for Global Employability including the Global Leaders Experience. 

Grand Challenges

Grand Challenges - Forum shot

A project week in which you will work in interdisciplinary groups with other like-minded students to design innovative solutions to real-world sustainability problems. 

Green Consultants

Green Consultants logo

Green Consultants is an award winning programme designed to provide students with additional skills and experience required to work in the highly competitive environmental and sustainability sector.


The HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) is an enhanced transcript that provides information on academic achievements, prizes and awards as well as selected extra curricular achievements.

Professional Pathways

Professional Pathways - PACH

The Professional Pathways programme is a suite of sector-specific training courses and paid 35-hour internships that take place in June and July.

The Exeter Award

Exeter Award logo

The Exeter Award is an employability achievement award for current undergraduate and taught postgraduate students. It will help you stand out from the crowd and give you the confidence to shout about the experiences you've had at university.

The Exeter Leaders Award

Exeter Leaders Award logo

The Exeter Leaders Award is for students who are keen to develop their leadership skills. It will help you reflect on your leadership style and techniques, and set clear, achievable goals for self-development.