Further support

I'm feeling suicidal / I'm worried about someone who might be suicidal.  

The Occupational Health team provides confidential advice for keeping healthy at work. 

Our Spectrum Life Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) gives wellbeing support 24/7, 365 days a year. 

If you can't find what you're looking for here or in our Indexplease email us

Alcohol and Drugs

Read stories shared by your colleagues about their experience of alcohol here and drugs here

Colleagues who suspect or are aware that they have a problem with substance abuse are encouraged to seek support through the below options and/or via their doctor.

Spectrum Life

  • Spectrum Life is our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) which is a confidential, neutral service provided by an external company to support colleagues at the University. 

University support

External support for alcohol use

  • Alcohol Change is the national agency on alcohol misuse for England and Wales. Drinkline runs a free, confidential helpline for people who are concerned about their drinking, or someone else's. Providing general information about alcohol and helping to put you in touch with your nearest alcohol advice center. National drink helpline Drinkline: 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am – 8pm and weekends 11am – 4pm). They have also created a handy Unit Calculator.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Great Britain (AA) is concerned with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individuals with alcohol addiction. National Helpline: 0800 917 7650 (free).
  • We are with you are a UK wide treatment agency, helping individuals, families and communities to manage the effects of drug and alcohol misuse.

External support for drug use

  • Talk to Frank provides honest information about drugs including an A-Z as well as friendly and confidential advice. Helpline: 0800 77 66 00.
  • Drug Wise provides drug information which is topical, evidence-based and non-judgmental – and promotes this through media work, public speaking and lecturing.
  • Re-solv is a National Charity dedicated to the prevention of solvent and volatile substance abuse. Helpline: 01785 817885. 

External support for addictions

  • EDP Drug & Alcohol Services are passionate about supporting individuals who face complex issues, including substance misuse, mental ill health, and other harmful, addictive and offending behaviour, to improve their health, wellbeing and employability. They work primarily in the South West, providing services across Devon and Dorset. 
  • Action on Addiction is a registered charity formed in May 2007 through the merger of Action on Addiction, Clouds and the Chemical Dependency Centre.
  • Rehab 4 Addiction can help with alcohol and drug rehab, detox services, intervention, aftercare and outpatient counselling. They can connect you/your loved one with more than 70 addiction treatment providers located across the UK and abroad.
  • NHS Talking Therapies (previously called IAPT)- an NHS support you can refer yourself directly to for talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), counselling, other therapies and guided self-help.