Policy videos
University of Exeter academics share their experience of engaging with policy makers
Professor Claire Dunlop, former Director of Policy@Exeter and public policy and administration scholar, highlights the importance of supporting academics in providing evidence to policymakers.
Dr Nick Kirsop-Taylor, former Deputy Director of Policy@Exeter and environmental governance scholar, talks about how policy engagement fits within the University’s 2030 Strategy
Dr Felicity Thomas, co-director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center on Culture and Health, shares her experience working on international policy.
Professor Christopher Hyde, Exeter Test Group Lead and health technology assessment specialist, talks about policy engagement as the connection to why he started working in healthcare
Professor Tamara Galloway, Professor of Ecotoxicology, describes how her research meant that four thousand tonnes of plastic less a year is reaching the marine environment.
Professor Mark Thompson, Director of the Initiative in the Digital Economy at Exeter (INDEX), discusses the role that technology can play in safeguarding public services.
Professor Sabina Leonelli, Co-Director and Data Science Theme Lead for the Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Egenis), stresses the importance of being aware of the broader issues in your research area
Dr Federico Botta, Lecturer in Data Science, discusses his experience of working with the Data Science team in 10 Downing Street
Professor Pascale Aebischer shares her experience of coordinating the AHRC-funded Pandemic and Beyond project and working with Policy@Exeter