Filming insurance guidelines

What insurance cover does the University hold?

  • Public Liability insurance - £50 million any one claim

Cover for legal costs and personal injury/damages claims awarded to the film crew where the University is held legally liable for the damage/injury.

What insurance cover should the film crew hold?

  • Employer’s liability insurance – minimum £5 million

Cover for legal costs and personal injury suffered by the film crew as a direct result of carrying out their duties of work.

  • Public liability insurance – see table below for limit that should be requested

Cover for legal costs and personal injury/damages claims to University property, staff and students where the film crew is held legally liable as a result of its actions and/or omissions whilst carrying out its business activities. This may include damages for invasion of privacy, breach of intellectual property rights etc.

What limit of public liability cover?

The following table may be used as a guide as to the minimum levels of cover that should be in place:

Type of film crew Risk  Limit of indemnity
1-3 film crew, hand held battery operated equipment Very low level of risk - eg no trailing cables, low voltage. Filming small scale so unlikely to cause disruption/invade others' privacy. £2,000,000 (may accept £1,000,000 - refer to insurance office)
3-5 film crew, some equipment not hand held Low level of risk - eg possibility of trailing cable causing trip hazard. Some possibility of causing disruption/invading privacy. £5,000,000 (may accept £2,000,000 - refer to insurance office)
5+ film crew, bulkier equipment with cabling Moderate level of risk - eg possibility of trailing cable causing trip hazard. Higher possibility of causing disruption/invading privacy. £5,000,000

Contact: Legal Services