Relocation Assistance Scheme

The relocation assistance scheme for new appointments is not a contractual benefit. The University will exercise its discretion whether to offer relocation assistance to new appointments. Where relocation assistance is offered, this will be detailed in the letter of appointment. Claims for relocation assistance are subject to the principles and procedures of the University Expenses policy. It is important that you read this BEFORE making any claims. 

You should also read the Frequently Asked Questions which provide more information on what expenditure can be reimbursed.

All members of staff are expected to live in a location compatible with the fulfilment of their duties.

When you have moved, you should amend your new home address and telephone number in slef service the using this link Trent Self Service


Who is eligible?

A successful applicant to a post paid on grades E and above who lives more than an hour away from their University work location (as notified in their letter of appointment) may be offered assistance with their relocation to an address significantly closer to their University work location. If relocation assistance is offered to you, this will be stated in your letter of appointment.

Staff appointed to Marie Curie Fellowships are not entitled to relocation under the University's relocation assistance scheme since the Marie Curie Mobility Allowance includes provision for relocation.

Staff taking up an offer of relocation assistance will normally be expected to move to an address that is within 30 miles and 45 minutes commuting time of their University work location. Exceptions to this must be agreed in advance (in writing) with the faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Head of Service and the Director of Human Resources.

Travelling and removal costs will include your cohabitant partner and your unmarried dependant children under the age of sixteen or in full-time education at the time of appointment.

How much can I claim?

The maximum sum which can be claimed in respect of relocation assistance will be specified in the letter of appointment. There will be a lower rate of assistance for short-term appointments. New employees to appointments for an initial fixed term of up to and including one year are not eligible for relocation assistance.

Claims for relocation assistance are subject to the principles and procedures of the  University Expenses policy. It is important that you read this BEFORE making any claims. 

You should also read the  Frequently Asked Questions which provide more information on what expenditure can be reimbursed.

Length of contract  Amount of relocation assistance
Fixed term of up to and including one year  not eligible 
Fixed term of more than one year and up to and including two years  5% of annual starting salary
Fixed term of more than two years and up to and including three years  7.5% of annual starting salary
Open-ended or for fixed term of more than three years  10% of annual starting salary or £8,000 (whichever is the lower) 

What kind of expenses can I claim?

The University anticipates that relocation expenses reimbursed will fall within the categories which HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) allows to be paid without a charge to tax. Claims for relocation assistance are subject to the principles and procedures of the  University Expenses policy. It is important that you read this BEFORE making any claims. You should also read the  Frequently Asked Questions which provide more information on what expenditure can be reimbursed.

It is therefore expected that this assistance will contribute to the following expenses:

  • the cost of the removal of household effects, including books, to the employee’s new home;
  • the costs of storage (where it is not possible for the employee to move immediately into their new home);
  • legal and estate agent fees connected with the sale and purchase of residence;
  • survey fee on the property which is finally purchased;
  • the disconnection and reconnection of appliances, including telephone installation/transfer charges;
  • relaying carpets. (Note: HMRC will not permit any expenses relating to new carpets)

(This is only a brief summary of the expenses which are covered by HM Revenue & Customs regulations: you should read the Relocation FAQ and contact Human Resources for clarification before submitting your claim).

How do I make a claim?

Non-taxable relocation claims (all those up to £8k and submitted within the designated time scales) should be submitted via the University T1 System  Expenses

Please see the T1  Relocation Expenses Crib Sheet for help with submitting your relocation expenses.

To meet HM Revenue & Customs regulations, which allow the payment of relocation expenses without taxation being incurred, all claims for payment must be accompanied by proof of expenditure (i.e receipt)

Taxable relocation i.e. any amount over the HMRC tax free element of £8k and any relocation reclaimed outside of the tax-free period should be claimed by completing the taxable relocation form and submitting to the pay and benefits team for processing  Taxable Expenses Form

Claims for relocation assistance are subject to the principles and procedures of the  University Expenses policy. It is important that you read this BEFORE making any claims. 

You should also read the  Frequently Asked Questions which provide more information on what expenditure can be reimbursed.

You will need to reach out to the Finance team within your faculty for the correct finance cost code which you should use when submitting your claims. Please find the contact email addresses below: (Professional Services)

Is there a time limit for submitting claims?

HM Revenue & Customs rules require that the sum has to be claimed by the end of the tax year following the commencement of your new appointment.

For example:

  • new employee A commences employment on 1 July 2021: they must submit their final claim by the end of the 2022/23 tax year, ie 5 April 2023.
  • new employee B commences employment on 1 March 2022: they must submit their final claim by the end of the 2022/23 tax year, ie 5 April 2023.

In exceptional circumstances, the Director of Human Resources (with the support of your faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Head of Service) may agree that relocation expenses can be claimed outside of the HMRC time period. However the relocation becomes taxable rather than tax-free.

In these instances, taxable relocation should be claimed by completing and submitting a taxable expenses form to the Pay and Benefits team Taxable Expenses Form

Application to couples

The University's Relocation Assistance Scheme is intended to support new employees with the relocation of their family home closer to their new workplace. Consequently the scheme applies to the move of one home and where a couple (whether married, in a civil partnership or cohabiting) are both appointed to positions at the University, only one will be entitled to relocation assistance under this scheme. Where this applies, the new appointees should confirm with HR Services which partner is covered by this scheme.

What if I decide to leave the employment of the University?

In view of the significant costs involved in providing relocation assistance any member of staff who resigns from their post within the first three years of commencing their appointment will be required to repay a percentage of the money that they have received according to the following scale:

  • Resignation during first year: 75%
  • Resignation within second year: 50%
  • Resignation within third year: 25%

The sum must be repaid to the University no later than the final day of employment and will be deducted from their final salary payment. (Should this be insufficient to cover the outstanding debt the individual will reimburse the University immediately by some other means acceptable to the University).