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Graduate Profile

Jamie Pitts

Jamie Pitts, BSc Sociology and Criminology (2017)

'Many smaller charities have graduate-level opportunities, don't be afraid to reach out them directly.'

Executive Project Manager, Cancer Research UK

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What can I do with a degree in Criminology?

The below offers a selection of the destinations University of Exeter graduates from Criminology have gone on to. The information below is not exhaustive, however it does highlight the range of job and further study options available to you after your studies.

If you would like to learn more about any of the jobs listed below you may wish to browse the job profiles on the Prospects website.

Careers with a degree in Criminology

Recent Exeter Criminology graduates have entered a wide range of careers. Some recent examples include:*

  • Performance and Policy Officer
  • Prison Officer
  • Project Support Officer
  • Research Assistant
  • Special Constable
  • Strategic Analyst
  • Regional Policy Officer (OPCC)
  • Criminal intelligence Analyst


Many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don't restrict your thinking to the jobs listed above.

Other resources:

* Data taken from aggregating the responses from full-time, first degree, UK domiciled students who completed 2017/18 and 2018/19 Graduate Outcomes surveys (ordered from most popular to least).

Employers of Exeter alumni with a degree in Criminology

Recent Exeter Criminology graduates have entered a wide range of careers. Some recent examples include:*

 Other resources:

* Data taken from aggregating the responses from full-time, first degree, UK domiciled students who completed 2017/18 and 2018/19 Graduate Outcomes surveys.


An Exeter Criminology degree will arm you with some great employability skills including:

  • Collecting, analysing and interpret complex data. You will be trained by Q-Step in applied data and analysis skills which can be used to help investigate the nature of crime
  • Statistical and other quantitative techniques to retrieve and analyse information
  • Social research and technical skills suitable for careers in the criminal justice system, NGO’s, or research based careers
  • Transferable skills relating to communication, organisation, teamwork and critical reasoning

Further Study

Around 39% of Exeter graduates in Criminology go on to pursue further study within 15 months of completing their undergraduate degree. Some recent progression routes include:

  • MSc Applied Social Data Science
  • MSc Psychology (Conversion)

Useful resources:

* Data taken from aggregating the responses from full-time, first degree, UK domiciled students who completed 2017/18 and 2018/19 Graduate Outcomes surveys.

**Individual course names were taken from the University of Exeter's Career Destination survey (2018/19 & 2019/20) as this information is not collected within the Graduate Outcomes survey.