Elevate 2024

An innovative leadership and development programme for women from minority ethnic groups (January – June 2024)

Applications have now closed for this year. (Deadline: Wednesday 1st November 2023). 


The University is funding these places through Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and People Development funds with no cost to the applicant. 

Following the success of our previous cohort, we are pleased to announce that the Elevate leadership programme will again be offered for the 2023-24 academic year. 

Elevate is a creative personal and professional development programme that acknowledges and celebrates the history, culture and diverse lived experiences of participants. It will encourage participants to reflect, explore and grow through connecting and building solidarity together.

The programme creates a unique opportunity to meet, share, support and learn together. Elevate will be a safe space where leadership concepts and ideas will be introduced whilst exploring strategies that support the navigation of systemic practices which have tended to historically fix the professional identities of women from minority ethnic backgrounds.

Elevate recognises that prospective participants are ready to embrace and take on leadership responsibilities, but face differentiated lived experiences in employment, education and in wider society from their white counterparts

Elevate will be transformational and will centre on the lived experiences and development needs of women of colour. You will be the key focus!


Who is Elevate for?

The Elevate programme is aimed at women from Academic staff (grades D-G) and Professional Services staff (grades C-G) from Black, Asian or Minority ethnic backgrounds and who identify as female.

The Elevate programme welcomes trans women and also non-binary people who are comfortable in a female centred community.

The Elevate programme brings together colleagues from across six universities in the South West of England and South Wales: Bristol, Bath, Bath Spa, Cardiff, Exeter, and UWE Bristol.

Elevate recognises that prospective participants are ready to embrace and take on leadership responsibilities, but face differentiated lived experiences in employment, education and in wider society from their white counterparts. Elevate will be transformational and will centre the lived experiences and development needs of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic women. You will be the key focus!

*We recognise the diversity of individual identities and lived experiences, and we recognize that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic is an imperfect term that does not fully capture the racial, cultural, and ethnic identities of women that experience structural and systematic inequality. Whenever possible, we will name programme participants as they themselves prefer to be named.


Elevate will:

  • Create spaces for participants to explore the development of their leadership and critically evaluate their professional position in Higher Education
  • Introduce different leadership styles and approaches, and encourage participants to develop their own authentic leadership style and to increase their influence in institutions
  • Support participants to reclaim strengths and talents as well as acknowledge their development needs and commence an action plan to meet their needs
  • Empower using culturally informed methodologies including recapturing oral histories, storytelling, live capturing and centralised voicing
  • Centralise participants as women of colour in the learning context, exploring their identity


"It's helped me feel empowered to do everything I want to and make steps to achieve the goals I have set for myself. It has also helped me re-evaluate what is most important to me and will help me become a better leader."Elevate 2023 Participant  

"The programme will be like nothing you have ever experienced and you will be thankful you participated. Enter the programme with an open mind and be open to be challenged. You are a co-producer of the experience and so show up. Carve out the time to be present as much as you can. Be fearless, vulnerable, and lean into the experience." - Advice from an Elevate 2023 Participant  

“This programme has been overwhelmingly transformative, giving me a space to reflect deeply on what I have achieved in my professional and personal life, as well as how I would like to go forward with developing these areas.” – Elevate 2022 Participant  

“The program opened the door for me to begin a journey of self-reflection and working on aspects that were stopping me from making bold moves in my career. I'm now less scared of change and have a new realization of my skills and experience and that I can flourish wherever I choose to go.” Elevate 2022 Participant

  1. Gain your line manager’s support: their active commitment to the programme (and/or an assigned sponsor) will be fundamental to your development journey. They will need to endorse your application and will be expected to advocate for you and ensure that your development time is protected. Guidance for managers can be found below.
  2. Check that you can make all of the session dates and provisionally book them in your calendar
  3. Complete the Elevate 2024 Application Form by 23:59 on Wednesday 1st November at the latest and send it to edi@exeter.ac.uk 
  4. Ask your line manager to complete an Elevate Endorsement Form 2024 to support your application by 23:59 on Wednesday 1st November at the latest and send it to edi@exeter.ac.uk 

Candidates will be informed of the outcome of their application by the end of November 2023

Contact us

If you have any questions about the programme, any of the application steps, are experiencing any technical difficulties or if there are any other barriers to you participating that we might be able to help with, please contact  Beau Bell, EDI Manager: b.bell@exeter.ac.uk 

This information is intended for line managers supporting a team member who is applying for the Elevate programme. This includes information about the application process, the Elevate programme, and the line manager workshops. 

Elevate Line Manager Guidance

You will also need to complete an endorsement form on behalf of the team member you line manage who is applying for the programme. This needs to be completed and emailed to edi@exeter.ac.uk by 23:59 on Wednesday 1st November at the latest. Elevate Endorsement Form 2024 


Contact us

If you have any questions about the programme, any of the application steps, are experiencing any technical difficulties or if there are any other barriers to you supporting your team member to take part that we might be able to help with, please contact  Beau Bell, EDI Manager: b.bell@exeter.ac.uk 

The programme will run between January and June 2024.

  • Participants areexpected to attend all sessions of the whole programme.  

  • All applicants must ensure they hold the programme dates in their calendars. 

We strive to make sure that our development programmes are accessible for all staff and meet your learning needs. If there are any factors which you feel would be a barrier to you accessing or participating in any of the online or offline elements of this programme, please get in touch so that we can discuss this in more detail. Please email Beau Bell at B.Bell@exeter.ac.uk to discuss this or any other questions.

We understand that there may be unforeseen circumstances whereby a participant is unable to attend a specific programme date. If this is the case, please get in touch as soon as possible. 

Session Date Time Venue
Modules 1 & 2     Weds 24th January 9:30am-4:30pm Engineers House
Intro to Action Learning Tues 30th January 10am-12pm Online
Action Learning Set 1  Mon 5th February 10am-12pm Online
Module 3 Thurs 22nd February 9:30am-4:30pm Online
Action Learning Set 2 Tues 27th February 10am-12pm Online
Modules 4 & 5 Tues 19th March 9:30am-4:30pm Engineers House
Action Learning Set 3 Tues 16th April 10am-12pm Online
Module 6 Thursday 25th April 9:30-1pm Online
Action Learning Set 4 Thursday 2nd May 10am-12pm Online
Module 7 / Final Day Tues 18th June 9:30am-4:30pm Engineers House

In person workshops will be held at Engineers House, Clifton, Bristol. Please discuss with your line manager about getting transport, or other assosciated costs covered at department level. The enrolment fee will be covered centrally. 

Please note that times may be subject to change. Please carefully check the programme information you will be sent before each session.  

As a guide, the overall time commitment to engage effectively with the programme averages approximately 1.5 days per month (including scheduled and unscheduled activities). 


If successful, you will be invited to an informal introductory 1:1 with one of the programme facilitators before the start of the programme
You will also receive a programme handbook with further information about the facilitation team and the various different elements of the programme, to help you to prepare.

If you need to withdraw from the programme, please get in touch with us as soon as possible, so that we can reallocate your place. 

You will be matched with a mentor from one of the other Elevate Universities ready for the beginning of the programme. Mentors and mentees will meet online approximately four times between January and July 2024.