Global Leaders Experience Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) below for students interested in applying for a Global Leaders Programme

The Global Leaders Experience is funded to support disadvantaged and under-represented home, undergraduate students by providing short outbound mobility opportunities to those meeting very specific criteria. The scheme is funded through ring-fenced funds from home/UG student tuition fees and is part of the University’s commitment to the higher education regulator, the Office for Students, to close gaps in graduate outcomes between home UG widening participation students and their peers. These measures are outlined in our Access and Participation Plan which has been approved by the Office for Students.  Monitoring of this this programme and its expenditure is reported to the regulator. The regulatory requirements and associated funding relate to students paying regulated fees only i.e. home/UG and home/PGCE students. 

For more information about the Access and Participation plan please look at the University website here:Access and Participation Plan  

Some of our Global Leaders Experiences are open to all students and where relevant, this will be stated clearly in the eligibility criteria. Each Global Leaders Experience has an individual webpage so please check each eligibility criteria carefully.  

If the eligibility criteria specifies that you must meet at least one of the widening participation criteria, then you will be unable to apply. If you submit an application without meeting the criteria your application will be rejected 

If you need to update your record, please log an enquiry with the Student Records team via SID online. This may take a while to pull through so if you want to submit an application for a Global Leaders Experience while this change is taking place, please feel free to send the email communication with SID to as confirmation.

We are committed to providing these opportunities to as many students as possible so where additional funding allows, there will be space for international students to apply. This will be stated clearly in the eligibility criteria.  

If the programme dates fall before your last registered day as a student with the University, i.e mid-June of your graduating year, you will be eligible to apply for a Global Leaders Experience.

No; if the Global Leaders Experience falls during the year you are on placement or study abroad, you are not eligible to apply.

No; if you are not currently, or will be, registered as a full-timestudent when the Global Leaders Experience takes place, you are not eligible to apply.

There is no limit to the number of applications you can make, however other applications may be prioritised if you have attended a Global Leaders Experience (or other Career Zone led experiential programme) in the current, or previous academic year. 

Applications are assessed anonymously by two or more of the Partnerships and Global Employability team. The application form consists of three short answer questions that ask what you would like to gain from the programme, questions about your personal details ie contact information and degree programme, and finally an agreement of terms and conditions.  

If you would like some guidance applying, please check out the Career Zone website for helpful tips including the STAR method:  

Each Global Leaders Experience has its own closing date, and we will not respond to individual applications until the closing date has passed. We aim to respond to your application within two weeks of closing but if you haven’t heard by this point you are welcome to email us at and can also contacts us with any specific questions.  

The following costs are pre-paid for by the University of Exeter: 

  • Return travel from the UK departure point to the destination city 

  • Accommodation in the destination city  

  • Breakfast each morning at the accommodation 

  • Programme fees (including online programmes) 


The costs you can expect to pay yourself are: 

  • Most lunches and dinners while on the programme 

  • Activities you choose to undertake in your free time 

  • Visa costs 

  • Travel to and from the UK departure point (if you meet the widening participation criteria there will be a travel bursary available, please see next point for details) 

If you meet the widening participation criteria you will be able to claim travel costs to and from the UK departure point (for example from campus to an airport or train station) if student discounts are used; receipts must be provided.  

Claims can be made up to amaximum of £100. This limit is for the whole journey, i.e. not £100 each way and claims above the limit will be rejected. Please note that the travel bursary cannot be used for additional accommodation unless in exceptional circumstances and must be checked and approved with first.  

Accommodation is booked on a room sharing basis and is split by gender (based on student-declared gender identity). In exceptional circumstances where accessibility or welfare needs are presented, we may be able to arrange individual rooms. Rooms will typically be shared between 2 or 3 students.