Information for employers

From 2014, Exeter undergraduates, and from 2015, taught postgraduates have been able to issue you with a secure link to view their HEAR, providing you with detailed academic information plus extracurricular and co-curricular achievements that can be verified by the University.  The system we have adopted cuts out a tier of bureaucracy and puts the student in charge of releasing their transcript, providing fast access to the information you require.  

Any recent graduate from an undergraduate or taught postgraduate programme will be able to email you a secure link providing access to their HEAR, for a period of time defined by the student.  The HEAR is intended to be a secure electronic document that cannot be tampered with, so please note that the University can only authenticate the HEAR in its original electronic form.

The HEAR national website has a quick guide for employers and a detailed guide for employers.

Please note that if you are using an Adobe program or web browser plugin to view a HEAR you have requested from an Exeter graduate, you may see a message at the top of the screen indicating that Adobe cannot verify the author of the PDF.  This is a technical issue concerning Adobe certification and can be safely ignored.

Section 6.1 Glossary and further information

We have tried to keep section 6.1 of the Exeter HEAR as concise as possible. The following glossary defines terminology that may be specific to the University of Exeter, as well as providing further details to help put our students' achievements in context.

The Athletic Union (AU) is responsible for providing students with the best sporting experience whilst they complete their degree at Exeter.  With over 8,000 members, the AU caters for all levels of sport within 50 clubs, with some of their high performance athletes competing on the international stage.

The AU also offer the Sports Volunteering Scheme, through which students have the opportunity to volunteer in a sporting capacity and gain formal qualifications in return.

The Exeter Award is an employability achievement award for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students.  The Award comprises the following elements:

  • 35 hours work experience/volunteering
  • CV/application form session
  • Two personal development skills sessions (eg. time management, presentations skills, negotiation skills, negotiation skills, active listening, teamwork skills)
  • One optional element
  • Application form
  • Interview skills plus mock interview

Approximately 2000 students register for the Award each year, it is a rolling programme and students can complete in their own time. Approximately 500 students complete each year.

» Exeter Award

The Exeter Leaders Award provides progression from the Exeter Award and is open to undergraduate and taught postgraduate students. It aims to recognise and develop leadership in our students and comprises the following elements:

  • Complete the Exeter Award
  • Fulfil a formal leadership role over a sustained period
  • Leadership skills session
  • Managing people skills session
  • Attend at least two other employability activities such as the following skills sessions:
    • Strategic Thinking
    • Project Management
  • Application form
  • Presentation to panel

Approximately 70 students complete the Leaders Award each year.

» Exeter Leaders Award

Exeter Students' Guild organises a wide range of activities that students at Streatham and St Luke's campuses can get involved with, this includes student societies, volunteering projects, departmental reps and Guild committees. 

Further information can be found at Exeter Students' Guild.

Grand Challenges is a week-long summer programme in which Exeter undergraduates work together in interdisciplinary research groups, alongside some of our top academics, to tackle some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, including the obesity crisis, gender equality, population pressures, climate change, sustainable food production, conservation, mental health and global security.

Aims of Grand Challenges

  • To encourage research-inspired, innovative, multi-disciplinary, enquiry-led learning and improve the employability attributes of our graduates
  • Student-led, enabling at least a core group of students to co-create the Challenges across the year and to deliver them in the Grand Challenges week
  • A challenging, fun and engaging learning experience
  • Engaging employers, alumni, honorary graduates, local businesses and the local community

» Grand Challenges

The Students’ Union (SU), represents University of Exeter’s students studying in Cornwall and Falmouth University students at both Penryn and Falmouth.

The SU also provides a range of support and recreational opportunities for students.  They have close links with voluntary and sporting organisations across Cornwall and are keen to develop more working relationships with local partners to enable students to participate in activities and make a positive contribution to the wider community. With over 100 student led clubs and societies and a range of volunteering opportunities and support there is plenty for students to get involved with alongside their studies.

Further information about SU activities can be found at