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Gender equality action plan

Gender equality action plan

Below is a summary of key areas of the University of Exeter's gender equality action plan 2024-28 (PDF). You can also view our 2024 Athena Swan Silver application (PDF).

The University's Gender Equality Group monitors and reviews the action plan.

This work is aligned to our Race Equality Charter action plan 2023-27, LGBTQ+ action plan, Disability equality action plan (available online soon), and Mental Health Charter programme.

We will reduce our mean gender pay gap to ​10% by 2027 and 5% by 2030. These targets are agreed with the University Council. They exclude casual ('adhoc/eClaims') staff, though we have specific actions to address related issues. 

What does this involve?​

  • Improving data collection, analysis, evaluation and research
  • Investigating gender inequalities affecting our adhoc/eClaims colleagues
  • Aligning this work to our Race Equality Charter action plan

See pages 1-2 in our gender equality action plan 2024-28 for more information.

We will increase opportunities to share gender equality knowledge and best practice, developing our structures and sustaining progress to support future departmental and institutional Gold applications. Our goal is to have at least two departmental Gold awards by 2029, and all academic departments and professional services divisions to hold awards by 2029.

What does this involve?

See pages 2-3 in our gender equality action plan 2024-28 for more information.

Please contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team at about current or future departmental applications.

We will ensure all University of Exeter governance, decision-making, and committee structures are intersectional, representative, and inclusive in membership and practice. This includes embedding gender equality across our new structures.

What does this involve?

  • Reviewing Equality Groups Terms of Reference and memberships​
  • Reviewing EDI mandatory training and introducing intersectional anti-racism training​
  • Increasing male colleagues' participation and engagement in gender equality work

See pages 3-5 in our gender equality action plan 2024-28 for more information.

We will continue to address under-representation in student and staff pipelines. We will also focus on representation in senior academic and leadership roles, and supporting development and career progression.

What does this involve?

See pages 5-7 in our gender equality action plan 2024-28 for more information.

We will take an intersectional approach to improving gendered and other disparities negatively impacting staff and students' experience and engagement, with a focus on caring and wellbeing​.

What does this involve?​

  • Reviewing policies, training and support so they are inclusive of menopause​
  • Ensuring provision for pregnant and breastfeeding colleagues across all campuses
  • Promoting initiatives for supporting men's mental health
  • Increasing disability disclosures to support colleagues with adjustments

See pages 7-8 in our gender equality action plan 2024-28 for more information.

We will ensure our culture is inclusive of, and increases a sense of belonging​ for, trans and non-binary staff and students. We will also​ improve satisfaction and wellbeing​.

What does this involve?​

  • Collaborating with our staff networks, student groups, and community partners​ on toolkits, workshops and more
  • Undertaking a University-wide review of trans and non-binary inclusion within our mental health ​and wellbeing services and resources

See pages 8-9 in our gender equality action plan 2024-28 for more information.

We will continue our work to tackle bullying, harassment and gender-based violence. We will also foster a safe and inclusive culture for all our community, building confidence and trust in our reporting mechanisms among staff and students from minoritised groups.

What does this involve?

See pages 9-11 in our gender equality action plan 2024-28 for more information.